Audio-Technica PRO 88W-830 Camera Mountable VHF Lavalier Wireless System (TVHF: 179.400 & 180.600 MHz)

Audio-Technica PRO 88W-830 Camera Mountable VHF Lavalier Wireless System (TVHF: 179.400 & 180.600 MHz)
B&H Photo Video (890)

Generally good

Jun 7, 2012

I've owned the Audio Technica Pro 88W for five months and used it in a wide variety of professional videography applications. Here are a few important things I've noticed: 1. It works very well within twenty feet of your subject, provided that you have a clear view of that person. In other words it doesn't work well around corners, or even with other people standing between you and your subject. 2. It does not function well at all in a busy conve... Show More

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Great Product!

May 9, 2012

I use it with a SONY HDR AX2000, which a bunch of friends and relatives gave me for my birthday last week. The sound on this system is clean, even when I was almost 100 ft away, it sounded like I was standing next to the subject. The price is very reasonable. In short, it exceeded my expectaions. My one complaint is that I wish it could seat more securely on the camera. The mount that's included in the package does not lock the radio in place, it can move, it can fall off

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Didn't meet my expectations

Mar 13, 2012

I had a video shoot that required a wireless lavalier setup connected to my video camera. I was only 30 feet away from the subject and I experienced drop outs during the taping. The other frequency was noisy and the one selected without the noise would be okay for a while and then I would experience audio drop outs. Not quite the performance I expected at a distance of 30 feet. I returned the PRO88W and went with the Sennheiser EW112P G3 system. More money, but much better performance.

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solid performer

Feb 19, 2012

after testing for positioning, the plug btwn mic and transmitter came loose. once taped down this was good kit for single interview. range was good.

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work great for the price

Feb 14, 2012

Bottom line: you can spend $2000 on your high-quality UHF radio mics and when you give them to 85 undergraduates, they will get broken just as easily as my $200 VHF mics. There is hardly any difference in sound quality and interference in minimal, especially if you are fairly close to the camera/receiver, like you would be in a typical interview situation. I've used them for years and have had no problems (except, of course, when they get broken!). But then, they're reasonably priced, so I could get another one (or two).

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You get what you pay for

Feb 5, 2012

Like a lot of wireless systems, you're not going to get off paying a little and getting a lot out of it. This is true with this system. It's good for open spaces or one-on-one interviews. So if you plan on using it for a presentation or intimate interview, great. Buy this kit--it's a great value for what you want. That being said, it does get a bit of interference even at close range if people or other electronics get in the way. This can be pret... Show More

Reviewed on B&H Photo Video

Works well - Great mic for the money!

Dec 20, 2011

Use this for doing interviews and other film/video work. Works well as long as the batteries are fresh and within 20-30ft - watch out for dead spots in the orientation of the receiving antenna. Same is true on any radio receiver but especially true with this model. Just saying, pay attention. The mic is NICE! Great clear audio for the money - assuming, of course, proper placement and whether or not it's covered by clothing. Not being able to cont... Show More

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A Lot Of Feedback

Dec 14, 2011

I'm an independent television producer who needs a second wireless mic for special guests on a cooking show I produce. Our host wears a Seinnheser and I love it... rarely do we have a problem... but I also don't have the budget for another Senheiser. I used this mic and the first show, the first guest, who was only on set for 5 minutes we had a lot of feedback and pops and hisses. I tried both channels and it didn't help. Several more attempt hav... Show More

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good enough for interviews

Dec 11, 2011

I used it to record an interview. I had the Ac in the background that I couldn't turn off and I still got a pretty good sound recorded.

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Good for the Money

Dec 11, 2011

Great for under $200, but comes with all the downsides of a budget microphone. Surprisingly small capsule and well-built. Good range to 20 feet. Would get the G3 Evolution in a heartbeat if I had $600.

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Not a $600 wireless mic, but...

Dec 1, 2011

I used the mic with my consumer camera to record a dialog and procedure between a client and a patient. I normally us a $600 mic system but did not have access to the more expensive unit at the time. The Pro88W worked perfectly for what I needed. The sound was good and it picked up both people even over a lot of background noise. The quality of the mic and cord construction is poor and I expect to need to replace it in the near future but it will serve for now. I was only about 12ft. away and the pick up was good with no interference from the electronic equipment in the room.

