Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm f/4 IS PRO Lens

Incredibly sharp lens
I just took one of these on safari in Zimbabwe, mounted on an EM-1. I came back with a huge portfolio of incredibly sharp, bright images, with jaw dropping detail. I started my trip using a monopod, but I soon realized for most shooting conditions I could easily hand hold and still get perfectly sharp images.
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Great so far
Just started using the lens for avian shots. Great results, but it's a heavy piece of glass and at least a monopod is a must.
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Very good 4/3 lens
First off, I shoot bird daily anywhere from 3-5 hours most day and my regular gear is a Canon 7D Mark II + 500mm F4 IS and I normally shoot handheld. After 8 years of shooting handheld my left bicept seems to ache some and won't go away, hence, my reason to buy this lens since I've used 4/3 before (Olympus E410, E420, E510 ..and 70-300mm Zuiko). This lens is very sharp even when compares to my Canon EF 500mm F4 which is a well known sharp lens. I... Show More
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EXPENSIVE - Reiterated
After doing an extensive comparison with my Sony full frame lenses, I have returned this lens and now I feel a lot better. These crop sensor lens manufacturer are all liars and steal hard earned money from gullible customers. The glass might be sharp but it's nowhere close to justifying the price. Olympus advertises this lens as being equivalent to a 600mm f4 full frame lens and that it's a lot cheaper than a 600mm f4... Well it's not and here's ... Show More
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Sharp but very expensive
This lens is sharp but the biggest downside is the price. I don't understand how people come up with their mathematics. I am not interested in the equivalent focal length on micro 4/3 system of 600mm f4 and at this equivalent focal length it costs less than full frame 600mm f4 lenses. My mathematics tells me that if this lens is to be compared one-on-one with full frame lenses then it should be compared against 300mm f4 full frame not 600mm f4 be... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Ver nice
I use this lens on an OMD-1 for wildlife photography. I like it in low light situations as it can keep low ISO levels because of the image stabilization. It is a sharp lens. Used with the teleconverter it becomes an 810mm lens. Very nice. My other combination is a Nikon 800mm and compared to that, it is a toy. It is a great combination for hiking and excursions away from the car. The foot works on a tripod or monopod without needing a plate. Also, very nice. I find that the easiest way to carry it is attached to a monopod slung over the shoulder.
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The best lens I have ever owned or tested
I am completely blown away by this lens. Sharpness I have never seen from this long telephoto lens and being able to shoot Hand Held razor sharp images at 1/30 sec in the Olympus E-M1 or E-M5 II cameras is simply mind boggling. I do not think lenses can get any better than this!
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Outstanding Lens, deserving the Pro name.
Hand held stellar images produced by this lens alone, and with the EC-14 attached. Very impressive in low light situations. Even when I tested the lens in the dark, with dimly lit subjects, the auto focus was very fast. Using anti shock & silent shutter adds a bit more sharpness to the image in almost any light. Even with it's larger size and extra weight I did not find it unbalanced, or too much to carry. All my testing was done on an OM-D E-M1.... Show More
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Sharp Lens
I have been using Olympus E-M1's for about two years. I am primarily a wildlife photographer and have waited for the release of the 300 Pro lens for quite awhile. I received mine from B&H on March 1st and I have had a chance to try it out. It is amazingly sharp at all focus distances and hand holdable at up to 1/100 sec at ISO 400. The autofocus slows down with the 1.4x and probably wouldn't be fast enough for flying birds, but the lens focuses f... Show More
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