Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 75mm f/1.8 Lens (Black)

Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 75mm f/1.8 Lens (Black)
B&H Photo Video (256)

Excellent MFT lens

Jul 29, 2014

I was looking for a fixed fast lens to go with my E-M1 and 12-40mm f/2.8 PRO. I did quite a bit of research and this lens always came up as one the sharpest lens around. So when it was on sale on B&H, I took a chance and purchased it.I know from reading the specs that this lens would be smaller than the 12-40mm f/2.8 PRO. But setting the two lenses side by side, the 75mm f/1.8 looks tiny. Like the E-M1 and the 12-40mm f/2.8 PRO, it feels very sol... Show More

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Wonderful lens

Jul 26, 2014

I struggled for months on what lens to get - this or the Panasonic 35-100. I know people love this lens but I really wanted something with more reach. I keep hoping Panasonic or Olympus will announce a longer prime telephoto - is a 100mm f2 too much to ask? I couldn't resist the great reviews anymore and bought the 75mm. I'm very happy I did. For me, the magic quality of this lens is that it just seems to capture more detail. I love what it's doing for my E-P3. I also use the Panasonic 20mm and Olympus 45mm.

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Awesome Lens!

Jul 18, 2014

This is the sharpest lens I have ever owned. Perfect bokeh at all distances and razor sharp too.

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Great Quality

Jul 3, 2014

I bought this to go with my Olympus E-M5. Love the bokeh, sharpness, and colors I get from this lens. Auto-focus has been fast, and accurate for me so far. It fills in a nice mid-range telephoto length in my kit. My only issue, if you can call it that, is that I run into my max shutter speed on the E-M5 (1/4000) pretty easily in any normal light. Easily fixed by adding an ND filter. Very happy with the lens, if I do my part. The 150mm field of vi... Show More

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A sharp, fast prime lens

Jun 17, 2014

So far I have been using the lens for flower and garden photography where the relatively long focal length and large aperture create a short depth of field to separate a flower from the background. The lens is perfectly sharp with a soft clean bokeh. The raw files show no distortion, vignetting, or color aberration. The large aperture also permits use of a polarizer to control reflections, even on cloudy days. It is also an excellent portrait lens for most of the same reasons. The long focal length allows a good working distance from the subject.

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Superb lens!

Jun 2, 2014

This is one of the finest lens I have ever had! Extremely sharp, fine bokeh, smooth focusing.

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Nice Telephoto Lens

Jun 2, 2014

This is a good portrait lens with nice shallow DoF when wide open. Focusing is fast and smooth.

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Now I Have Two Favorite Lenses!

May 30, 2014

I recently bought this lens with an EM-1 and saved a couple hundred bucks. My other favorite lens is the 50mm f2 and these two compliment each other completely. First thing on the bill with new camera and lens was a wedding in Ohio and this lens with the EM-1 would do issolation shots from the second row or crops from the back row due to its excellent sharpness and the sensor of the EM-1. No need for a zoom. My first love is still the 50mm but th... Show More

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Excellent lens, not fast though.

May 14, 2014

This is a truly excellent lens. Its sharpness rivals my best Canon DSLR lenses. Beautifully built too. I returned mine though, because it's not predictable enough. I do feel a person could get used to this lens, but it's one of those lenses best described as quirky. Some lenses just take great pictures all the time, they're not fussy. This lens is fussy, The results can be spectacular, but it's not what I'd call a steady performer. You'll have to... Show More

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Beautiful lens

May 11, 2014

Tack sharp with instant auto-focus on my GX7. Focus fall off at open stops is gorgeous. Plus, it looks good. Only negative is no included sunshade. I suggest the Hoya 58mm rubber shade. At less than a third the price, it keeps the light off the glass just as well as the Olympus shade.

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Great lens

May 9, 2014

This lens is very sharp and very fast focusing. Works fine on my gh2 but I haven't tried slower shutter speeds yet hand held. I'm expecting it to be great, hand held, at shutter speed 200 and greater.

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5 Start portrait lens

May 8, 2014

High build quality, the focus ring is very smooth. Beautiful and almost perfect image bokeh. Love it.

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feeling of meticulous manufacturing

May 8, 2014

Amazed that such a fine optic contained in such a neat package. It mates beautifully with the OM-D E-M1 and feels so good in the hand.This is only my 2nd Olympus lens (after the kit 10-40mm lens) and I look forward to shooting with itnot for portraits as others have said, but as a medium telephoto. Those 2 lenses alone make up a kit that would work for almost any situation that didn't require extreme wide angle or telephoto.

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Great lens for M43

Apr 3, 2014

Great lens for night and portrait photography. Its a shame you have to buy the hood, and its a big expensive, but the best lens for M43.

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Believe it...

Feb 22, 2014

This is an upgrade from the very good 45/1.8. It produces a nice bokeh and allows a comfortable distance for portraiture. Good compact alternative to consumer tele zoom in your bag until the 40-150/2.8 shows up.

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A Black Beauty

Feb 20, 2014

Used it immediately on an important video shoot on Panasonic GX-7 and it worked like magic. A beautiful lens producing beautiful results. A joy to have.

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Feb 4, 2014

Would be an excellent if not for slight humming noise, also audible when shooting video. If you use external mic that is not a problem, but for built-in / plug-in one, definitely a problem. But as for optical and build quality, outstanding lens indeed.

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As good as it gets!

Jan 28, 2014

For working photographers tthis lens is superior in both built quality as optical performance. The large aprture on this telephoto lens makes it easy to be creative and to achieve the soft and pastel backgrounds in people shots.

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The sharpest lens I have ever owned

Jan 21, 2014

I have not seen resolution and image sharpness like this on any lens I have ever owned on any camera. Ming boggling details and sharpness what this lens produces, you have to see it to believe it. Great Lens!!!

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Terrific lens

Jan 20, 2014

I've been using this lens for about a month with my OM-D EM-1 and it really is quite good.

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A must for MFT camera

Dec 30, 2013

This is the best lens I have owned and I have owned 10 Canon EF L lens. This beats them all.

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Great Quality Lens

Dec 26, 2013

This lens just flat out takes great pictures. I hesitated in buying it because it was a lot of money and a bit of a tweener for me, I do a lot of landscape and wildlife and tend toward either wider or more telephoto lenses. But I put this on my camera and used it exclusively for a couple of weeks. For the 150 mm equivalent it is small and light (plastic, which is +/-) and takes incredible clear pictures and can give you that great bokeh. This is the real deal. It changed how I shot my local landscape. I love it.

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A staple for mFT

Dec 15, 2013

Sharp lens that focuses fast. Great companion for the 45mm 1.8. When you want to add a little compression and a different perspective, this is the lens for you!

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Sharpest M43 lens!

Dec 11, 2013

Very sharp even wide open. Lovely images come out whenever I use this lens. Highly recommended!

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Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 75mm f/1.8 Lens (Black)
$799 Used: $564.5 International shipping In Stock
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Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 75mm f/1.8 Lens (Silver)
$799 Used: $522.5 International shipping In Stock
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