Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 Digital Camera (Black)

Well, I finally sold my Nikon D7000. The writing is on the wall: smaller cameras are getting better and better. First it was the interchageable lens NEX-7. Now the RX100. I'm no pro, so the justification for carrying a traditional DSLR is drastically diminishing. The images from the RX100 are absolutely stunning. It gives me all the manual control I want, albeit in a somewhat convoluted menu system. For 80% of what I do, this is the camera I'll be using. The best camera is (still) the one you have with you!
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Sony RX 100
Just started playing with the camera. Auto focus and close objects in low light seems problematic. No manual included and on line version from Sony marginal at best. Not very intuitive. Not sure if I will keep it. May go back to Canon S 100.
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Worth every penny
I have lots of DSLR gear, but also like having a point and shoot in my pocket for walking around. The RX100 is a big step up from my Canon S95 (which I like a lot!) in terms of picture quality, but I also like several things about the ergonomics and handling. I like to take a lot of manual control, and the way the RX100 groups functions that you can quickly access with the function button, and the fact that the exposure compensation is easily acc... Show More
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Shoots RAW - but no converter yet
I was excited about this compact camera with Zeiss optics, manual controls, raw capability, and a large sensor -- but so far, I can only shoot jpeg images because there are no raw converter for Photoshop or Lightroom. The Sony PlayMemories software is awful, and their Image Converter software doesn't work on 64bit PCs.
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A pioneering breakthrough
Ignoring pro photographers, most of us are in need of a small camera that does well in indoor light without flash.Flash blinds people, disrupts events, creates starl light effects that are unpleasant. The RX100 has excellent 1 large sensor Image Quality (IQ), yet weighs almost the same as the Canon S100 (7.5 ounces). It is the first time a 7 ounce camera carries a large sensor. Fast focuser, excellent results, a bright f1.8 lens, excellent movie mode. And, unlike in the m4/3 world, one is not tempted to spend $ 4000 in lenses later!
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Atleast one F Stop Advantage Pocket Cam
Shot in Low light with my Sony Rx100, Canon S100 and Fuji X100. All were purchased from B and H. When shooting in low light conditions, the Sony RX100 has at least one stop advantage at both ISO 3200 and 6400 compared to the Canon S100. However, the Fujifilm X100 is still far superior to the Sony RX100 under similar low light conditions.
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Everyday camera. It's almost perfect.
Simply here are some cons and pros.Pros1. Build Quality. Yep! It's Sony.2. High Contrast with Good size for printing.3. Good User Interface4. Customizable buttons5. Portable6. New Battery X takes over 300 shots (Usually I took over 500 shots with full charged)7. Mini usb charge8. Carl Zeiss T coated lens. I don't care about F. my favorite A setting is always F5.6 or 7 (yep. depends on people)9. iso 100 through 800 or even 1600. hard to find noise... Show More
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