Reviewed on B&H Photo Video

Affordable and works great

Nov 21, 2011

Doing a video project for our church and it has worked great. Its receptive enough to pick up great sound from off camera or small enough to be disguised.

Reviewed on B&H Photo Video

Good system for the price

Nov 9, 2011

Easy to use for first-timer. Only thing not great was I had to velcro the square receiver onto the top of my camcorder which is rounded. Not ideal, but it worked. Sound quality is good for the price - so much better than without the mic system.

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A very good result for an unusual use!

Oct 24, 2011

We use 2 pairs of the VHF Lavalier system in an experiment where people where walking around with a speaker on an helmet, the aim was to train an neuromorphic system to track people using sound/image and compare its performance with human subject. THe receivers were connected to a computer playing the source sounds et the receivers were connected to the helmets. It works great!

Reviewed on B&H Photo Video

Working Fine

Sep 23, 2011

I bought two of these mics to run interviews. They work fine. The only comment I have is that a couple of times I've heard interference. It's not from running two mics at once, but it may be coming from other radio frequencies in the area. Otherwise, the sound quality is good. One improvement could be using a rechargeable power source.

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Jul 8, 2011

I bought this unit out of desperately needing wireless mic. After checking too many reviews for any one person to read, I chose this one. It was right in my budget and even thought there were a lot of neg. stuff posted, I came to the conclusion that a lot of people want to be served champagne on a beer budget. It worked for me as good as I expected the signal was clear even with it being tucked behind the grooms vest, only a few brushing sounds w... Show More

Reviewed on B&H Photo Video

Good Lav System for the Budget Minded

Jun 1, 2011

I needed to get some lavs quickly without spending a fortune and after researching, settled on these. The sound quality is quite good and they work reliably up to about 50 ft. After that, they tend to be prone to dropout or static depending on where you have placed the transmitter on the actor. They are plastic so not the most rugged but in a pinch, these have worked out great.

Reviewed on B&H Photo Video

pretty good

May 30, 2011

took a bit of tweaking, including switching to manual volume and reducing volume to a level that tuned out background, but still enough foreground. Still not perfected, but we are very close. Sometimes picks up electronic interference, but we've worked around that, also. all-in-all a pretty good system for the price range.

Reviewed on B&H Photo Video

Good for the price

May 23, 2011

I bought this to use at a wedding and for some reason had trouble getting the volume up enough to hear. Tried it again and it worked fine.

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Wouldn't Recommend It

May 18, 2011

I got the Audio-Technica Pro 88W to use with my Cannon Rebel T3i. When I tested the mic in a controlled invironment with my Cannon, there was a significant amount of white noise. Totally unacceptable. I returned the system and am going to see how the AZDEN UHF LAV system works. Hope this is helpful.

Reviewed on B&H Photo Video

Good for 1-1 -- not the best for group.

Apr 4, 2011

The mics are fine for 1-1 recording. I would NOT recommend for groups or multiple receivers.

Reviewed on B&H Photo Video

Great for the Price

Mar 29, 2011

I use the Pro 88W Lavs for general corporate talking head shoots. For the money they provide big bang for little buck. The range and quality are on par with the manufacturers specs. They even work great in pairs with no blead or squelch when in close proximity.

Reviewed on B&H Photo Video

Pretty good. . .for the price

Mar 15, 2011

Overall, they work for what they say, but there are a few negatives. They do crackle a little bit. Also, there is no battery indicator which is really frustrating because you never know how much more juice that battery has. Also, there is no volume control for the input to the camera and no volume control for the headphone so be prepared for your ear to be blown out. But they are really simple to use and get the job done. I've actually got better sound quality on these than with a wired mircrophone.

Reviewed on B&H Photo Video

Good wireless lav for the money!

Jan 26, 2011

I just bought this wireless mic and it worked great. I had a big project to do for a college and had no problems with the audio. I only give it 4 out of 5 stars because I'm sure there is one better out there...this isn't the absolute best mic on the market, but it was certainly good to do what I needed it to do.... Thanks B&H!

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Audio-Technica PRO 88W-830 Camera Mountable VHF Lavalier Wireless System (TVHF: 179.400 & 180.600 MHz)
$189 International shipping Special Order
B&H Photo Video B&H Photo Video