Panasonic Lumix DC-LX100 II Digital Camera (Black)

A very good, compact camera
I really like my DC-LX100 ii. I mainly got it because it has increased the image file size compared to my Leica d-lux type 109 camera (17 MP vs. 12). It has the same quality of lens and a very solid, well-built feel. I especially like that it has a separate and an easily accessible exp. comp. dial. And I've set it up so I can make all the usual adjustments without having to go back into the screen menu - which makes my image-taking much simpler... Show More
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An even better camera for a select group of photographers
Allow me to begin by saying I am a professional photographer with 20 plus years of experience, and it is through this lens (pun intended) that I write this review. The following borrows heavily from my review of the MK1. Like the LX100 Mk1, the MK2 is a near perfect camera for a select group of people. Let me begin by identifying who this camera is not for. This is not a camera for amateur photographers. The LX 100 MK2 is a genuinely ambitious d... Show More
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Small Traditional Camera with Smart Features
All my past camera systems have been basically manual w/r to focus and exposure (Canon F with FD lenses, Hasselblad and Leica M) and I enjoyed that. I now use my Leica M lenses, with adapter, on a Fujifilm X Pro2, shooting in aperture priority. For overseas travel I wanted a small camera with the rangefinder look and a fast zoom lens, a good EVF and the same analog controls--rings for aperture and focusing and dials for shutter speed and expo... Show More
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To the users who want to use new LUMIX cameras RAW
To the users who want to use new LUMIX cameras RAW files in older versions of Photoshop with the ACR, simply open the files in the Adobe DNG Converter and turn them into DNG format. This way you can use them in any version of Photoshops ACR.
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Just what I want in a high-end tiny camera!
Phenomenal lens, touch screen improves functionality, the most comfortable camera I have ever worked with.
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A Perfect upgrade from my original LX100
I owned the LX100 back in 2014. For me it was the perfect Photographers Street Camera. Plenty of features, lots of control for the more serious photographer. I sold it a while back and got a Lumix GX8 (which I still have) but had always hoped that Panasonic would bring out a newer version of the LX100 (maybe an LX200). Well this new LX100 MK II fits that bill! First it retains all of the Control of the LX100 while giving it a big boost with mofre... Show More
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Unable to download RAW files into Photoshop 6
I just received this camera and proceeded to shoot several pictures just to check it out. I shot both in RAW format and Panasonics RW2 format which also produced a JPEG image. I was unable to open either of the RAW formats in Photoshop 6 on a Windows 10 platform. I downloaded plug-ins from Photoshop which indicated this camera was supported. No luck: still wouldnt download. Checked out Panasonic web site and no luck there either. Called B&H and t... Show More
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Great Camera
Image quality and lens are superb. Controls are at your fingertips. Granted I am an old school photographer but having an aperture ring and shutter speed dial accessible and not through a menu is important. The cameras auto focus is very fast and accurate. It is a photographers camera.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video