Toa Electronics HX-5W Variable Dispersion Array Speaker with Stand Kit (White)

Always in my priority list
I used this in two challenging installations: 1. A church with an unconventional pentagonal shape - equivalent 60 foot x 60 foot floor area with a vertex facing the altar. They replaced two legacy (REALLY Legacy!) Shure VA300-S speakers. 2. In a 400 seat university auditorium complimented by the TOA subs. The church installation is about 9 years old and is one of the best installations I have done. Teh HX-5s are suspended 12 feet above the stairs... Show More
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Great product using with sub woofer
Using in church venue ceiling height 12ft. Running mono system with sub, Speaker is mounted to ceiling 51ft from back wall centered on 60 ft room width. Previous speaker a Renkhas Heinz too loud below and directly in front of speaker, dead spots in back corners of room also high end muffled dropped off significantly to the side. Did a lot of research looking at polar patterns of different speakers and the Toa fit the bill what clinched it was the... Show More
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Perfect fit.
We are a 200 seat 3/4 thrust theatre and have been trying to remedy our sound for years. OUr seating is very steep so getting an even sound level while still allowing the actors voices to be heard from stage has been a real challenge. These speakers are a perfect fit. We mounted the house left and right speakers vertically to reach up into the higher seats and the center ones horizontally to get the entire center section. The sound is crisp and clear. For the first time we are able to project a true live sound through out our space that soes not take away from the performers.
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great speakers
I have been using these for the better part of a decade. They provide great sound in relatively small church. The sound is even fro. Front to back. The people on the front row are not blown away. And the people in the rear hear everything. What more could I ask for?
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got to for our church and they are just what we needed! sound and look great!! been using for 6 months no problems!!! installed easy!! pretty loud!!!
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