Corsair CC-9011075-WW Carbide Series 100R Mid-Tower Case

Good budget case
As my first case to ever build a pc, it was really good especially at the price point. I got mine for $50, and it comes with one fan and support for 3 more in the front and 2 at the top. Only downside is no psu shroud, but you can only get so much at $50
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Decent case for the money
Be prepared that this case has a double-fan-size hole in the upper panel. There is nothing to close it with. You basically will have to buy a double fan for it, otherwise, it will be sucking in the dust.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
yes i would buy this again
i love this case it is a good case only thing about it don't say Corsair on the front of the case but it not a big deal . i like it in side of the case becouse it is biger then my old case i had .i love the glass on the side of the case. the fan on the back of the case is not loud.if any one is looking for a good case buy this one.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video