Rode Rodecaster Pro Review

Podcast Production Studio

38,994 reviews
Rode Rodecaster Pro image
Rode Rodecaster Pro image
Rode Rodecaster Pro image
Rode Rodecaster Pro image
  • Podcast Studio in a Box
  • 4 Broadcast-Quality XLR Mic Inputs, +48V
  • 8 Faders to Control Audio Levels
  • Onboard & USB Multitrack Recording
  • Mix-Minus for Phone Call Interviews
  • APHEX Processing for Rich & Warm Voice
  • 4 Headphone Outputs for Host and Guests
  • 8 Programmable Pads for Instant Sound FX
  • USB Interface for Streaming


In this article, we delve into a detailed analysis of 38,994 user reviews from various languages worldwide to examine the Rode Rodecaster Pro. This analysis is performed by the RR artificial intelligence and updated daily with newly submitted reviews. The RR AI utilizes a complex algorithm to first scrutinize user reviews for credibility, filtering out unreliable ones. It then proceeds to dissect and evaluate the valuable insights within these reviews, providing users with ratings regarding the features of this product. Based on these assessments, users can make informed decisions about whether this product is suitable for them or not.

Ratings Based on Features

These results are a summary of user reviews of the Rode Rodecaster Pro. For example, 82% of 13,250 users who have commented on the Value for money of the Rode Rodecaster Pro have given positive feedback.

Value for money
82% of users are satisfied, based on 13,250 reviews
Sound quality
91% of users are satisfied, based on 7,504 reviews
Easy to use
85% of users are satisfied, based on 7,494 reviews
Volume control
82% of users are satisfied, based on 5,124 reviews
84% of users are satisfied, based on 4,071 reviews
87% of users are satisfied, based on 4,062 reviews
92% of users are satisfied, based on 2,380 reviews
Touch Screen
90% of users are satisfied, based on 1,744 reviews
98% of users are satisfied, based on 1,744 reviews
100% of users are satisfied, based on 1,692 reviews
Average Rating (38,994 ratings)
94% ( 2,380 ratings )
88% ( 2,379 ratings )
90% ( 1,744 ratings )
96% ( 1,692 ratings )
92% ( 1,688 ratings )
92% ( 1,688 ratings )
94% ( 1,687 ratings )
94% ( 1,687 ratings )
94% ( 1,687 ratings )
94% ( 1,687 ratings )
94% ( 1,684 ratings )
94% ( 1,684 ratings )
94% ( 1,683 ratings )
94% ( 1,681 ratings )
94% ( 1,681 ratings )
94% ( 1,681 ratings )
94% ( 1,681 ratings )
94% ( 1,681 ratings )
94% ( 1,681 ratings )
94% ( 1,681 ratings )
Adorama ( 1,678 ratings )
B&H Photo Video ( 1,118 ratings )
98% ( 831 ratings )
Thomann ( 135 ratings )
SweetWater ( 73 ratings )
Guitar Center ( 13 ratings )
Zzounds ( 4 ratings )
Reverb ( 3 ratings )
Musicians Friend ( 2 ratings )
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Highlighted Customer Reviews

