Logitech Corded Mouse M500

Quality Design, Very Easy Install
This mouse was readily installed simply with a plug into my computer. The software loaded immediately without any additional effort by me, and everything worked very smoothly. Particularly impressive was the color option for the cursor, which is now much more apparent on my monitor than was the old b&w cursor. This was a very worthwhile replacement to the old mouse.
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Great Mouse
I had one for many years which began acting up. It worked so well that I simply replaced it with another one.
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In my experience always a good product
Hey, its a mouse! It does what its supposed to do. It worked right out of the box. Its ergonomic in my hand. What else could I want? Actually, a plastic pack that was a bit easier to open, but this is a small matter.
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Wonderful piece of technology
After having installed the Logitech Corded Mouse, my computer is working better than ever, I should have taken this decision beforehand. Excellent!
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Died after a month of use
I recently purchased two of these for the office I work at, where they have been used on a daily basis now for about a month. Today, when someone sat down at one of the computers to use it, the mouse at that computer wouldn't respond. We tried plugging it into another machine and still no response. We then tried a working mouse on the computer and as expected it worked fine. Conclusion: the mouse is dead. I wanted to like these mice, as they... Show More
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Works Great !!!!
Good Mouse, Pros: Price Cons: If you use Maya especially & maybe other 3d modelling package the mouse wheel can become a pain making you disable it in settings, due to the mouse wheel left/Right scroll which makes the viewport zoom in/Out speratically. other than that it's a good mouse.
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Solid performance, no special features, though..
Mouse works perfectly fine on my 2008 iMac. Much better experience than with the original Apple products which I retired into a dusty box in the attic. Only drawback is that there are no special features like a 'back' button which would make Safari use easier. Impressive how the mouse works on a glossy (white) surface.
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You won't regret getting this.
We use these for our Lan/online gaming in our center. It's free play and this has stood up to the daily (12hrs/6 days per week) use.
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Great Mouse
I use the mouse for Cad work and normal used. great mouse and gets the job done nothing fancy so less to go wrong
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Great mouse for those seeking an upgrade
I've become accustomed to using a contoured mouse, so using a standard mouse even for a little while seems wildly uncomfortable. I recently built a new PC and decided to try the Logitech M500. I'm very happy with it after 3 weeks. It feels fantastic in my hand. The main buttons and back button on the side are all within reach. I have to shift my hand a bit to reach the forward button. (I use quote for the buttons because you can change what they ... Show More
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As Advertised - Great with a Mac
We were tired of battery changes or blue tooth issues with one of our desktop machines so we pulled the trigger on this corded mouse. 5 programmable buttons make this even better since you can use system preferences on your Mac to allow the buttons to quickly show all open windows, show the desktop, and more.
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Highly recommended
I haven't use a corded mouse in a long time. Obviously the big inconvenience on using a cordless mouse is the constant need for fresh batteries and the fact that they lose accuracy in time. To my surprise the M500 doesn't feel like a corded mouse, it makes you ignore the cord and it doesn't get in your way. The size is just right for the average size hand. The hyper-fast scrolling is a plus and the forward and backward buttons are all the features you need.
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Poor Quality, Terrible Support, No More Logitech for Me.
After using a Logitech Mouseman for many years I thought It waass time to replace it. Thefoot pads were worn outand replacement pads were not very good. My M500 replacement was a big disappointment after using the old Mouseman. It felt cheap and the wheel felt and sounded like a big, unwound spring. I called Logitech support and was connected to a man who spoke very poor English. After asking him to repeat what he said several; times he hung up o... Show More
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Better than Wireless
I hate my wireless version of this mouse. It's just so unreliable. If you need something solid, get this.
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Logitech headed downhill
The last two Logitech mice stopped tracking accurately after 6-9 months (this M500 and a cordless one), and the cordless one double or triple clicks for every single click. And cleaning the mice and surface has no effect. Too bad they don't make the MX500 anymore; that's the only mouse from Logitech that's worked for me.
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Great replacement for a wireless mouse
I bought the M500 to replace my Logitech Performance MX Mouse, which does not seem to work with my new Asus Zenbook. Perhaps the MX fails to work properly due to lack of a Logitech driver for Windows 8.1? Supposedly there are interference issues with the MX due to USB 3.0 ports (as noted on the Logitech web site). Regardless, I needed an old-school corded mouse and the M500 fits the bill. It's ergonomic (similar to the Performance MX), a scroll w... Show More
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Mac Mac Mac the best corded mouse
Don't forget that it is the last full features corded mouse available on the market for Mac + as usual the best price at B&H
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Still love a corded mouse, LOVE Logitech
I've owned many versions of Logitech's laser sensor, corded mouse -- and this version performs like all the others.....WONDERFUL!
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Great Mouse for Many Uses
This mouse lasts a long time and can handle a large volume of use. It is easy for a range of people to use and it great for home and work use.
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Nice mouse
I like that this mouse doesnt need batteries. Also, like the ability to have free scrolling and limited slower scrolling with a click of the button. The back forward is a bit buggy on Mac OS. But maybe I need to check mouse settings.
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Functional Trained Mouse
This mouse is used almost daily. It's comfortable in my grip and generally does what it's supposed to. My only grouse is that sometimes the wheel 'forgets' the scroll speed that I've selected and increases it 5-10 fold. I then have to press the wheel twice to get it back to the speed that I've chosen. At worst it's an annoyance.
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Love This Mouse
Although I love the idea of a cordless mouse, I find that they stutter and skip just enough to make the experience poor. Thus, I have continued to use corded mice. This one responds well, feels great in the hand, and has great buttons.
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Software issues combined with a mac
I bought it to edit quicker in FCP and for that it works well. I pretty like the mouse itself, so I'm not gonna talk about that. For all Mac Users: When trying to configure the buttons, I was desperate, not being able to download any content from the logitech site. Thats what bothers me most about the mouse. The solution is to download USB Overdrive a (free) software to adjust your mouse to your preferences.
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Corded Mouse M500 by Logitech
I got a wired mouse because a wireless one won't work with my kvm switch. I've been wanting a mouse with forward/backward buttons for years. I've had it for about a month, and it seems pretty good so far. I like the scroll option button that lets you glide through huge spreadsheets quickly. I believe it can scroll to the left and to the right too, but I haven't tried it. The only negative thing I can say about it, is that the scroll wheel feels k... Show More
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