Presonus HP2

Presonus HP2 (46)

Replacement cable

Feb 5, 2019

I cannot find the option for a replacement cable - the one I had has been damaged in use and I need another one. I suggest that you offer this cable as an extra on your site with this product

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Jul 29, 2017

It is a very robust and well built iem, can take a lot of "unwanted drops". I apreciate the stereo input, the XLR input cable is very useful. The sound is decent, with a low background noise from power supply. The higher impedance ear piece can be used, it has enought power to run them loud. A good value for money, a solid and well buit device.

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Quality product & user friendly

Jul 6, 2017

Got 4 of them to use on our studio while rehearsing mounted on a microphone stand for each of our band members. Very user friendly with the choice for mono or stereo mix and the option to power it with a battery. Also used a couple of times it in a live situation successfully without any problems. Only downside is the power button switch that can be pushed while on storage and the battery life shortens really fast. Overall good value for money

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Jan 26, 2017

Easy to use, good sound, good touch of the potmeters, and coz it is attachable onto a microphone stand, it is very easy te move it in the studio any close to the player. Sound is very good and enough loud,

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Easy to use little box

Nov 16, 2016

I use them for personal monitoring in the studio. They are attached on top of a mic stand (Millenium MS-2004), very easy to carry them around. The splitter cable it comes with is long enough. To my ears they sound a little "harsh" on the top end, but nothing that I cannot live with. More than enough volume even for tracking drums. It feels very sturdy, the pots feel quite good quality. I think it's a bit overpriced though.

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Presonus HP2
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