Showing 1 to 20 of 235 Reviews

Simple and Effective

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Aug 21, 2019

Reviewed by David on B&H Photo Video

I've knocked out a handful of episodes with this Rodecaster Pro (RCP) in the last few weeks. The sound is clean. Using the RCP is simple. I'm coming from a Behringer mixer, manual mix-minus, single-channel output, etc. I thought I would miss the control I had. I don't. In fact, I've been surprised by how easily this RCP fit into my workflow - and how effortlessly it has expanded it. I'll explain. Moving from a manual mixer to this unit feels like moving from a stick shift to an automatic. The preamps are clean (noticeably cleaner than the ones on my previous mixer). The presets built-in actually feel like they do a slightly better job shaping my own voice. This unit is smaller and has fewer inputs, but realistically, the times I would use those extra inputs on my full mixer were... never. I typically record solo from my studio and bring guests in via Skype, Ringr, or Squadcast. All of that still works great - better, actually, because mix-minus is automatic for the TRRS, USB, and Bluetooth inputs. That, by the way, is a dream & worth every penny. I use every input available on the RodeCaster and feel like it's just enough + three extra mic inputs for mobile shows. I've recorded shows from this thing in the car - literally. A little inverter + a microphone, earbuds, and pre-loaded sound pads is all I needed. It sounded great. The built-in sound gate was a must and I needed to adjust it (and my technique) more aggressively for that noise environment, but I was surprised at how well it worked. I could have even brought in a guest - in the car - if I simply plugged my phone into the TRRS or connected via Bluetooth. I could not figure out how to get Bluetooth to connect to my car Bluetooth system, but to be transparent, I didn't spend a lot of time on that. Regarding the sound pads, I didn't think I would use them, but the opposite is true. I have no need for my additional Sound Byte (great software from Black Cat) effects if I keep things simple on the road. I can still use Sound Byte on an iPad or my iPhone when I have a more complex program. The build quality is sound --pun appreciated. The sliders and pads feel solid. The weight and size is just right for my desk and my car's front seat. This unit is growing on me each week. Cons: first, it doesn't come with a good case. The packaging is fine, but it won't last if you're a traveler. I purchased a case separately for roadshows. For me, a good case is necessary. I didn't find many options for cases. The case I purchased, the SKB iSeries RODECaster Pro Podcast Mixer Case, is great except that it's precut for Rode microphones and not easily adjustable for my RE320, Shure, or ATR portable mics - though the Shure SM58 or ATR 2100 would fit. They would just bang around a bit (not that those mics can't handle a little banging around). I'm not a fan of the fact that I can't label the pads. I produce more than one show and the sound deck for each is different. I'd like to know what I have in front of me without having to remember. Of course, with only 8 pads, it's pretty easy to remember what's on them. Loading the pads with new sound clips is a fairly easy process - either through the board itself or using the free software you can download, but there is no way to easily switch between load-outs. Ideally, I'd like virtual pages of sound clips I could flip through. Like virtual page 1 would contain my basic clips for Show 1, virtual page 2 would contain my basic clips for show 2, etc. With the current firmware, it takes additional prep time to make sure I have everything I need. I'm positive I will make a mistake one day, forget to load a clip, and introduce some wrong sound into my show. I would prefer XLR inputs that also accepted a mono 1/4 inch. That would expand the functionality of this unit, but only if the quality of the input wasn't compromised. Pros: The ease of use is a big one. Prep time for my show is down. Complexity is down. I get to focus more on content and technique than on technology and audio engineering & things still sound great. Post-production time is cut down. It does take a little practice and forethought, but getting those pads properly loaded beforehand makes a more live experience possible. I added a lot to post when I was using my single channel output mixer. I didn't want to risk wrecking a recording with a bad setting or wrong selection. With 14 multi-tracks, I can record relatively worry-free. I know I can level or treat audio from any channel individually in post if I need to. Auto mix-minus is so cool... I didn't realize how much I wanted that as a feature until I really started using it. I can't imagine the spaghetti wire and finger-crossing I used to deal with before. My guests can come in via any of three channels (or all of them) and it just works like magic. My guests have not complained about audio on their end - though I found I do get a cleaner signal when I use the hard-wired TRRS connection over the Bluetooth connection. Setup could not be easier. It took me much longer to disassemble and stow my nest of cables from my old mixer than it did to have the RodCaster Pro setup, sound pads loaded, and my first recording sent to micro-SD. I literally use this board for everything audio now. When I'm recording screen share-type instructional videos, it runs through this unit. I can listen to music in the background through my earbuds or headphones as I work. Talking on the phone when I'm in my studio runs through this unit (and I get to throw the buzzer in for shock and amusement from time to time). Streaming video works. The RodeCaster Pro has become a seamless extension to my workflows in just a few short weeks. Advice: Buy a good case if you're going to be mobile, a larger SD card, and have a refreshing drink nearby. You're going to enjoy recording with the RodeCaster Pro. ... More

Professional Features, Ridiculously Low Price

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Jan 30, 2019

Reviewed by Jim on B&H Photo Video

The first audio board I ever ran was a Gates 16 input board in a 500watt AM radio station- in 1967. Ive run all manner of radio and broadcast gear since then, but nothing has been as simple, integrated or as high quality as this $600 RODECaster Pro. You can be an old hand or a brand-new podcaster and put together a podcast that sounds like you had a sound engineer running a console for you. Take your time, watch Ryan @ Rodes video tips on how to make the RODECaster Pro work, and youll be in business in no time. Ive seen people ask why this piece of high-tech gear still uses those outdated XLR inputs. Theyre probably the same people who think video on a phone looks exactly the same when its projected on a 60 4K monitor. Instead of jazzing over why something doesnt look the way you think it should, give the pros at Rode some credit- they know what theyre doing. Use good mics, isolate your mic stands and be prepared to sound like you know what youre doing -even if youre learning on the fly. Cant beat a system thats this simple, incorporates effects and features that used to only be available in consoles costing hundreds of times as much money. Embrace simplicity - Ive already used it to cut network voice overs, full radio spots and, yes, even my own podcast. For the first time-ever- I can put together a segmented show as simply as a live broadcast. Thats hard to beat. ... More

The Solution I was looking for!

