Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX400V Digital Camera Deluxe Accessory Kit

Best feature of DSC-hx400V after 3 years
I have been using my 400V now for 3 years. The pictures have been outstanding. There are some tricks to make the pictures highest quality possible and I use them constantly. (1) a button on top nest to shutter release when pushed opens a window that allows you to set non standard contrast, color saturation and acutance. I reset these to O+_1 or +2 on contrast, and plus+1 or +2 on color saturation. This gives sha... Show More
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Three weeks of experience
Any time you buy something on the Internet, there is always a higher risk that you will be disappointed since you haven't actually handled the product. Not this time. The HX400V is a winner. I am a hobbyist. What I love to do is shoot interesting photos and take them into Photoshop and get creative. I shoot all types of subjects, but get to pick the time and place (indoors or out). I experiment a lot with how I shoot. Having lots of shooting mode... Show More
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DSC-HX 400V's zeis lens gives outstanding closer photos
I bird with about 30 other birders each week and many are showing up with the new long zoom cameras. Many say that the closer up pictures with these 83X and higher lenses have not come up to expectations because of the compromise with the super long zoom range. This late summer, I stopped by a thistle in bloom with butterfies coming in to feed on the nectar of the thistles. The photos were not photoshopped except contrast and color saturation whi... Show More
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Superb bridge camera with a few caveats
I own two previous models in this series; the HX100V and HX200V. I bought the 400V mainly for the longer zoom range (1200 vs. 810mm). In fact, longer zoom range allowed me to disable the clear and digital zoom options. This camera is a much less expensive way to get the range I need when compared to purchasing a long zoom for my DSLR. I also find it much easier to take moon shots with this camera than with my DSLR, and the overall quality is just... Show More
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Poor Image Quality, High Noise
My primary equipment is Canon 1DX based. I purchased this camera for use at the Olympics where I needed a point and shoot that is quiet with a fairly long telephoto range, and also HD video capability with good auto focus tracking. This model did not work out well at all. The bells and whistles are pretty complete and easy to use. The auto focus tracking for the video is also pretty good. On those counts I would give four stars. But I have the fo... Show More
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Good for what it is, but it's not enough for me....
I bought this camera two years ago as a way of dipping my feet in the digital waters -- until this camera, I'd shot on film cameras and my cell phones' built-in cameras. My available time for darkroom activities was evaporating, though, so I wanted something more capable in the digital realm, and I picked this model because it offered more in the way of manual overrides than most in its class, without the cost of going all-in on a DSLR or mirrorl... Show More
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Erratic results; has a mind of its own
I've been taking photos for 50 years and was looking for a camera to replace my old DSLR that had become obsolete. I'm wishing I stayed with what I had as I am very sorry that I bought this camera a day before leaving on a very long vacation which included three major sporting events because it is extremely difficult to use unless you want to be at the mercy of all its myriad automatic features which cannot be shut off or overridden (and there ar... Show More
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EXCELLENT superzoom!
I was in a market for a superzoom and was considering between Sony hx400v, Canon SX50 (SX60 was not available at the time) and Fujifilm S1. I was concerned about Sony's inability to shoot RAW, but, truth to be told, when camera does already excellent processing - I don't need to tweak images, thus no real need for RAW in my case. Sony does excellent in image processing! I was reading various reviews/comparisons between superzooms and Sony hx400v ... Show More
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Very disappointing purchase
I bought this camera shortly before leaving on a long trip to take zoom pictures at several sporting events. Unfortunately the camera did not come with any instructions for use so it was very very difficult to override all the many many automatic features and it was aggravating to use this thing. This camera is made to rule the photographer, not the other way around; it is very complicated to figure out what settings are in play at any given mome... Show More
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An excellent alternative to multi-lens systems
I decided that, after 30+ years, I was tired of carrying around a camera and various lenses and made the decision to sell all that stuff and start using a reasonably good hobbyist point & shoot camera. The B&H representative steered me to the DSC-HX400V. After 4 years of owning this camera I just purchased a replacement - another DSC-HX400V. My original camera began flashing a fault code on the screen having to do with the autofocus system. I ha... Show More
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Amazing Sony DSC-HX400V Zoom with GPS!
