Sony Alpha a68 DSLR Camera (Body Only)

A68 Excelente relacin calidad-precio.
Por el precio, es una muy buena cmara, excelentes colores, excelente AF y muy buena velocidad de disparo.
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fantastic quality for price
this camera is a well thought out piece of equipment that takes amazing photographs with a simple, user friendly operating system and customisable button configuration as well as wheel and dial controls, certainly a good purchase for beginner to intermediate photographers
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This is an update of my original review
In my original review (the jury's still out), I complained about the viewfinder image when I tried to use the camera in full manual mode, i.e., manual focus AND manual aperture and shutter speed adjustment. After I used the camera some more, I found that in auto focus mode there are no problems with the viewfinder image. It is WISIWYG. It seems that Sony does not want the user of this camera to use it in manual focus mode and has provided the ine... Show More
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Bought this A68 as an upgrade from my Sony A500 I have had for years. Pictures are crisp and sharp. Video is awesome to have since the A500 didn't have it. The A68 focuses quickly and takes great pics with any of my 4 lens I have in my bag. I would strongly recommend this camera if you are looking to get into photography or looking to upgrade.
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The jury's still out
I bought this camera as a backup because it has features that are found on higher end cameras even though it is advertised as an entry level camera. The deciding factors were the 25.6 K ISO and BULB setting. I thought that it would be good for shooting in low light situations such as museums and at night. When I received the camera and took it out of the box I began to acquaint myself with its operation, specifically how to operate it ... Show More
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Nice backup camera for some.
The A68 is a nice camera and I got it for a backup for my A99II. I did not keep it due to the fact that I could not get used to the smaller viewfinder. This was just a personal thing for me even tho there was nothing wrong with the camera and it took very nice photos.
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No comprar?a otra como esta, creo que hay mejores c?maras.
La utilizo principalmente para grabar v?deo. La calidad de imagen es buena. Para hacer fotograf?as se batalla mucho con el disparador no es muy preciso y se dispara cuando no quieres disparar. Aunque el audio lo puedes utilizar manual la c?mara lo satura demasiado al utilizar un micr??fono externo, tienes que bajar mucho el volumen. Si duras grabando v?deo continuamente se calienta y la tienes que apagar.
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Fast autofocus, visible noise at ISO 800
I upgraded from A350 and happy with the new autofocus tracking algorithm. I owns also Pentax K-S1 which has better image quality from ISO 400 and above.
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Nice Camera
This is a great camera for the price. I had a few Minolta lenses that I was able to use on the body.
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I would recommend this camera to anyone
This camera is amazing! The shots come out very clear. Just focus the camera at whatever is desired and the camera pretty much does the rest.
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Great Camera
I am an old fart amateur/hobbyist photographer that started a few years back on the Minolta 101. The a68 was an upgrade from the a100 that I got just after Sony purchased the Minolta DSLR line. I went with this camera because of the lens I already had and what I wanted to do with the a100 could not be done. After many months of researching reviews I pulled the trigger and got the camera body only. It was the best purchase I have done. As one woul... Show More
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Excellent camera for the money
Nice camera but why would Sony cheap-out and omit an electronic level? I love the EVF over an optical finder, but not having a level for architectural photography sucks. I'd have been happy to pay an extra $20 for it! The rear LCD is just ok, pretty low res. The camera is reasonably well-made, although plasticy. All the functions I need are covered by the top buttons and the 2 custom fn buttons, making quick changes easy. The quick menu is great ... Show More
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Bought a68 @ Feb. 2017
I am upgrade from a550 and it's suitable for beginner to have a relatively low price to get this. Some disadv. of this camera is that it do not have wifi or nfc transfer.
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Great consumer-grade camera
I purchased the A68 a few months ago and have really enjoyed the move from 5 to 24MP resolution. I also like the bright OLED viewfinder and the LCD screen on the back that can be tilted. Lots of focus points are useful and a nicely balanced camera for shooting. I've also found the video capability very handy for use shooting a wedding without dragging around a small video camera. There are quite a few more menu options to sort through but it is n... Show More
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Love Sony products
Upgraded to a68 after over 150k of pics on a65. Multiple focus points looks great for shooting volleyball against a net. FPS is great in this price range
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Best for the Money
What else can you get for this price. The kit may be worth it but, if you are looking for a back-up for a Nikon or Canon, spend the $100 on an adapter. Then you have a great pair with an lens exchange.
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