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Feb 17, 2019

Reviewed by Keith on B&H Photo Video

First let me say that the sound Im getting from this interface and recorder is awesome. The preamps are great sounding and the built in (APHEX) effects are awesome. I am using a Audio-Technica 4047 and it sounds amazing. Not only is it easy to use out of the box, in some respects I love the fact that you are recording to a stereo track. I found a couple little bugs in the Software but nothing major. I am looking forward to the new firmware and the ability to record each of the individual track for some post editing. The way Rode designed the RODECaster makes it a perfect portable recording solution for Podcasts and on location video interviews as well. I can fit everything I need to go remote in one bag minus the microphone stands. I could even see a DJ use this in some simple situations. The pads for mixing in sounds, as well as prerecorded interviews makes things simple. The thee pad play modes help as well so that these pads have more variety of use. Cons: It would be nice to be able to plug in a USB thumb drive and load in samples as well as recordings so I could change my show music and other items without the need of a laptop. The companion software designed to change pads settings and to allow you to drag and drop in sound files is great. The color options is even a next level item. I only wish they had a menu section in the the on board software so that I could load files from the Micro SD card or a separate drive. Solutions on the fly: Yet If I have the files on my tablet or I phone attached either via Bluetooth or through the TRRS to TRRS adapter cable (Not included and should be) I could play them and record them to a pad but its extra steps that time may not allow in a remote setting. In all fairness it is a game changer in my opinion: Its easy to get a tool like this and think of the things I would want added for my convenience yet its an amazing tool already. Will this change the landscape for Podcasting tools? Time will tell but it looks like it already has. The new RODE PodMic looks like the next step in the RODECASTER PRO progression. Some have shipped for review now on YouTube so its availability is close it seems. I feel sorry for all those people who had to go the long route with their PODCAST, purchase channel strips, mixing consoles, and portable recorders. I have been on the fence on Podcasting until this came out and now I all in! ... More

Well Played!!

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Feb 5, 2019

Reviewed by Eric on B&H Photo Video

I havent yet created anything of note with this device; only done some basic exploring and checking stuff out and I must say that in addition to being very cool, this thing is very capable! Im really looking forward to the new firmware that will bring us multitrack and who knows what all else! I do have a few items that I would personally like to see on the what all else list; improved markings on the meters, improved access into the controls and effects, and improved soundpad management. The meters are graduated and have a clear mark to let the driver know when theyre approaching the hot zone, and the green/yellow/red indicators all appear to be accurate and reliable, but some numbers might also be nice. The device comes equipped with a great selection of effects built-in, but some are not thrilled that these great effects are binary, on/off. Theres no way to customize the level of the effect or tweak any of the associated properties, its there or its not. The one size fits all approach doesnt always work, but Rode seems to have done a reasonable job of getting close. Again, I havent conducted my own testing, but the reviews Ive seen seem to say the same thing. Granularity and fine control are nice, but they can give one just enough rope to hang themselves. It would be nice, but since multitrack is coming, maybe we should just worry about all that in post. Lastly, some people have multiple podcasts going and would like to use the pads for their various shows, but in order to change everything out, you literally have to manually change everything out manually on a computer app. A nice touch would be to update that app so that there could be multiple banks, so instead of having to swap out 8 different things, program the buttons as desired etc. just select the bank associated with the show, drag it over and everything is exactly the way it needs to be! Still computer-dependent, but since there is only (only...) 512 MB of memory allocated to the pads, thats where we are for now. As portable as this thing is, its a bit surprising that it is not battery operated! It would only add a few pounds... Itll be interesting to see what the future holds for this device. Its Gen 1, so the future looks interesting for this and the myriad of other similar devices that are sure to be on the market soon, given the success of this product. GREAT JOB MATES! Way to set the bar!! ... More

