Sony HXR-NX5R NXCAM Professional Camcorder with Built-In LED Light

3 chip hd
Typical Sony 3 chip camcorder. In the days of 4k. This camera struggles to be relevant. I like the camera and will use it to highest possible function. The picture is not as sharp as even the NX100 which in my opinion offers the best picture in this class of HD camcorders. The functions of this camera as fantastic, except the record button on the hand grip. I have had trouble with it in a hand holding experience. I plan to use this camcorder mo... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Excellent Video Camera
this is the 4th Sony I own. very light weight camera I lover everything of this camera. sony improve the sound and quality to pick. is great the low light this camera has. One problems is (do not move or shake this camera, will turn off. is OK. but may get you scare. other than that, is a great video camera, once I saw the quality I order me one more.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
AWorkhorse of a camera.
I bought this camera to supplement my four Sony HXR-NX3s that are used to record a live audience interview program for Youtube. The camera is an improvement in low light situations and a good match for my NX3s. The viewfinder and eyepiece are very clear. I am very pleased with the quality of the image the camera produces, the multitude of external buttons, and its robust feel.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Good, but missing 1 thing the NX5 had.
Ive only had brief time on this camera, but was very disappointed with this. When using the SDI output, the HDMI port is disabled. The HXR-NX5U that preceded this, could send both. So now, to send an SDI signal, AND run a monitor, you need to buy and power an additional SDI-HDMI converter, and be sure you get one with SDI pass-through ability. New models arent supposed to have fewer capabilities. And with the NX5 now gone, were left with a less capable replacement. They should have left the HDMI hot all the time like they used to.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Great Camera - Great Value
I bought this camera as a bridge from my old HDV equipment to my eventual switch to 4k. The 4K cameras I am thinking of getting have not been out very long. I'd like to know they don't have any major issues before buying them. Since I only do HD at this time, I knew this camera would give me more than what I need right now. I've put about 10 hours on the camera so far. It is very similar to my old Z5. I like everything about it except a coup... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Better than expected!
We are very familiar with the first version of this camera (HXR-NX5U), and liked it's versatility, so we ordered the new version (HXR-NX5R) and have found it to be even better in many ways over the original version. One big improvement, for us anyway, was that the new version operates on battery and AC power simultaneously. Most of our video taping involves recording lengthy events with the camera running on AC power, so we were always worried wi... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
A great camera!
I got it for legal videography and when I first got it I freaked out trying to find the time and date stamp setting. Turns out its in the OTHER menu then as DATA SET...or something like that. It can only be enabled for 1080P video at 60P. Just wanted to let you know so you don't have a freakout moment like me. Otherwise its a great camera!!
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Will buy two more soon.
Wow what do you say.. once you learn how to use this camera you won't give it up. So many great settings.. has a nice balance. We do a lot of gonzo work . One person sound light news gathering for our tv station. We produce every thing we air. Never has failed us . Doesn't eat batteries . The light is great. Two audio inputs with built in mixer. Big viewfinder. Don't expect a $20,000 camera.. but it the best you Elwin get for the price. Has a hug... Show More
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Good but not as good as my EX1
I liked the streaming right out of the camera to Ustream. Good quality. No cigar compared to the JVC GY-HM620. THe HM 620 had better color and crisper image. The 5R was less exciting for its 20x lens since most is wasted with starting at a wider shot. So only partly better than my x14 EX1. The JVC lens is a marvel. I have to say the NX5r menu is elegant. Cant complain for a camera costing $3200.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
This camcorder is way more than I expected. Great price!
I use this problem in traveling to record Miracles Service for my pastor, which is used in our tv production. It meets and exceed the requirements for tv production. Great product and easy to use.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video