Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX99 Digital Camera

Great Travel Camera
Perfect travel camera.Had a long-zoom bridge camera but it became just too heavy and cumbersome to carry.Then bought the Sony A6000 for travelgood camera but I missed the longer zoom.Then someone I know, who owned a camera shop in the past, said that all he carries on his travels is this Sony DSC hx99.Bought it and am thrilled.Its amazing what this little camera can do.Comfortable to hold, especially with the two-piece Sony case made for the came... Show More
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Easy and Fast
This is the first time I've worked with B&H. My experience was great, very easy and fast. I applied for the BooPay card and appreciate the bonuses of that transaction. The camera was well-packed and delivered quickly. Thank you, S in Roseville
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Dropped my first one. Liked it so much, I bought another!
Just the right size. Unbelievable optics. Have used it for sports, outdoor, and a number of different scenes. Good piece of gear. Dont drop it!
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Not acceptable as a primary ca
I shoot a full frame Nikon DSLR and was looking for a light weight travel replacement. I ran some tests shots a got some good daylight and macro results but anything shot at 800 or above was unacceptable for my needs. The camera is well built for the money but doesnt work for my needs.
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Lots of value, lots to learn
The HX99 is one of a new class of camera that goes beyond the traditional sense of a point and shoot camera as being simplistic. The HX99 is anything but simplistic, offering creative control akin to a DSLR. However, to tap into that, you have to be willing to learn how this camera works and perhaps read the downloadable manual. Others are down rating this camera without doing so, such as the reviewers who didnt realize that you can delete multip... Show More
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Okay but . . .
What a cute, complex camera. The zoom is magic and image quality is highly acceptable. However, it is far from a super-duper camera. For example, to erase images from a card, you must select the images one-by-one, taking a long time. I elected to go to formatting to erase the entire card that had hundreds of pics. The message said the card had been formatted. After taking more shots and opening the images, almost all the old images, the ones to h... Show More
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Ideal travel camera
Have owned this camera for a couple of months now, just returned from a months vacations in Spain where I put her through its paces; The optics are excellent as expected from a Leitz lens; The electronics also excellent, as expected from Sony; The ergonomics are great, it will easily slip into and out of a coat or blue jean pocket; The zoom is amazing from 24-700 mm although sharp focusing at full telephoto can be a little iffy without support; T... Show More
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Bought this as a more portable version of the larger Sony A7S. Almost identical controls in a much smaller platform. Size is great. Camera is not. Im experienced/proficient and know (un intuitive) controls/menu very well. This camera is slow- autofocus. It lacks consistency of holding exposure, focus points. Moving back to my A7ss and iPhone as a portable image acquisition platform...
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Super! Mais ...
Le seul problme pour moi, cest que je me suis aperu que je ne suis pas quip pour le 4K. Cest peut-tre mon logiciel de montage ou mes cran mais le 4K devient saccad. De plus il est en format MP4. Ce qui ne me convient pas. Jaurais prfr le format MTS.
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Small is beautiful
Small is beautiful, en particulier lorsquun tel appareil photo confirme toutes les promesses annonces par Sony. Surtout pour sa lgret et son zoom impressionnant pour un si petit format. Autant dire que je suis totalement satisfait de cet achat un prix extrmement raisonnable compar toutes les qualits de lappareil. Merci Sony et merci galement B & H Photo.
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Great Camera... if youre willing to learn
I make my living as a photographer. And I agree with the old adage that the best camera is the one you have with you. If Im working I put together the gear I need to get the job done... I have a lot of it after 40 years. A lot of this gear is heavy to lug around and so darned expensive that double checking to see if its safe is not a joy. But thats how you get great shots. That only makes up a part of my life. The rest of the time Im being a no... Show More
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Have your expectations in line
Since 2000, I have owned thirty digital cameras (many/most bought from B&H), nine of them being Sony including the HX9, HX50 and HX90. If I have learned anything it is that there are inherent limitations to small-sensor, long-lens cameras when it comes to picture quality, so you need to decide if that is a fair trade-off for the super zoom and compact form factor. For me, the 50 was not, and the 90 bricked on me, so after seven years and over 5,0... Show More
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Small and functional for the light at heart...
If you are buying this camera because you want to take decent pictures with a very small light camera, with a nice zoom range this will fit the bill. If you want a light easy to carry camera this is a good choice. Dont expect it to replace your full frame camera if you are in to fine art photography.
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Such an interesting camera.
Takes great photos. I like the panorama feature. The Sony HX99 fits easily inside my pocket.
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Lots of ways of taking terrible pictures
This camera has a wonderful set of user adjustable options and features. The one problem is it takes terrible pictures. I dont need a thousand ways of taking bad pics. The 4k video was pretty good and usable. But the pics were horrible, even in good light. I guess I am just used to better. It is on par with a cell phone and not even a modern, good cell phone camera. I can honestly say the only advantage to this camera over a top tier cell phone c... Show More
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Fabulous Camera
To get a Sony with 24-720 and shots 4K video. Plus a Zeiss lens for under $500.00 is amazing. Photo quality is excellent. Very fast focus.
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