Yamaha MX49 v2 Music Production Synthesizer (Black)

go listen to it first
so many sounds, but most are NOT so good... if you want GOOD piano, get a Casio Privia you want electric piano or organ, get a kurzweil... you want toy sounds, get a cheep casio.. you want REAL SYNTHS get A real SYNTH... try Moog, Korg, Novation, etc etc... this is NOT a piano, NOT an organ NOT a synth...it is just a mixup. and out of the so many sounds, we found only 20 or so useful.... yes, it has MANY WAYS TO EDIT, but IT IS NOT ENOUGH. you ca... Show More
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Fits my needs perfectly.
I needed a keyboard with top quality sounds that didn't take up half the stage, I watched a lot of Youtube videos demoing the MX49 before I purchased it, and I am not disappointed at all. Great accessible sounds, very light weight, It is generating a lot of interest in my musical circles. Last night, it was knocked off it's stand by a musician I was rehearsing with, hit the hard floor on its upper left corner, but turned on without problems. Bottom line, this keyboard in the right hands can help make you a fortune and give you endless hours of enjoyment.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Great keyboard for the budget conscious
This is a very nice keyboard and the black version looks great. It is the perfect size for setting up to the side of a desktop computer system and that is how I am using it. The voices are wonderful and it is a plus to have the Arp and Rhythm features - especially when this is the only instrument available. I watched a video (Pm3evZm3FMY?t=14m19s) on how to set up the DAW but, I don't get the same results. In Cubase, the MX49 should show up under... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video