There is no better starter kit out there

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Apr 19, 2020

Reviewed by Justin on B&H Photo Video

I have been using several different set up for my podcast and for a professional podcast I produce, from a Q2U direct to my laptop to a H6 with several mics. I'm super fortunate that the company I work for values the quality of their podcast and pulled the trigger on a new kit. I shopped around and this kit had everything I needed. The Rodecaster is an incredible tool. It has many pro-grade features but is pretty approachable even for those just getting started. I've used the sound pad more than I thought I would. I've used the bluetooth quite a bit but I've heard a TRRS cable is better. It's easy to set up and use with a computer. One thing to note, if you're going to be streaming with this, use the USB mix-minus setting or every noise you'll playback the stream to everyone listening. Slider work really well with a minor amount of grittiness in the movement. I love the gigantic record button and giant touch screen. Makes your life so much easier and removes anxiety when you're recording. The Rode PodMic is by far, the most bang for your buck when it comes to dynamic broadcast mics. You'd be hard pressed to convince me that the SM-7B provide any better audio for it's $300 higher price tag. When you combine PodMic with Rodecaster, you now have a professional podcasting set up. The monitors it comes with are great, XLR cables are solid, and of course don't forget your microSD card. The boom arms are also a really pleasant surprise. I was originally looking at the rode boom arm but figured I could always get them later if needed. The Samson boom arms are great. Easily hold the weight of the PodMic and have a gigantic reach and are totally silent when moving around. If you're even remotely interested in sound like a pro on your podcast and you've got the cash to spend, this is the best set up you can get. Rode is going to be the biggest name in podcasting with this equipment. BUY IT! ... More


Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio
B&H Photo Video
Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio
Rode RODECaster Pro with Dual PodMic Microphones, Stands, and Cables Kit
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Rode RODECaster Pro with Dual PodMic Microphones, Stands, and Cables Kit
Rode RODECaster Pro Studio, Dual PodMics, and Dual Broadcast Arms Kit
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Rode RODECaster Pro Studio, Dual PodMics, and Dual Broadcast Arms Kit
Rode RODECaster Pro 2-Person Podcast Studio with Procaster Mics and Desktop Stands Kit
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Rode RODECaster Pro 2-Person Podcast Studio with Procaster Mics and Desktop Stands Kit
Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcast Studio with PodMic Microphones and Broadcast Arms Kit
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Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcast Studio with PodMic Microphones and Broadcast Arms Kit
Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcast Kit with 4 Procaster Mics, Shockmounts, Broadcast Arms, Shure SRH440 Headphones & More
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Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcast Kit with 4 Procaster Mics, Shockmounts, Broadcast Arms, Shure SRH440 Headphones & More
Rode RODECaster Pro 1-Person Podcasting Kit with Shure SM7B Mic, Boom Arm, Headphones, and More
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Rode RODECaster Pro 1-Person Podcasting Kit with Shure SM7B Mic, Boom Arm, Headphones, and More
Rode RODECaster Pro 2-Person Podcasting Kit with Shure SM7B Mic, Boom Arm, Headphones, and More
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Rode RODECaster Pro 2-Person Podcasting Kit with Shure SM7B Mic, Boom Arm, Headphones, and More
Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Kit with Shure SM7B Mic, Boom Arm, Headphones, and More
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Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Kit with Shure SM7B Mic, Boom Arm, Headphones, and More
Rode RODECaster Pro 2-Person Podcast Studio with Procaster Mics and Broadcast Arms Kit
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Rode RODECaster Pro 2-Person Podcast Studio with Procaster Mics and Broadcast Arms Kit
Rode RODECaster Pro with Protective Case and Memory Card Kit
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Rode RODECaster Pro with Protective Case and Memory Card Kit
Rode RODECaster Pro Podcast Production Studio
Rode RODECaster Pro Podcast Production Studio
Rode RODECaster Pro Travel Bundle
Rode RODECaster Pro Travel Bundle
Rode RODECaster Pro Podcasting Bundle
Rode RODECaster Pro Podcasting Bundle
Rode RODECaster Pro Complete Multi-mic Podcasting Bundle
Rode RODECaster Pro Complete Multi-mic Podcasting Bundle
Rode RODECaster Pro Complete Podcasting Bundle
Rode RODECaster Pro Complete Podcasting Bundle
Rode Rodecaster Podcast Bundle 1
Rode Rodecaster Podcast Bundle 1
Rode Rodecaster Pro
Rode Rodecaster Pro
Rode Rodecaster Podcast Bundle 2
Rode Rodecaster Podcast Bundle 2
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production - Essentials Kit
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production - Essentials Kit
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console - Bundle
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console - Bundle
Rode RODECaster Pro Podcast Production Console with 2x Mic, Headphone, Arm
Rode RODECaster Pro Podcast Production Console with 2x Mic, Headphone, Arm
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode RODECaster Integrated Podcast Production Console W/4x Zoom Mic Pack/4x More
Rode RODECaster Integrated Podcast Production Console W/4x Zoom Mic Pack/4x More
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Caster Integrated Podcast Production Console W/2x Zoom ZDM1 Mic Pack/2x Cab
Rode Caster Integrated Podcast Production Console W/2x Zoom ZDM1 Mic Pack/2x Cab
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console w/Mic, Headphone, Arm
Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console w/Mic, Headphone, Arm
Rode RODECaster Pro Podcast Production Console with 2x Mic/Headphone/Arm/Cable
Rode RODECaster Pro Podcast Production Console with 2x Mic/Headphone/Arm/Cable
Rode RODECaster Integrated Podcast Production Console W/Zoom ZDM-1 Mic Pack/More
Rode RODECaster Integrated Podcast Production Console W/Zoom ZDM-1 Mic Pack/More
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console w/Mic, Headphone & Acc
Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console w/Mic, Headphone & Acc
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode RODECaster Integrated Podcast Production Console W/Zoom ZDM-1 Mic Pack/Cab
Rode RODECaster Integrated Podcast Production Console W/Zoom ZDM-1 Mic Pack/Cab
Rode RODECaster Integrated Podcast Production Console W/Zoom ZDM-1 Mic Pack/More
Rode RODECaster Integrated Podcast Production Console W/Zoom ZDM-1 Mic Pack/More
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode Microphones RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console W/ACC KIT
Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console
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Rode Rodecaster Pro 2 Person Podcasting Bundle With SP150 & TH300X
Rode RODEcaster Pro Dual PodMic Dual Podcasting Bundle
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Rode RODEcaster Pro Dual PodMic Dual Podcasting Bundle
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Rode Rodecaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle With MXL990 & TH200X
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Rode RODEcaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle with SP150 &TH200X
Rode RODEcaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle With AT2020 & ATHM50X
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Rode RODEcaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle With AT2020 & ATHM50X
Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle With SP150 &TH300X
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Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle With SP150 &TH300X
Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console
Musicians Friend
Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Console
Rode RODEcaster Pro Dual PodMic Dual Podcasting Bundle
Musicians Friend
Rode RODEcaster Pro Dual PodMic Dual Podcasting Bundle
Rode RODEcaster Pro 2-Person Podcasting Bundle With AT2020 & ATHM50X
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Rode RODEcaster Pro 2-Person Podcasting Bundle With AT2020 & ATHM50X
Rode Rodecaster Pro 2 Person Podcasting Bundle With SP150 & TH300X
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Rode Rodecaster Pro 2 Person Podcasting Bundle With SP150 & TH300X
Rode RODEcaster Pro Multi PodMic Podcasting Bundle
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Rode RODEcaster Pro Multi PodMic Podcasting Bundle
Rode Rodecaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle With MXL990 & TH200X
Musicians Friend
Rode Rodecaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle With MXL990 & TH200X
Rode RODEcaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle With AT2020 & ATHM50X
Musicians Friend
Rode RODEcaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle With AT2020 & ATHM50X
Rode RODEcaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle with SP150 &TH200X
Musicians Friend
Rode RODEcaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle with SP150 &TH200X
Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle With SP150 &TH300X
Musicians Friend
Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcasting Bundle With SP150 &TH300X
RODE RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio
RODE RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio
Rode RODECaster Pro Podcast Production Console
Rode RODECaster Pro Podcast Production Console

