Tascam TM-2X Stereo XY Condenser DSLR Microphone

Idealni pro zaznam hudebnich nastroju.
Mikrofon Tascam urcite potesi vetsinu tzv. zrcadlovkaru, kteri chteji za priznivou cenu vyrazne zkvalitnit zvuk svych videi, aniz by na to potrebovali vic nez samotne teleso mikrofonu a kabel s tri a pulkou jackem bez nutnosti dalsi baterie. V tomto ohledu pristroj setri zivotni prostredi a za to davam bonusovy bod. Pokud se podivame na frekvencni krivku od nejhlubsich frekvenci po ty nejvyssi, vsimneme si, ze neni schopen podchytit subbassovou s... Show More
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Excellent camcorder mic
I am very happy with how well this microphone works with my JVC GZ-E505. It isolates handling noise very well. The pivoting head allows the user to significanty change the fore/aft sound balance - it is an excellent close interview mic. The cord retention slots are a very thoughtful feature. It weighs very little - I can't feel the difference in handling after it is installed. I left the extension arm in the box - I don't need it for my camcorder... Show More
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Great Quality for the Price!
BLUF: For the price, this microphone shocked me with it's high quality audio.Cons:1. Noise isolation arm is low quality plastic. I can foresee the arm breaking with a small amount of force.2. Adds significant volume to the size of the camera.3. When using the noise isolation arm, the microphone still picks up the sound of the camera's autofocus motor (although with a much lower dB than the internal microphone).Pros:1. Phenomenal audio quality.2. ... Show More
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Tried and True
When I went searching for a microphone to use on my Nikon D5200, I looked at all options everything from Nikon's Mic to Rode and beyond. When I came across the TM-2X Stereo XY Condenser DSLR Microphone by Tascam, I remembered how much I liked the the performance of my Tascam DR-40 and how reliable there product line has been. All of that aside the fact that B&H beat out others prices on this item just helped me seal the deal. It was easy putting ... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
great stereo microphone for DSLRs
Very happy with this stereo microphone, had it for 10 days and so far, have used it at a dance performance (playback music from a PA system) and a choir concert (50-100 live singers with piano and djembe accompaniment). The Tascam has a very clear, pleasing & clean sound with good frequency range. It sounds way better than the built in stereo mic of my Nikon D7100. Due to the noise isolation arm, the noise from the autofocus motor of my standard ... Show More
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Good Mic for HDSLR's
This mic worked very well with my 5D Mark III the audio was clean. What I did was run it through my bechtech mixer so I wouldn't get the hum from the preamps in the DSLR. The overall build of the mic is good accept the cold shoe mount, do not over tighten it will break very easily. I had to take the cold shoe mount of the extension arm that comes with the mic and install that one on the Mic now it works perfectly. Just be careful when you tighten it. Other then that good mic I think the price should be $- bucks for what you get. Wish it what made out of metal like the Rode Stereo VideoMic X.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
slick stereo setup IF......
This a great setup for great quality audio. These are configured as a 90 stereo pair, this is not a shotgun. They work very well for recording a band or for making railroad videos, which is what I use them for, they have great separation. These mic's require dc power from your camera's 1/8 Microphone IN jack. My Canon 60D provides this power, and because of this my video rig can be lighter, the microphones do not contain batteries. Those are just a couple of simple things to consider, if you're OK with these, I would highly recommend this stereo microphone setup.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Great value, but requires phantom power
This is an excellent value in a DSLR microphone, but it doesn't work for my purposes because it requires phantom power delivered through a miniplug jack. If you can get it working, the sound quality is excellent and the compact form-factor very useful. The compact form-factor reflects the lack of an on-board battery, and consequently it requires external power, delivered through a miniplug rather than an XLR jack. This is unusual, but is clearly indicated in the product description. I simply didn't read carefully enough, so don't make the same mistake I did!
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Tascam TM-2X - Good quality music and voice recording
I used the TM-2X to record the Principal Cellist of the Colorado Symphony in a video using my Canon 70D. The sound quality from my previews of the video shoot was very good, better than I expected actually. I used the extension arm to move the mics forward and didn't hear any dicernable auto focus noise from my Canon 18-155 lens. The extension arm is a bit flimsy as other reviewers have noted, but it works fine if you install the mic first before mounting the arm to your hot shoe, and don't lift the camera by the arm.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Great value
Excellent upgrade to my DSLR video over the onboard mic. I've shot some moving water scenes at a river rapid and at the beach. With the onboard mic I just get an unpleasant roaring in mono. With the TM-2X I get the relaxing sounds of waves in stereo. I used the dead cat and low cut switch to very good results. I suspect the onboard audio processing of my camera is the limiting factor of pro-sounding audio so a more expensive mic would probably yield only marginal improvement. This is a great upgrade.
