Blue Mix-Fi Powered High-Fidelity Headphones with Built-In Amplifier

Good, clear sound - but too heavy
For: - clear, rich. detailed sound - deep, fast and precise bass - frequencies not messing up with each other - good isolation - easy to fit to your head size and shape - 2 cables: short with controls, and the longer one - stylish look and good quality accessories Against: - really heavy - foam pads don't seem to be replaceable and I've really seen better ones - tiring to wear above 10 minutes (for me) - headband foam f... Show More
Reviewed on
Looks great, interesting sound. not for mixing
I am a sound engineer so I was drawn in by the idea of using this to mix and then listen on mobile devices. Unfortunately my unit came with an annoying hiss in one ear each time I switched on the amplifier. I also had some noise when plugged directly into my laptop and my laptop then plugged into the wall. This didn't happen when using a dragonfly DAC but I still had the hiss in one side. I'd read about this issue affecting some units when it was... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video