The do-it-all mixer

Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcast Studio with PodMic Microphones and Broadcast Arms Kit Review

Rode RODECaster Pro 4-Person Podcast Studio with PodMic Microphones and Broadcast Arms Kit

Oct 26, 2021

Reviewed by Doug on B&H Photo Video

I bought this for running hybrid in-person / zoom meetings. There's a ton to love about this mixer. USB in/out for feeding sound to and from your laptop. Separate Bluetooth and TRRS (phone) connections with faders for both. 4 mic inputs with tons of gain, which is essential for the gain-hungry Rode Podmic dynamic mics. On-device recording via sd card. Balanced speaker monitor outputs. I'm not podcasting with this, but the prerecorded sound buttons are cool, too. The only thing keeping this from 5 stars is the speaker monitor outputs. I can't quite figure out what use case Rode was going for. You hear everything on the speaker outputs -- mics, USB, phone, Bluetooth. This would make sense if you had a separate person running the podcast and listening to the monitors away from the podcasters (control room), but the rest of the mixer isn't set up for that. There isn't a separate headphone out for an engineer. The mixer treats Mic 1 as the engineer. So the person on Mic 1 can solo individual channels and hear other mixes. It seems like a more logical use case is to use the monitor speakers for podcasters to hear callers on USB/phone/BT but not themselves on the monitor speakers. In that case, you would just route the USB/phone/BT channels to the monitors and not include the Mic channels. The mixer doesn't quite support this, but there is a hacky option in the audio settings that will enable the monitors only when the mics are muted. So you can fake this by muting all the mics to hear USB/Phone/BT. Perhaps the output is just to send the mix to another device. Anyway, it seems like an easy fix in SW to switch routing to the output on and off for each channel. I asked Rode support about this, and they weren't very helpful. ... More