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Excelentn pomocnk
Mechanick zpracovn na velmi dobr rovni, pouze rameno je chatrnj, z plastu. Tot plat o paticch ramene u samotnho mikrofonu, v nich je implementovn i stativov zvit.Po zvukov znmce: vborn prostorovost i frekvenn vyrovnanost od nzkch po vysok frekvence, inn ochrana proti zvukm z otes vzniklch na fotoapartu. Vynikajc protivtrn clona, kter nedegraduje zvuk a zrove uchovv istotu zznamu i pi rychlosti vtru 25km/h, a u elnho, nebo bonho.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
more than adequate
I've only had this microphone a short while. It was a windy day and so I used the provided wind guard. I probably should have used it on low cut, but as it was the audio contained a lot of wind noise. It also picks up af noise from the af motor but not as much as the onboard mic does. The vibration damping is excellent as the noise of my handling of the camera was not picked up. Used on a Sony a77m2.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
doesnt require phantom power
but it does require plugin power (big difference) Plugin power is delivered from most devices, but there are a few exceptions. Basically old SLR's and some Canon video models - like the XA series - but please check. Basically just google if another non powered microphone works on you device - like the Videomic go. I looked it up and the Panasonic GH2 and the GH3 have a powered output.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Lots of versatility if you know when & how to use it
This is a super little mic that we use on DSLRs or even on the OSMO for quality audio. The only challenge is performing some tests beforehand with the settings on the mic and making audio level adjustments either in the camera or in the DJI app if you're using an OSMO. Just be sure you've downloaded the most recent app that has audio level controls.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Good mic for dSLRs
I use this mic on my 7D Mark II to shoot video of my son playing piano. I like its compactness, ease of use and audio quality. The construction could be better; the mount locknuts on both the mic and the noise isolation arm are built entirely with plastic. That being said, if these are not overtightened, the mic should be reasonably durable.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Amazing product.
I film documentaries and this works flawlessly with my 4K Panasonic camera. The sound is very dynamic without distortion stereo image is unbelievable and the arm with the wind protector are nice additions. I will be buying the Tascam DR-60DMarkII and is going to pair perfectly. Highly recommended its an amazing product.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
it is kinda weird-looking but I wanted to have better audio while taking video via my camera (Fuji X-T1). Amazing improvement - I am recording my kids' music performances from the middle of the auditorium and the video sounds awesome now! the hotshoe extender looks dorky and I did not use it, but very pleased so far.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
better than I had hoped
Even better than I had hoped. The sound is clean and crisp and the supplied wind guard eliminated wind noise in the conditions I normally work in. I have only used it with the included extension arm and using it my vids had no motor noise. The cable clips are a nice touch and keeps the cable out of the way.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Good for recording live music.
I've been looking for a DSLR mic to record drums, which may be the most difficult instrument to record. I'm very happy with the results. The sound is clear and accurate. Some more expensive micsay be better for this type of application but for the money this gave me the results I desired.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Excellent value and performance.
This stereo microphone is a great match for my Sony AX-33 camcorder. For recording nature it is very sensitive and it's easy to control volume levels from with-in the cameras mic menu. The sensitivity switch is a nice bonus for attenuation on the fly...
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Works Gr8 with my Fuji X-T20
I'm a photographer that also shoots video! Very happy with the sound quality from the Tascam TM-2X stereo microphone. It produced an excellent recording.A must have for stereo sound recording on DSLRs and mirrorless.Best ambient mic system for cameras.
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TASCAM TM-2x Stereo DSLR Microphone
Excellent stereo, constructed well, no battery, very clear response, unique wind screen but works great - super value for under $
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A step up from the in-camera mic
Used for live recording of a rock band. Sound quality better than the in-camera mic, and for not much money. Meets my needs.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Woooooo excellente for DSLR audio
If you are looking for a good audio and JUST IN CASE(zoom-tascam-sony ect.. fails) and cover your SELF,get this !!!
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