Mackie Onyx Artist 1·2 USB Audio Interface

Speaker Audio Full of HISS
Dec 10, 2018
Ive had great luck with Mackie Onyx mic preamps and had high hopes for this product. But, using this with a brand new 27 iMac and Yamaha MSP7 studio monitors, I am getting high levels of HISS in the speaker audio. At max speaker monitor level on the Artist 1.2, its ridiculous. And, its there even at low volume levels. Big problem, I am looking for an alternative audio interface now. I can not recommend this product for this reason.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
does not regulate the signal level of the microphone
May 21, 2018
does not regulate the signal level of the microphone I will ask for the change of the product in ByH
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
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