Super impressed at first... but finding bugs

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Dec 4, 2019

Reviewed by Jason on B&H Photo Video

At first I was a fan and things were going great. I did the most current firmware upgrade (specifically to allow multi-track recording) and started encountering bugs/issues. Firstly, the tracks all ended up drastically different in default settings which required a bunch of post work to correct... but it was correctable. Second, and the biggest issue for me, was the fact that the companion app shows the podcasts on your sd card... I accidentally deleted the file from the app without any warning that it would permanently delete the file from the sd card... For anyone that might come across this, know that the SD card is directly linked to the app... otherwise you're once in a lifetime podcast that cost a fortune could end up permanently deleted... luckily I backed this particular up with an out line to a camera so pulled the audio from the video source... but there goes my single track editing, thus all inputs sounding very different. It think I might try out the Zoom Livetrack L-8 to see if it's more consistant. ... More

Excellent Device!

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

May 14, 2020

Reviewed by Samer on B&H Photo Video

It's a beautiful device, from most aspects, I've read a lot of reviews and watched a lot of videos before my purchase and the majority gives that all in one podcasting production experience a fair share. USING THE podcaster PRO is very intuitive, it doesn't really give you troubles in figuring things out if you're not a professional audio engineer. It's a BEAUTIFUL DEVICE! The Only Low Light that I could see for my particular usage (and maybe I'm doing something wrong), was the mono-bluetooth recognition, so if you have multiple devices, everytime you would need to pair and re-pair your devices, especially on the devices that would still have the Rodecaster pro listed as a Bluetooth device (among their list, but it shows as disconnected), you will need everytime to remove the device and re-pair it as a new one.. I use multiple devices so this could be a little annoying. If you want to use it for calls online (Microsoft Teams per example), you will have to do a twist of connecting via Bluetooth in addition to the USB connectivity, and for some reason, the quality is not as I expected. One last part, I tried to connect the Rode Lav Mic, that you use for Mobile in the mobile input, and it didn't work, I think this could be useful in some cases and would love to see that in Future Firmware Updates.. ... More

Almost perfect...

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Aug 16, 2020

Reviewed by joe on B&H Photo Video

Ok, I am not a podcaster but this device really does a nice job preconditioning my voice for my talking head youtube videos. I know there are probably cheaper devices that do the same thing but I also wanted something that would enable me to do podcasting later as I grow. The only thing...I mean the only thing...thats a little bit of a bummer is there is no way (that I can find) to get the audio out of either the headphone jacks, or line out jacks to be clean enough for my DSLR direct input. Its way too noisy...I really wish they could clean one of these channels a bit so I could record direct line out. Even with good headphones you can hear the noise and at first I was worried that the rodecaster recording would have this hiss, luckily it doesnt. But if you dont mind recording separate audio onto an SD card and synching in post then its fine. Actually its not fine its awesome! I just wish I had a way to get clean audio direct into my camera...if you require that dont buy this...if you want a kicking multi-channel voice recording device made for podcasting then this is a must have. If anyone knows how to get clean audio line out to DSLR with this device then I am all ears. ... More

Rodecaster Pro is a must-have!

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Jul 14, 2020

Reviewed by Steve on B&H Photo Video

I did a lot of research before picking this up - there's a ton of YouTube videos out there on its functionality and an advance on set up specs. The new firmware update makes it a breeze to produce a podcast. Cons: The cue card-sized instructions are a joke, and I ended up watching tutorials to fine-tune the mixer. I do a call-in type show and wished Rode included a TRRS cable with the unit. (They want $30 for their version.) The meter screen is small (phone screen size), but helpful when watching time elapsed and countdowns. Maybe one day Rode can have the companion app show the meter screen on a plugged-in computer screen someday. I thought I would use the trigger pads more - maybe if it were a live show. I and others have found the audio levels a little low when inspecting the recorded files. I'm spending more time in post than I thought. It would have been nice if Rode included a cover for the mixer. I just picked the DeskSaver cover which keeps out dust and moisture. Bottom line: There's a lot built into this unit and well worth the price. It's in high demand and had to wait until BH restocked it. ... More

Everything I expected and MORE!

