Tascam GB-10 - USB Guitar/Bass Trainer/Recorder

Almost perfect training tool
First, this really is a very good tool to help you learn how to play new songs. Having the ability to slow things down just a little can be huge in itself. Also being able to speed things up can be nice too. However, not having a back lit screen was just completely dumb. Sure it saves on batteries. Big deal because it's useless in low light. In fact it needs good lighting to read the small screen. Another thing is, the range that you can slow dow... Show More
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A really Must Have Item in any Guitar/Bass players Rig
Tascam's GB-10 is an extremely usefull piece of equipment in my rig. I am a intermediate level bass player who can play most any song I can hear the bass line in. Not only is the GB-10 a very good headphone amp, allowing me to play along to music of my choice without disturbing my wife's naps, it gives me the option to slow down the playback of those songs, without changing the pitch, which allows me to hear the details of the bass lines easier. ... Show More
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headphone amp multitool
great to slow down song tunner and effect are great smal essy take out for bass and guitar
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Good enough
I use this for my bass. The system is easy to use and I am able to set pitch for songs played with non standard tuning. Setting up loops to learn more difficult parts is also easy and helpful. Just two concerns: I can't believe there is no back light for the screen. I usually practice at night and unless I have a high watt lamp on my desk it's very hard to read the screen. Second...there is no tone control and for me bass boost is key to hear bas... Show More
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Tascam GB-10 Guitar trainer
Amazing tool/toy, play guitar over any song you load in, you can slow songs down without affecting pitch/tuning. or change key without changing tempo.and you can loop any section of any song, and slow that loop down, makes it very easy for me to find the right notes on fast solos.. i see me using this device more then any other in the next few years
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Good,not great
Slowing down the audio always produces some click,and blurps,which can make it hard to hear some fine detail.But still pretty good.
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Not what claimed to be.
The sound is horrible and features are poor. It was a waste of time and money. Boxed it up and sent it back.
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Easy to use. Much better sound quality than the previous model and much better memory. Also, the new model uses batteries which is much easier than having to charge in the computer. Very valuable tool and it is small so easy to travel with. You can plug it in to the sound system as well if your bandmates don't believe you that part A of the song repeats before the bridge and you need to prove it to them.
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Good Learning Tool
It took a bit to understand how to use it properly, but once I got going, it worked well. Great tool for learning how to play guitar.
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Nice but a little complicated for me...
I recommend that you web search for the the user guide and read it BEFORE you order this device to make sure it's a good for for you.
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Indispensable tool for Guitarists!
Can't beat the GB-10 for learning new material. I just joined a new project and the singer/writer has three CDs of music I have to learn. The slow down and loop feature to isolate riffs and parts is great. Play along until you know the part and move on!
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Great tool for practice and learning.
I have been using the Tascam MP-GT1 for about three years, and it has helped me learning songs and licks in a very efficient way. The GB10 has many improvements I have been waiting for. The small memory problem was solved by the use of SD cards. The controls are now much more intuitive, because you don't need to use a dial for almost everything like in the previous model. But I do miss the backlit screen, and the metal case from the MP-GT1 (the G... Show More
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Tascam GB-10 USB Guitar / Bass Trainer
The design is much more user friendly than the MP-GT1 which it replaced. Being able to access functions directly from the panel is really nice. Having gone through 2 MP-GT1's, I hope the GB-10 is built better and will last longer. Only time will tell. I use this daily as I play lead guitar for my church every week and we're constantly adding new songs.
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Great little unit
I am a pedal steel guitar player and I use the GB-10 to record guitar licks and learn them by slowing them down if need be to get the string combinations I need. The loop function is great. You can play and repeat only the part you want to learn. I would reccomend the GB-10 to any level of player wanting to learn more.
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Must have if you can't be too loud
This unit is perfect if you need something to plug into and hear your guitar without everyone else in the house or the neighborhood having to endure the same. Not only does it help for practicing quietly but you can slow down, change the key and even loop certain sections of songs when you are learning them which will give you an edge over the competition.
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Fabulous Training Tool
Easily transfers music files from iTunes to internal memory, then allows playback at lower speed with no pitch change for analysis. Works perfectly. Best used with foot pedal accessory.
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not really good for bassists
I have the old cd bass trainer and have used the mp-BT1. While the GB-10 has some great features, it does not have the bass cancelling and bass enhancing features that made it easy to hear and learn the bass parts. This is a great guitar trainer that overlooks bassists. I am returning the one I got for my birthday and scouring the internet for a MP-BT1.
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Better but still not great
Best tool for pulling songs apart. Smaller footprint than previous model. Still cumbersome for some commonly used features. Biggest headache it inability to quickly restart a track (you have to hit the back key multiple times to return to begining. Good luck sorting out file system between folders and playlist. Should have a simple app to manage from a PC or phone. Looper is annoying, hold the button too long and a second looper app appears. Still better than using a PC.
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Great Device
Bought it for my 13 year old son who players Guitar. His teacher also liked it. Great Practice aid, the only downside was having to convert my WMA files to MP3
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GB-10 Gets me gigs.
This thing is amazing. Right out of the box I had everything figured out and up and working. I'm a bassist and I get calls to play gigs with cover bands that give me 30+ songs on a list to learn in a couple days. I recently got a call for a gig that had some very Bass intense songs that I did not know. I bought the GB-10, quickly loaded it with about 30 songs and was able to work in any room of my house with headphones and a guitar cable. The Key... Show More
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Just what I needed. It works great for
I am trying to teach myself the bass guitar. This produce allows me to slow the tempo of a song enough so that even I can play along with it. When I start to get it, I can increase the tempo. And the tune doesn't change. I have never seen anything like it. And the price was affordable
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This is exactly what I was looking for.
I am trying to teach myself the play the bass. the GB-10 allows me to slow my lessons to learn the fingering, and then to speed it up. It was easy to set up and get started. I love it.
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A great tool at a great price
The convenience of MP3 recordings and all the features in a compact size make this a must for all guitar players.
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Review of the Tascam GB-10 and B & H
I was told by a friend about a bass trainer that he used to improve his skill level. Thanks to B & H, it was easy to go to their site and to review their products and then decide on the best trainer for my skill level and goals. I am now able to practice the upcoming weeks church hymns and to participate in worship services.
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