Sony PXW-X500 XAVC 60P 2/3 Camcorder Body

Best 60p ENG on market
We've had this camera for about 5 months now, and just upgraded the firmware to v3. This upgrade vastly improved the record times/down times (It was pretty slow before). We purchased this camera for its 60p functionality, as we shoot sports, and post all of our content online. We also purchased the XAVC option so we could shoot 1080 up to 120fps, which is fantastic! The new XAVC codec also provides high quality with low file size and saves us a ton of space. As far as I'm concerned, this camera can stack up to any ENG on the market.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Not suitable for ENG work
Every control, every button and every menu on this camera passes through onboard computer which is extremely slow. Forget instant feedback. There is none. Any change you make takes one to three seconds to register in the viewfinder. If you ever though using a slow computer would be a good way to shoot news, then this is the camera for you.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video