Although the Sony model HX400V is at least six years old, fortunately, it is still being sold. And unlike most other brands that are deeply discounted, this old cameras price is reduced by only 10%! But, I purchased it because I needed a zoom lens camera that satisfied my budget. Moreover, it comes with GPS that I was willing pay a serious premium to have. I have taken about 200 images so far and I am pleasantly amazed at its sharpness, color pre... Show More
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Unhappy with image quality
My primary equipment is Canon 1DX based. I purchased this camera for a trip where I needed a point and shoot that is quiet with a fairly long telephoto range, and also HD video capability with good auto focus tracking. This model has not worked out as well as I had hoped. The bells and whistles are pretty complete and easy to use. The auto focus tracking for the video is also pretty good. On those counts I would give four stars. But I have found ... Show More
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upgraded to DSC-HX-400v
I own the older version DSC-HX1 Sony and have loved the camera for it's versatility and convenient size for traveling. After doing much research on bridge cameras I picked out the Sony older version for it's lens quality and telephoto ability. Howeever, I left my older camera out in the rain, and even after putting in a bag of rice, it never operated the same. So, I bought this latest model Sony bridge to take with me on my trip to India in just ... Show More
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Two more pictures from my DSC HX 400V Sony
I photographed and processed the below two pictures after I sent my comments on my Sony DSC HX 400V camera. Both or these pictures are going to be entered in the Indiana State fare in August so I used Windows 8.1 to brush the background jet black, and used the vignetting to darken the edges of the leaves so the composition worked better. The pictures were shot with tripod at ISO 80. Color saturation was increased by using the camera's saturation ... Show More
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Amazing all-in-one camera!
Let me start by saying, if you pixel peep, you will not like this camera, or any other super zoom for that matter. If you enjoy being able to shoot almost anything under the sun without a bag full of gear, you will love this camera. I own a dSLR w/three nice lenses and love it. This camera was purchased solely for the huge zoom, but I have been blown away by its photo quality under so many different lighting extremes, that I can't put it down. Th... Show More
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I purchased this camera because I was tired of missing subjects that were just too far away to capture with my 150-500mm. lens. I had high hopes for this little camera with it's 50x zoom. I was very disappointed by the slow, piddly focus. Regardless of the shooting and or focus mode, focus was extremely hard to obtain, often jumping from telephoto to wide angle. The focus wheel did not seem to work as it was supposed to. The few shots I managed t... Show More
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I have a Sony Cyber-shot from 8 years ago that just wasn't performing as it used to. I'm not a professional, nor do I know much about photography, but I do love taking pictures and I've been asked REPEATEDLY what kind of camera I have from pictures I have posted on social media sites. So it was easy for me to decide to upgrade with yet another Sony Cyber-shot. I can't say that I love the HX400V as much as my other one so far. My quirks are minor,... Show More
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DSC-HX400V for birding
Great camera, I moved from an aging Nikon D90 to this. I mainly use it for birding. Autofocus is accurate and quick, with a intuitive manual focus over-ride. I think the quality is good - certainly not to the level of a FX DSLR, but for the money and portability this is tough to beat. I'd definitely recommend it. The wifi link to my phone works well to transfer pictures, but like all apps in the industry are moderately useful (I find no reason fo... Show More
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A Great Camera
I had an expensive 35mm camera with a number of lenses for years. Moving into the digital world, I wanted a simpler system that produced better quality pictures. The wide array of choices and continual innovation was making a purchase decision difficult. Bridge cameras seemed to be an obvious choice and, with the assistance of the B&H professionals, I decided on the Sony DSC-HX400 several months ago. The camera has a 24 - 1200mm zoom lens (one wi... Show More
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Now have it for 6 months: Have brief comments about the Sony HV400X wow! WOw! WOW! - gets better and better. Went through 2 almost identical other bridge cameras before the Sony A Nikon, and a Kodak with 60X zooms. NONE came up to this camera level. (believe it or not) I shoulda known. I worked in film/video production for years using Sonys. Now, Im between a photo & an art person. (Neither of them likes me.) I do Photoshop art things with photos... Show More
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Good Bridge Camera if Zoom is Important
My experience in bridging the gap between a basic point and shoot (works but limited utilityjust use your phone for those shots) and a more advanced DSLR or high end mirrorless cameras is fraught with compromise. The HX400V seems to be a good compromise if super zoom is really important to you. This camera and those in its class from Canon and Nikon zoom to 1200mm. This feature has the ability to bring things up close and personal. However to ach... Show More
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Pictures worth a thousand words
I have now used my Sony DSC-HX400V Camera intensly for the last seven months. This 23 oz (lighter than binoculars!) camera has been incredible for me. If you are shying away from the camera because you feel the camera can not perform as well as the interchangeable lens cameras, please open and look at the SNAP, DAZEL, and BRILIANCE of the below two photos I took through my back window at a squirrel (picture cropped 1/2 size from original image), ... Show More
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Excellent Video Camcorder
Shooting videos of shore birds, water, sunrises and sunsets. Easy to set, use and operate on auto or manual. Exposure, ISO, shutter and aperture controls. Great magnification function button and peaking show me exact focus control. Light, small and compact. Accepts filters. Lens cap can remain on when camera is turned on and lens extends. Great deal when purchased at B&H - camera, battery, bag, memory card. Have added a second battery and Sony's ... Show More
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Absolutely in love
I bought this camera after months of preparation and inquiries into the best kind of camera to get for two upcoming overseas trips and to get me started in the world of photography. This one is perfect. The zoom is incredible, the detail phenomenal, and the image-stabilization is near perfection. I've taken it to baseball games, along walks in Manhattan, and I'm excited to see what it does while traveling. It's lightweight and powerful, and gets ... Show More
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