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Jul 16, 2020

Reviewed by Djundi on B&H Photo Video

I have been looking for a mixer like this for a while, finally a friend recommended me to take a look at this! and boy am I happy with this choice! I do live on facebook and instagram and lately a lot of zoom meetings. I can use a really good mic setup with headphone so the audience can hear a clearer voice. besides all the nice features like the audio processing (compressor/HighPass Filtee/De-esser/Noise Gate AND Aphex) there are 2 built in capabilities that really kicks it up a notch. Bluetooth works both ways with my iPhone (with mix-minus built-in) I can actually do Live on Instagram with someone else using my own mic setup. The audience can hear me as well as anything I want to play from my Mac (connected via USB) This works both ways... so like I can have a ZOOM meeting on my mac, and I can bring in someone from my phone into the conversation. It just works seamlessly, adjust the volume etc. I can also play my keyboard live using my DAW (Logic Pro X) This is truly an awesome mixer, well thought out! The only minor thing, you can't tweak the setting of the compressor / noise gate etc. I am hoping because the firmware is upgradable... they will add that feature in the future! ... More

Almost Perfect!

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Feb 12, 2019

Reviewed by Wayne on B&H Photo Video

This is a great unit for podcasting and doing voiceover work. No more having to worry about mix/minus either. super easy to setup and I love having built in sounds with the ability to write over them with whatever you want. However, I would like it more if it had the following: Separate Tracks The ability to record to separate tracks. Hopefully this will happen in a firmware upgrade. Power This could have been a great unit to take on the rode and be truly portable if it could either run off batteries or (i think better) be able to accept power from a powerbank. Or to use a with an external battery like my NP-1 Cup Adapter with 4-pin Hirose Connection. Next on my wishlist of upgrades is the ability to send audio to a caller. If this is possible I havent figured it out but I would like to be able to do it in case I need my caller to be able to hear something Im playing... like for maybe a name that tune type of thing. Sure I could mic up to an external speaker but then Im using up one of the ports and wouldnt sound as good and a line in. Besides my wishlist its still great, easy and fun to use! ... More

Almost Perfect

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Aug 20, 2019

Reviewed by Jeffrey on B&H Photo Video

I bought this for my podcasting setup in an untreated room with the Shure SM7B and CL-1 Cloudlifter. The Cloudlifter helps to make the microphone sound louder with a lower noise floor than the Rodecaster Pro alone allows. The combination is a small, quiet setup with a lot of versatility for a beginner. The Rodecaster Pro adds enough gain in conjunction with the cloudlifter to make the mic sound clean and quiet. The Shure SM7B is flattering and most importantly it is quiet for an untreated room. Using the proximity effect and the noise gate option on the Rodecaster Pro, the untreated room is a complete non-issue. When I say untreated room, I mean hardwood, no furniture and nothing on the walls. Literally bare studio. You can't even tell with this setup. Overall, the versatility of this setup is the perfect beginner setup for a low profile and portable podcast. My few complaints are just preferences. I would prefer to record in MP3, I would prefer a little extra gain on board and I would like better quality on live phone call recording; these things just make processing way more convenient. But overall, no major complaints with this setup. ... More

Simple, Intuitive, Professional and Great Sound!

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Feb 9, 2020

Reviewed by Jeremy on B&H Photo Video

I love Rode mics, but was not expecting to enjoy this as much as I am. It is a game changer. We went from a really technical, expensive and complicated podcast system with a lot of gear and hookups to this, 4 podmics and a laptop. The sound quality was so much better than expected and with the firmware updates you have a lot of options using the compressor/gain/ducking etc. This made a very complicated setup super easy. I was able to put about 24 sounds on the soundboard bay in about 5 minutes. We can now record via Zoom on the laptop through the Rodecaster and take live calls. It is well worth the price and if you get the bundle with the mics and headphones you could have the delivery and be podcasting in less than an hour. I am confused by the choice of micro SD instead of regular size SD but that is very minor complaint. ... More

Perfect for Podcasters and ATEM Mini Pro Simulcasters

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Apr 25, 2021

Reviewed by Red on B&H Photo Video

I was going to set up a podcast using ancient equipment when I saw an add on B&H for the RODEcaster Pro. I have various RODE mics and love their equipment so I immediately bought it. I am still blown away at its capabilities. With Class A, balanced XLR inputs, the audio quality is on par with equipment costing thousands - more making a $100 mic sound like a Neumann. Its features give it tremendous flexibility for quiet audio processing, live interactive phone calls, multiple head phone jacks, 3.5mm I/O's for music input, etc plus audio F/X. I use it for podcasts as well as recording events from a mixer, then syncing the audio tracks with the video. But as a multi-cam shooter and video editor I also wanted to use it to interface with the ATEM Mini Pro I got from B&H so that I can record my audio and input it into a multi-cam video switcher. You simply connect the RODEcaster to your computer via the USB out (with the RODE supplied cable) and the video switcher picks up the feed within the Mini Pro. The entire setup is compact, versatile and very professional. Without the RODEcaster, the audio would scream amateur. Buy it! ... More

It's everything people have been saying!

