Astell&Kern SP1000 A&ultima Series High-End Music Player (Black)

I own the fiio5, fiio3 and the SP1000 all from B&H. I record vinyl through the KORG which is a japanese high end recorder that allows hifi purests to record analogue quality recordings into digital files which maintain the analogue sound. i record 5.6Mhz 32bit - large files with almost all the detail retained from the analogue medium. the fiio 5 & 3 calm to be able to play these files and they do, poorly. this is due to the fact that fiio have... Show More
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What a sound!
Ive had my SP1000 now for about 3 weeks and I cant put it down. Paired with a good headphone or IEM the stage sound is amazing. I can hear every nuance in the music. I can go back and forth between Heavy Metal, Jazz, Classical, Blues, R&B, Prog, Instrumentals, from Mile Daviss trumpet to Testaments thunder to Mario Biondis deep voice to Jaco Pistoriuss unique base playing all the detail is present.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Liked it in the beginning but not too much..
Sounds mighty good if the source files are perfectly encoded but then which player isn't. The major flaw with this product is that it doesn't have way to control the sonic characteristics of songs. It is well known that the EQ in this thing doesn't work at all. Not responsive at all - between (+/- 1). AK should just remove it, why you deceive the consumers with the non-functional dummy EQ. This player doesn't even have simple bass/treble contro... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video