Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm f/4-5.6 R Lens (Black)

Low cost, impressive results
I've only used the lens a brief time, but have been quite impressed. I used it for a few low light portraits of children and got results much better than I anticipated considering the low cost of this lens. It has a great focal range for informal portraiture that I think would work nicely for studio portraiture also. If it works so well in low light, it ought to be that much better using normal studio lighting.The lens construction and operation ... Show More
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Does what the numbers say
When I first took it out of the box I thought it was fake. This lens is very light and plasticy-feeling. Had to stare at the Oly logo for a while to get the confidence and attach it to my EPL5. But it works! I got into micro 4/3ds because full DSLR is just too bulky for me, it would always stay at home.. M43 format offers me the best quality/compactness ratio for me. And that's why I disregard the plasticy-feel of the lens and like it for it's pe... Show More
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Bought this as a present for my daughter who loves it!! AND, love the quality and service B&H provides!!!
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The next step up.
I bought this lens for my amateur photography club daughter for Christmas. So I can only tell you what she told me. Dad, this lens is great. I love the zoom. I can get up close to objects not far and get detail and zoom into objects far away. And It's still so clear and detailed.
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Great lens
High quality optics in a well designed, light (for a zoom) form factor. Excellent light capture for a relatively high f4.0. Was able to get some indoor shots with ambient lighting on a dark cloudy day just messing around with the lens on unboxing.
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very lightweight for a very sharp lens!
Perfect for carrying in a small camera case, or pack, or purse for the ladies. Although it does almost double in length when zoomed to maximum focal length it still balances well on the smaller cameras (my E-PL5). 35mm equiv. = 80-300mm zoom which is perfect for portrait length to moderate telephoto. With a good quality close up lens this will capture close ups of small insects or flowers. Making an inexpensive macro lens.
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So far, so great!
As a novice i find this to be a lot fun to use. It helps me get closer to critters I can't get closer to normally.
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A great deal for the money
This lens is a great deal for the money. Pretty sharp - leightweight - Build qualit is good - again this is not a Pro lens - but it is hard to beat for the price - I got this lens at B&H when I bought my OMD 5 and as a combo I got it for $ - beat that - now it is a super zoom lens so not an allaround walk about lens - then you need to get the Panasonic 14-140mm - but if you already have the kit lens 12-50 or the 14-42 and would like to get that e... Show More
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I would buy this product again
I think this lens is very good. Performance is Top Shelf. Focus is quick, accurate, and results pleasing all around. Plastic construction but still has that Oly Heavy Duty Look
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Good Lens
This is a sharp lens. I've had it now for about two weeks. I've used it to shoot farmers markets and some walkabouts around Helena. I've been very happy with the image quality. Lens construction seems ok. I'll know more when I take it out into the cold Montana winters. The 12-50 M.Zuiko seems to have a little more heft or solidness as it has splash and dust resistant. I would have liked to have seen this in the 40-150 lens. This lens has a plasti... Show More
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Cheap but capable lens
I've been using this lens for 3 months, and I'm happy with its performance. The lens is probably one of the sharpest telephoto lens, compared to Pany 45-200, 45-175, and 45-150. It is also lighter and cheaper than Sony E-mount 55-210mm lens, which I have used for half a year. Featured with MSC motor, AF speed is close to, if not as fast as, the latest 12-50 lens. With the macro conversion lens from Oly, you will be able to achieve 0.47X magnifica... Show More
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Great Lens
Used for sports photography at equestrian events. Not the best lens for dusty environments (not sealed), but that was known up-front. Handled itself well. Bokeh is OK at 150mm across a riding-ring. AF gave me some trouble when pointing at a subject from a distance, but my lack of experience is probably to blame. Not a great low-light lens. This amateur photographer gives this lens a 5-star rating.
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M.Zuiko ED 40-150 lens flimsy, but sharp
I bought this lens for my OMD because I was attracted to the light weight and relatively low price. As many are coming to recognize, the OMD is a true prosumer camera capable of delivering results almost equivalent to full frame camera's. Panasonic G Lumix lenses, most made in Japan, recognize this evolution, with their excellent build and high quality. Olympus lenses are only beginning to catch up. The 40-150 lens is a case in point. It is made ... Show More
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Feels cheap but good value for the money
- this is great value and a nice addition to my Olympus 4/3 camera system. The entire thing is plastic except for the glass, of course, and the gears. The zoom ring is a bit rough but does the job. Picture quality is very good but I haven't had a chance to really test it out yet.
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Cheap, light, small
Bought this to photograph wildlife during travel. Relatively small lense, but cheaply built - all plastic construction. This was fine for my uses, since I'm not interested in professional quality. 100% zoom shows noticeable lateral chromatic abberation in some cases. Great price at B&H.
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Fantastic 80-300 equivalent for the $$
Great little telephoto zoom. Plastic mount gives me pause about it's long term durability. Quality is good except at 150 where it's a little soft at all apertures, but moreso wide open. Very small and light, easily held in one hand attached to an E-M5 for long periods.
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Optical quality is good
Sharp lens, but, build is cheap. It has a plastic mount, well every part of it seems to be plastic other than the glass optics. The plastic is stiff, not flimsy, but there is a lot of resistance when zooming. You can feel the plastic rubbing against plastic. All the more I will use it, the lens should be fine but definitely not for full time use.
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Good general purpose lens.
This is a nice, general purpose lens to use with m4/3rds cameras. The lens performs quiet well and is very handy to have. It is reasonably sharp, well built, and sized right for the camera format. It is not super fast, ultra compact, or the sharpest m4/3rds lenses out there, but then again, it isn't priced or designed to be any of those. Even owning better glass than this, I still like it for what it is and am very satisfied with its performance and price.
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Great value
The lens is very useful with Olympus OM-D E-M5. The kit 12-50/3.5-6.3 is too dark at the long end to be usable indoors (it is f/5.1 at 25mm already), so the 40-150 takes care of the problem in the 40-50 mm range. The 40-150mm is simple and very light (lighter than even the 12-50, and all competing Panasonic lenses - 45-150, 45-175 and 45-200). Also it accepts Olympus MCON-P01 Macro Converter for cheap macro ability. Focus and aperture are silent ... Show More
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Great performing compact tele lens
I bought this lens for an Olympus PEN E-PL2 and I'm very pleased with the performance so far. It's a perfect complement to the 14-42 kit lens for travel, giving me wide angle to long telephoto in a very small, light kit. When zoomed to 150mm it can be hard to use the focus zoom due to extreme magnification of the movement, but the image stabilizer does a remarkable job handling shake at this focal length. The E-PL2 also can hunt a bit at the long... Show More
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Very fragile construction
The screw heads that hold the flimsy mount ring are too small and pull right through the plastic with moderate torque, which is what happened to me. They could have solved this with some $cent titanium washers, but overall it's a very poor design and they charge$repair costs to further capitalize on their design faux pas.
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Very good performance for the price
I use the lens on the EM5. The lens gives very good perfomance for the price (don't expect pirme lens performance). The focus speed is OK but not stellar and slower than the oly 12-50 but the accuracy is good.
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does the job
Does what it should and does it reasonably well. Focus is fast enough and pictures are fine. Compact and light. All in all I think it's good value for money, but there's a few shortcomings. This is my first Oly m43 lens, and I don't think the built quality is as good as the Pana lens I have (14,20,14-45). Plastic mount probably works fine, but I'd prefer metal. I'd also like to see a bag and hood included.
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Excellent images, light and compact lens
Great complement to a wide or midrange zoom or a prime. Very small and light with a very useful range.
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