Korg Volca Beats Analog Rhythm Machine

Big analog sound, little box
Yes, it sounds amazing. The snare is not the 808 snare, but you can get some really cool sounds out of it, especially with the stutter. I usually layer it with the clap, which you can tune via PCM, and it sounds outstanding, so I am not modding it. Don't get bogged down in snaresville, this thing has a huge kick drum, stutter feature, amazing step jumping, a ribbon controller, it syncs to your DAW's external clock, and it has live motion and stutter recording. Believe me when I say it's worth every penny, even if you end up using a different drum machine, this thing is a mini beast and so fun!
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Awesome Classic
Great, simple product for the beginner and advanced creator alike! Easy to use and understand concepts, pairs well with other instruments. Definitely a solid buy; reliable and fun to use.
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A small box filled with big fun!
I've had the Beats for about a month now and it's been great. In use, it is very immediate...you are creating beats and rhythms within seconds. I would not count on it for its snare sound (unless you mod it). For me, I use it primarily as a glitch machine. The kick sound is very powerful and quite deep and full sounding. The hats are capable of a wide range of sound from hat-like to glitch-like. One really buys these for the stutter mechanism...that's when the box really gets going.
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A fun and inexpensive toy
The pros: Fully analog Kick/Snare/Tom and Hi Hat sounds, as well as a pretty good number of hands on knobs. The Stutter effect alloys you to get really expressive with your drum patterns. The cons: The stereo headphone out makes it somewhat complicated to get the signal out to speakers or an audio interface, especially if you have limited inputs. Additionally, a drum machine that doesn't have separate outputs for the individual elements is almost... Show More
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So much fun
I come from a garage band background and wanted to learn what beat making was all about. Man, is it fun on this thing! The instructions are limited, and I found the tutorials on macprovideo worth the additional price.
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Nice little analog drum
Fun in a little box! A real analog drum for a small price. The only thing missing is an audio input, so we chain others volca.
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no thinking necessary.
Intuitive and portable. Works well in live applications as well as in the studio. Being able to access and manipulate multiple parameters at the same time (mute control of instrument parts, fx, and part pitch / speed) makes it handy for live performance. Moving back and forth between triggering samples and step sequencing works well for ideation.
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