Sony FE 28mm f/2 Lens

great for street not necessary low light
its a great lens for day time and general purpose walking around. The only problem you will have is focusing at night/low light. its focus by wire and the focus ring moves very fast. I was trying to make a portrait in blue hour with city lights in the background. The thing kept on missing focus even though it was sitting on a a7s. They advertise the fish eye converter to be F2 but it isn't. Its actually F3.5 so if you are buying this lens for the... Show More
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Just get it!
Awesome lens. Bought the 28mm 2 and the 35mm 2.8 for my 3 week trip to Japan. Used the 35mm at first during the day time and the 28mm came out at night for low light shots. But after a few days I just fell in love with the way the 28mm shot and kept the 28mm on full time. 35mm stayed at the airbnb I booked. Low light shots with f/2 compared to f/2.8 is a big difference and the narrow cramped streets / bars of Japan made the 28mm a clear winner. I wonder if I'll love the 28mm as much for shooting in other parts of the world where its not as cramped/narrow. Guess time to book my next trip!
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If this were a grand, I'd drop a star - but it's not
Great lens for half the cost of its main competition. As other reviews state, distortion is its main problem and lens correction does reduce its sharpness somewhat - but then it is very sharp to begin with. I use it on an A7RII and it's a great lens on that body for video. The A7RII's video works best in super 35/APSC mode which makes this lens work like a 42mm f3 (a focal length I love). The crop also avoids most of the lens' distortion. The lens works well in autofocus and is almost silent. Some will hate the focus-by-wire for manual focus though (it's not an issue for me).
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Sharp lens, must have for Sony FE
This is a pretty versatile lens for the Sony FE lineup, and a great value. It's sharp, and quick to focus. I would love to get my hands on the Batis 25mm F2.0 for comparison, but from what I can tell from the reviews floating around out there, this little guy gets you at least 90% of the way there. The main thing that it really suffers from is distortion, which I would take half a star for. But since I can't give 4.5, I'll round up to 5 stars. Haven't tried the adapters that'll give it more versatility by going wider, but it's good to know that the option is there.
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Sony FE 28mm
I was hoping for a high quality lens but for pro work this is not a good lens. I did direct comparison with the FE 16-35mm at 28mm and the zoom is superior in corner sharpness and overall sharpness/color/contrast. Also compared the above two with the FE 55mm (tighter shot of the same scene) and there is no comparison...the 55mm is among the best pieces of glass out there. If you just want a lens for casual snapshots this lens is fine but if you want razor sharp, go with the zoom or Batis 25mm, which is amazing. With this lineup, you do get what you pay for.
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What I needed
I'm a manual, vintage lens kind of guy. I shoot lots of film and have a number of Leica M mount lenses which are perfect for the A-series cameras. The problem I have is that the wide angles I have are not great with the digital sensor so I decided to get the 28. It is light enough and small enough for me. The optics are plenty good enough for nearly anyone. The manual focus is decent for an electronic lens. I considered the 24-105, but it was just too big for the way I wanted to use the lens so my kit is the 28 and M-mount 50 and 90. That is all I need.
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Best you'll get for the price
Very sharp lens - even if it's softer at the corners it still looks razor sharp when compared to the kit lens at 28mm. Not sure I'd use it for architecture....raw files have enormous distortion and very high chrom. abberation. Correctible in camera raw and other various software, but there's always sharpness lost when such a drastic correction is made. But for vacations and all around fun it's great! Small, light, fast - well, a prime at this price - doubt you'll see that often. All around great lens unless you're into architectural photography.
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It's incredible what a lens this small and light can do
Fast aperture, fast autofocus and sharp images for 200 grams or so. It looks bigger on the pictures, but performs really well. I use it for video on my Sony A7S II and I call this the Low Light Combo Monster :) F2 is really good for shooting at night and I haven't had issues with autofocus speed even with the A7S II's CDAF. I was used to Nikon DX format so it was a little wider than I expected but in a good way (so much so that I'm planning to use it for vlogging). Anyway, awesome lens for video from my experience.
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Its ok
I bought this lens thinking it would be similar in clarity to my 50mm. But I was mistaken. Its decent but it really lacks clarity. The pictures from this lens come out kind of muddy and very flat. I shot in manual mode and tested it out in various ways and settings but I was not happy with it. You cant put an ND filter darker than ND 8 on it because youll get vignetting wide open at f2. Its an ok lens for the price but Id rather spend my money on a Rokinon/Samyang 14mm wife angle instead of this one.
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Why didn't I buy this sooner
I love the detail on this lens and taking some long exposure with an 8x ND filter the pictures came out great. My zeiss 35mm 1.4 is great but its huge. It's not great walking around with it. I found the color sharp and loads of detail using a full size sensor. Also for food shots, you can get a lot of the scene into the image and then just crop if needed. I think the 28mm is a fun focal length for everyday shooting. I will carry my zeiss 55 for anything more up close. Overall I couldnt be happier.
