Sony E 20mm f/2.8 Lens with UV Filter Kit

It comes with a strange lens hood
It comes with a unusual lens hood with a rectangular opening without any petals, which make my nex-7 look like a compact camera. As for its pros and cons, everybody knows: compact but not zoomable. Go for it if you want your nex camera look unconspicuous.
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Excellent at Being What It Is
I primarily use an NEX-6 (which I absolutely LOVE!). On my NEX-6, Sony's 35/1.8 is my primary walking-around everyday lens... but sometimes, you need something a little bit wider to take in the full scope of what you're looking at. That's why I got the 20/2.8, and it excels at that purpose. Is this the sharpest lens Sony offers? Nope. But it's a pancake lens, after all, so I wasn't expecting it to be - and neither should you. What it is is reason... Show More
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A good lens
I'm new to the whole Sony lineup so will only express what my limited know is. Brought a Sony NEX-7 to be converted to infrared and just got the camera back. The lens came with a 18-55 but I wanted a smaller lens and picked the 20 as it fits (focal-length) between my two-most used medium format lenses. So far and with very limited usage due to harsh conditions I'm very pleased with the overall files.
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At least not bad quality and nice design
I'm owner of NEX-6. It's well known sad fact that lines of Sony' Nex lenses is not so fantastic as we'd like and thanks to Sigma we have a little bit better choice to find something suitable according a personal test... I use Sigma 19mm f2.8 EX DN as an incredibly inexpensive and generally good walking/travel lens and I almost happy with it. But we always try to find something better :) I bought this Sony' newest lens to replace Sigma because my ... Show More
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Very nice lens
This is a better lens than the 16mm. No softness noticede so far even wide open. The awasome thing that it works nicely with Sony NEX VCL-ECU1 ultra wide converter 0.75x which gives you 15mm to the crop sensor. Nice wide angle baby.
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Just barely better than 16mm pancake
I tested it in general purpose, bright light, low light, indoors and out. Focus is somewhat slow and clumsy compared to the larger lenses. Sharpness: It's very similar to the 16mm pancake except that you don't have to stop down to f/8 to get decent usable results. f/4 will do. Mustache distortion makes RAW processing a hassle at times. It is way, way too expensive for its level of performance. I would say it's about on par with the kit lens when ... Show More
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