MASTER & DYNAMIC MW60, Over-ear Kopfhörer Bluetooth Schwarz

The first thing I noticed was how heavy this was. This was due to the metal parts. The good thing is that once they are on your head for a while you don't notice the weight. The other question I have is that Leica is a camera brand, so what does it have to do with headphones, and how does it improve audio quality? All that I can find is that it's a design collaboration and is just for visual cues. Having said that, I can say that these headp... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Nice headphones
I recently sold my Sony Mdr1000x to purchase the Master Dynamic MW60's which are definitely a advertising marvel. The headphones do sound decent , but they do not sound better than my B&O H9's except they are louder volume wise. In my Opinion they are nothing more than wireless loud flat monitors with no innovation no (active noise cancellation)or gesture based controls Audio Techniques new wireless headphones do a better job for half the price....they look great and will get a compliment or annoy people on the subway not worth the price tag.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Amazing wireless headphones!
Just received my MW60 in the mail. First out of the box listen.. It's a notch below the wired Sennheiser Momentum Over Ears that I have sound quality wise. A little fat in the lows, some loss in detail, and maybe a little bassy than the neutral cans I'm used to. BUT! Why 5 stars yours ask? Well, I bought them to be wireless cans, and wow do they shine as wireless headphones! The range AMAZING on this thing. I had my phone in the room, walked to m... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
A complete juggernaut...
Master & Dynamic has been making moves ever since their debut back in early 2014. They entered a highly saturated market with products backed with a premium price for admission. People wondered if they were another style over substance based company when they first laid eyes on their products. Those speculations were laid to rest when ears met the MH40. Quickly, they became my favorite sounding portable headphones once I had the privilege to own ... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video