Pyle Pro PHA40 4-Channel Stereo Headphone Amplifier

Cheap design, works only for limited applications
The internal circuitry is rather cheap. Instead of dedicated amplifiers it uses a cheap and old op-amp amplifier circuit. It works, but can't provide too much output power. It would have high distortion with low-impedance headphones. Worse yet, it doesn't have any internal power regulation and completely depends on the power supply for that. This means that switching power supplies would have unacceptably high noise and this circuit is only usabl... Show More
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Once headphones are plugged all the way in signal goes mono. If you want you can find the sweet spot that pops and cracks in stereo when user moves ever so slighty. Additionally, I have no idea why the input and outputs are on the same side of the equipment. Shabby design. I highly recommend investing an extra 20 or more dollars on something that works than complete wasting your money on this Pyle Pro. Over the years it has become quite apparent Pyle does not give a hoot about their product and certainly not their customers.
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Great product, especially for the price
I work in theater and often need to do recording sessions with a number of people who want to be able to listen at the same time (me, a director, a couple performers). For under $, the PHA40 is an ideal way to solve that need. It is very simple to use, allows everyone to control their own volume, and basically just works as advertised, which is something to be skeptical about for this price. I do wish it came with a few 1/4 to 1/8 adapters, but those are fairly cheap on there own if you need them.
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This is a good product if you use a stereo input, have plenty of signal to send to the amplifier, and don't care that it is a bit of a counter-intuitive design. I don't have much signal that I can send to the amplifier, and it is incredibly quiet. Great for a silent studio, not great when you are playing a show and need a cheap wired in-ear. For the money, ehh, i'd go up a couple notches. Good for the wallet, nightmare for the sound guy.
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Excellent amplifier for the size,
Wanted a small amp for my computer speakers, this one works great, is compact on my desk. The only bad side is I had to find 4 1/4 to 3.5 adapters so I could plug in earphone jacks. It would be great if they were offered with the amp. Up charge for this would be no problem. If you want to give your comnputer speakers some extra volume then this will work for you.
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Excellant Headphone Amp
We're a voice-over studio and it helps to have a clean headphone feed...and this little amp shines. It was a rocky start as the first one arrived with no left channel and a terrible hum. A call to B&H and a replacement arrived quickly. The second one is low-noise, has plenty of power, and the price is right.
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Great little Distributer
We are giving the podcasting venture a try. We realized that we all need to hear each other, but also some people are half deaf need to be turned up more than others. this helps correct how loud your set is and make it comfortable to you. this way no one has any bleeding ears from our awful podcasts.
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Hesitated at first, but blew me away
I use this for my home studio and i can't believe how my monitor mix sounds so accurate.I ordered two,one for the mix room and the other for the drum room. Very compact item to store away and carry less equipment around. I don't really have any negative reviews on this item.
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Perfect for our home studio
We have a home recording studio and on ocassion we need to provide mix monitoring to more than the 2 headphone outs available on our audio interface. This little headphone amp is exactly what we needed. I was surprised by the quality and power of this little headphone amp.
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Good, Cheap Headphone Amp
Provides the ability for my podcast co-host that isn't as hard of hearing as me to control this own headset volume for our podcast. Easy to connect and operate with my mixer and the only thing that was lacking was the cable to connect to the mixer.
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Even Better than I'd imagined
Now I can finally use my 4 different monitoring systems in my home studio thanks to this little thing. There is no volume inconsistency or anything else. Takes a stereo input and gives out the same amount of signal through all four outputs.
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Works well.
Worked great. I recorded an episode of A FRANK Discussion w/ Jan Dacobs Podcast with 3 extra guests. This was exactly what we needed to handle the headphones. Also did a little musical recording afterward. Worked fine.
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It Works
Its does the job..... Not great in quality but for the price its perfect. Needs on off switch. Every time you plugin the headphones it give a little zap sound in the headphones.
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Perfect for the Job
This product works exactly how it is advertised. It works great for my needs. I use it to amplify an audio stream from a scanner which is sent out to Radio Reference.
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Great deal for the price
Does everything you would expect from a cheap headphone amp and more. Very satisfied. I use it to boost the signal from an Ipod.
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Great value
I was pleasantly surprised at the high quality of this unit. I would highly recommend this product and what a great price.
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Nice amplifier
It sends a clear, clean, rich and powerful signal to its four outputs and for this price it's just perfect!
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