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Sep 23, 2020

Reviewed by Marcos on B&H Photo Video

The RODECaster Pro is an amazing pro level tool for your podcasts. Very simple and easy to use, it does everything you need without getting in the way of your creativity and the recoding process. The latest firmware updates were big improvements and hopefully it will keep improving. The workflow is super simple and fast, you can transfer and post your show in a few minutes. Since I've started my show I've recieved many compliments for the quality of the sound. I'm very satisfied with it and the few things I'd change are all software based, so Rode could be working on it already. One is that to change from one sound bank to the other is a two-step process. The other small issue is that when recording in multitrack mode, wich is amazing, if your show is longer than 30 min, it will split the file in two or more files and when you try to convert and export as an mp3 it gives an error message, so for me the only way around is to transfer the files from the card directly, stitch it and convert it in post. None of these issues are dealbreakers, so I'd definately recommend this product if you take podcasting seriously or is trying to get to the next level of production and quality. Cheers! ... More

Great idea, well implemented

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Jan 9, 2019

Reviewed by Ed on B&H Photo Video

The RODECaster Pro is a product that make you wonder why someone did not do this before now. It eliminates the need for a seperate recorder, mixer, sound effects pad, headphone amplifier/splitter, and digital phone hybrid. Instead you carry all of this in one compact board. And the operator doesnt have to try and understand the complicated mix/minus set-up that comes with setting up a telephone interface. Yes, this is made for podcasting, but clearly can be used for radio production. The biggest complaint that seems to come up is that all channels are recorded down to one stereo track. So individual track editing is not available. But what you have with the RODECaster Pro is the ability to produce a live to tape production, which frankly is what most people probably want. Broadcasts like this are authentic, raw and real and that seem to be where the market is today. ... More

Easy to use / Pro audio

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Jul 27, 2020

Reviewed by William on B&H Photo Video

Not only is the Rodecaster Pro well made but it looks nice too. Best of all, it was super simple to pair a microphone with. Since I purchased the Rode Podmic, I simply selected the Podmic, answered a few quick questions and the Rodecaster Pro did all of the fine-tuning. I also love how easy it is to adjust the gain (you simply speak and keep the audio between the two horizontal bars). This is a phenomenal product for so much more than simply podcasting! Pair with an ATEM Mini Pro for example and use Rodecaster Pro for YouTube Live audio. Being able to patch in a caller via Bluetooth or cable is great! Connect to a computer via USB-C cable and it becomes a selectable microphone and speaker for most video conferencing apps. Like all Rode products, Rodecaster Pro is nothing less than exceptional. For a future version though it's be great if custom digital text could be applied to the sound effect buttons. ... More

Wish this technology existed 20 years ago

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Jun 12, 2020

Reviewed by Daniel on B&H Photo Video

This is the complete system for a podcaster or radio host. I've been working in radio since 99. It's pretty much a radio station in a box, minus the transmitter. I wish there was something better than a 1/8 inch input for phone/computer. Stereo 1/4th's would be way better. You must pull the port 1/3 of the way out to be able to hear the audio come in stereo unless you're running completely TRRS. My other complaint is that the onboard memory is too small to load longer elements as the hotkeys. I would like to use those as donuts to lock my show to time, fire it off with a hotkey then let your ramps time you out. Also, you can't switch between hotkey pages while a sound is playing. So if you only have one element on a page, such as music or bed, then you must stop the element before you can switch to a new page. This device is so close to being perfect, I'm a little sad these minor things make it feel amateur. ... More

Great All In One Solution

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio Review

Rode RODECaster Pro Integrated Podcast Production Studio

Mar 2, 2019

Reviewed by Zachary on B&H Photo Video

I bought this primarily because it combined so many separate devices. It sounds great, with many options for processing. Once you figure out which modules sound best with your style of recording, there is no real need to do much, if anything, in post. My favorite feature thus far is the ease of integrating sound coming off a Bluetooth device. Whether a phone call or music, you can independently control the volume relative to other inputs and theres no need to figure out how to get sound off one device and in to your mix. Firmware 1.1.0 provides multi-track output (to the USB device, not the onboard microSD) so if you want to play with your mix after the fact, its not an issue any longer. For me, I like having the tools to record it all in one shot and get something that sounds great, without having to spend any time in post. ... More

Showing 1 to 20 of 235 Reviews