Yamaha LG800 Keyboard Stand for CP1 Piano

solid stand
Good solid strong stand. I am using an Yamaha cp4 88 key keyboard. Made to give you a solid fit. Go for it, it's the best.
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Simply the best for Motif XF8
I tried many keyboard stands for Motif XF8 but nothing really an exact good pair for it. I should have gotten this since the beginning. On each top corner, there is a hole to put the keyboard's rubber foot. Had to struggle a little bit when adjusting the width but a gentle force will do it. I could carry this with one hand. It's not fancy but very stable. A bit expensive but you won't be disappointed (After trying many different stands, this is a must have for Motif XF8). Just be careful on aligning the feet with top portion.
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Definitely a Secure Stand!
I am using the stand for a Yamaha Motif XF8 88 key keyboard. This stand was clearly made for it as the feet of the keyboard sit into open holes which provides total security. The lowest setting allows the keys to be at the exact height of a grand piano. The highest setting allows for a playing while standing. This stand is very sturdy; its stance is wide and the legs can support the weight of they keyboard and player together. (So I've heard!) If... Show More
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