Superlux HMD-660E

Incorrectly wired, useless as shipped.
A well-made product with great potential. But flawed! The wiring diagram supplied (also published on-line by Superlux - on the strength of which I bought the product) is deceptive. It clearly shows the mic capsule wired balanced, i.e. yellow & green wires as a screened pair. (Professional users will naturally want an XLR istead of the irrelevant mini-jack, but his 'x' option doesn't seem to be available any more.) The real problem is that th... Show More
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Partly disappointed.
The build of headset is OK for that price, sound quality is really good as well, but definitely there is something wrong with the mic! Connected to Asus STX sound card, or even to on board music card mic causes HUGE disruptions that nobody I speak with can actually hear me! I had to buy MODMIC 4 to have fully working headset. Overall - Partly disappointed!
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