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Reasonable Prime Lens
I've been using my manual Leica lenses on my Sony a7. I wanted to get an automatic lens that I could use just on the Sony; something that would maximize the a7's prowess, and keep up with my Leica expectations. I am not saying that this lens is as good as my Summilux, but it's good enough for what I need -an automatic prime lens that I can make wider with a converter. I also decided NOT to get the 18mm Zeiss Batis for the Sony. I need to save the money for my Leica gear. :)
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Good lens
Not as professional as some people would want, but this lens is quite good honestly. I have this alongside my A7II. I was able to even start shooting full frame images that would be accepted by shutterstock. Which means, this lens is good if you know how to setup you camera. There's not too much bokeh going on a F2 it's quite dead, but the sharpness is quite good on the center of the image. I would advise anyone who wants a decent budget lens to get a copy of this.
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Ok lens, not very good for video
This was the first lens I got with the A7S. After using it (or more like not used it) for about 2 years now. It's safe to say that I want to avoid this lens whenever I can. The focus is not quite sharp. When I use the focus assist to magnify part of the image, I never see crips image. However, this is a wide angle lens and so everything seem to be in focus no matter what. But if you're looking for perfectly crips focus then this is not the one you want.
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Best Bang for the buck
This lens is sooooo light and small, only about 200 grams!?!? One of the best bangs for the buck on the Sony system, imo. And at F/2, youre able to capture pretty sharp and low noise pictures. Great for street and hiking photography. It packs tons of bang for the price. 28mm is pretty wide. It covers more than 99% of my shots. If you think you need wider, well, then you probably dont need to read reviews for this anyway.
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Excellent Value
This lens was purchased as a compact travel lens for a Sony a7R II. It's small, light weight, solid, quick to focus and produces crisp images - exactly what I was looking for. My other travel lens is the Sony 55mm, so it's handy that they can share the same filter size. Again, one of the main criteria was size and weight, so the quality of the lens, with a lower price point was a pleasant surprise. It's a real gem!
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Bang for the Buck!
I bought this lens to be a wide angle on my A7r and a more normal length on my A6000. First, form factor, it is reasonably small and light. Works well with both bodies. As to build quality, a lot more plastic than the Zeiss lenses, very light. Optics, my copy is tack sharp. Focus speed is quick. Any optical weakness whether it be distortion or chromatic aberration is easily cleaned up in Lightroom or Camera raw.
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Sharp. Fast. Small. Light.
This lens is the perfect mate to the A7 series. The size is perfect, small and easy to carry ideal for travel.I just took this to New Zealand as my main lens and it covered a lot of ground. It's sharp, focuses quickly, and does incredibly well in low light. It's wide enough for landscapes, architecture and astrophotography, but holds surprisingly well for portraits and groups of people.
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Best lens ever.
I am a world traveler, about 3 countries per month in average therefore I need light gear easy to carry. I was a devoted Nikon shooter but Sony changed everything for me. I have owned several sony lenses and used Nikon glass with adaptors, the 28mm is by far the best lense I have ever used on my A7s, perfect for every condition, it's versatility is aweome and not to mention the price.
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Nifty Lens!
So this is my first FE lens and so far its been a joy to use. Really sharp, compact and it's a great focal length for everyday shooting. Sometimes its a bit too wide for my taste depending on what I'm shooting, but its a fantastic lens for the money. I do street photography and this focal length works for me. However I am looking to get a 50mm soon since its a little too wide for me.
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Good lens for the money
For a very small and extremely light lens at an attractive price, this lens delivers. No it's not as sharp as the Batis 25mm, especially in the corners but it blows away the 24-70 or 16-35 when those are shot at 28mm and you gain two stops of light. If you need a small, relatively fast, light and economical lens for your Sony a7 series camera, this is a good choice.
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Not as sharp as I expected
Its a great little lens, very light and comfortable to carry but its not as sharp as I expected from reading about it on line. No matter how streamlined the production is, lenses will vary. That doesn't mean that somewhere out there theres that version of a lens unbelievably sharp. From my single purchase, I wasn't impressed. Shipped back after 2 days.
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great lens for the money
i use it for my night photography,very small and lightweight,and very good optic for that price range! like others have said there is a fair level of distortion to deal with but it is corrected automatically in camera if you shoot jpegs,and in lightroom/camera raw if you shoot raw wish it was weather sealed but for that price cannot ask for so much:)
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Worth waiting for!
I had a number of good manual focus wide angles for the A7R that worked well for landscapes, but for fast moving subjects like people, this lens has proved to be every bit as good as I had hoped. The details I got from wide open f/2 shots were excellent, and all across the full frame. It was priced reasonably, and not overly heavy and handles well.
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Love this lens on Sony A6000
I just received this lens from B&H and the sharpness when paired with the Sony A6000 is incredible! I have taken several hundred shots already and this lens is pretty accurate every time. For me this was a great decision to add this little gem to my collection. You cannot go wrong with this lens. The delivery from B&H to Arizona was extremely fast.
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