YAMAHA HPH-MT8, Over-ear Kopfhörer Schwarz

MT5 vs. MT8.
I have both. Be aware the MT8, while more nuanced and solid, with somewhat better build, but is MUCH heavier, the upper limit of what I want on my head at 350 grams, the same weight as some gigantic Audio Technica ATH900's I have from years ago - without the large earpads that make that pair work. For casual listening and monitoring the MT5's are fine, one-third less weight and less pressure on the side of the head. Prefer them to Sony 7506, whic... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Guitar sound recording, mix guitar sounds in software, use impulse responses,
its true about these head phones they are Flat sounding and precise, this is exactly what I need to get the sound right from the start, Thanks Yamaha, will get One more pair soon
Reviewed on ThomannMusic.com
It's Yamaha baby!
Very good quality and materials. Sounds very good from "flatness" perspective. Very good loudness with clarity. Just might be one issue - can touch bigger ears with speaker covers.
Reviewed on ThomannMusic.com
Balanced headphones
These replaced my Sony MDR 7506. I have used the headphones over the last couple of months mainly for silent bass practice, for general listening and to a lesser extend also for mixing. Different price point compared to the Sony but also definitely a few notches up in terms of sound quality. The overall sound profile is very balanced with good resolution for closed back headphones. The bass sounds great with good extension without getting bo... Show More
Reviewed on ThomannMusic.com
Sooo accurate..precise...frequency,,dynamics..imaging
just brilliant... already 3 months with them and i put my fav sennheisers and beyer pairs back - as a 2nd choice/reference. Much like the MSP series on your head. Good amps and D/A is a must with those yamahas..I bet Akira Nakamura still works for Yamaha : ) Long live, Akira!
Reviewed on ThomannMusic.com