Yamaha RH1 Headphones

Great sound stage and clarity!
I always wanted to try open back headphones, and these happened to be the cheapest that had decent specs. While it may not sound like my friends pair of Beyerdynamic DT990, it does provide very good sound! The frequency response is clean and flat, it doesn't boost anything, I can hear everything from the bass drum to the high-hat with these headphones. The stereo separation is phenomenal, I can hear things pan right to left like never before, it ... Show More
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Decent headphones with a little help!
This small, lightweight headphone is not recommended for those who enjoy really loud, forward music. The drivers are small & covered completely with foam, which deadens the sound a lot. I removed the foam pads & did a quarter mod, similar to my Grado Sr80e headphones. This improved the sound to decent loudness & quality, but not high quality. It is hard to drive on a smartphone, due to its 92 db sensitivity, & struggles to reach decent loudness u... Show More
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Good Sound, Comfortable
I wanted headphones that were reasonable sturdy and not too expensive. I just used these for the first time today and they are comfortable and deliver good sound.
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Best cheap headphones
These are decent for the price. They look good, are comfortable, sound good and hold up fairly well. We give these to adult students in our training program for using with online training. They always choose to take them at the end of the class where as with other cheap headphones this has not been true. They wont win any awards for sound quality but they are certainly not bad like most other cheap headphones we have tried.
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Awesome For Price
I bought the headphones just incase people forgot to bring earphones when they come to record in my studio and these are great and it comes with a gold plated adapter. I leave them on my drumset and they sound great for music too but since they are open backed there is little noise isolation and other people can hear your music at lower volumes so they think its loud other that that its a great pair of headphones for $
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