Panasonic Lumix G 25mm f/1.7 ASPH. Lens with UV Filter Kit

Lumix G 25mm f/1.7 is a prime asset
I had reasonable expectations when I ordered this Panasonic lens. But, wow. It is quick focusing, easily separates your subject in sharp contrast from the background or foreground, creates nice bokeh. I liked it so much I ordered a second one.
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Great Lens
This lens is awesome. Although it is plastic, it is very sharp and gives great depth. I have used it for television interview style video shoots and it looks great. Autofocus is quick and sharp.
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Behold the New Nifty Fifty / Fantastic Plastic!!!
I have only had this lens for a little over a week, but i can say it was well worth the $. The things I like:1) Fast and quiet auto focus.2) Very compact and light.3) Colors appear to appear to be very accurate.4) Wide focus ring. (Compared to the Canon 50mm 1.8, this one is a gigantic improvement)The things I didn't like:1) No Image stabilization (But what do you expect for a $?)2) That's it!
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A modern miracle of price/quality
A new 25mm fast lens for $, with a metal mount has to be suspicious, but it works great!Ive searched for the rationale why panasonc seems to be dumping the lens, but if there is a IQ issue have yet to find it. I'm happy with the lens.
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Very nice fast sharp inexpensive 25mm (50mm equivalent) lens
On my E-PL5 or E-P5 this lens produces nice sharp center focus images with consistent fine detail at f1.7 with distant backgrounds having nice bokeh. With E-P5 and image stabilization can take photos in very low light hand held. Christmas lights on houses look very nice no blur handheld. Focus is sharp, instantaneous and quiet. Focus as close as 25cm but not a macro lens.
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The MIcro 4/3 version of the Niffty Fifty
Picked up this lens for $ on sale when 1st released ( MSRP $ ). I use this primarily for video work with my GH4 and G7 cameras. While it does not have Image Stabilization it offers up a very fast aperture of 1.7 which is great for low light situations. Seems reasonably sharp when shooting video at 4k and the image gets even sharper when you downscale to 1080p.A must have for any micro 4/3 camera owner
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Great shallow depth of field.
I love this lens! It gave me low light performance and shallow depth of field at an affordable price on the GH4. I was happy to get this lens because I didn't want to have to buy a pricy speed booster for low light filming. I also didn't want the added weight of a speed booster and big lens for using my image stabilizer. This is definabtly one of my goto lenses now when I reach into my lens kit bag.
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the m43 NiftyFifty
When the Olympus 25f1.8 was released I was tempted, but just felt that it wasn't worth that much to me (they weren't cheap. Then the Panasonic 25mm f1.4 was even dearer (and bigger). So now with the Panasonic 25mm f1.7 in hand I can say for me I've found the Graile. Like Goldilocks pronounced, its not too dear, its not too heavy and its just about perfect.
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Finally, the micro four thirds nifty fifty equivalent!
This is the lens most m4/3 users have been hoping for. It focuses blazingly fast on my EM1 and the signature high contrast and sharp IQ I know from panasonic primes is ever present. It may be a little softer in the corners, and perhaps not as razor sharp as the highly regarded Pansonic Leica 25mm f/1.4, but at the amazing price and offered this is a must have lens for the system. Portrait and street shooters will eat this up, and the close focus ... Show More
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Nice Nifty Fifty
I couldn't pass up this lens when it was available for $50 with the purchase of a camera body. I've used it on my new GX8 and have been happy with it. I wish it was physically a little smaller. It's quite a bit bigger than the pancake 20mm Panny lens, but is still light weight and easy to carry. I've been happy with theIQ of the limited samples of I have taken so far.
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My First Prime Lens
I like the lens but don't know how much use it will get outdoors. I prefer to leave my 14-1400 mounted on my G7. The lens is bright and takes good sharp pictures indoors without a flash. This could be very useful in a museum or other setting that didn't allow flash exposures.
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Great lens for the price, VIDEO REVIEW BELOW
This video sums up my thoughts on the lens and shows 4k photo examples and some video too, using the lens.
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Nice lens
This lens is a nice way to fill a niche in your bag. It has a nice wide aperture to provide excellent depth of field options and great low-light use. My only complaint is that it feels kinda flimsy. Very light weight, which is good, but on the other hand it feels lightweight. Nothing about it feels reasurringly solid. That's not to say it is shoddy or poorly built, just that it has less of a high-level feel than some of my other lenses. But given the price maybe that's to be expected. We'll see how it plays out as I use it more.
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Good lens at great price
I bought it while it was on special to compliment my Olympus 12mm. This lens is pretty light but only slightly smaller than Leica version, which is a bit more bigger than the Olympus 25mm 1.8 version. It is plastic fantastic construction but with metal lens mount. Performance wise it is pretty good given the price, give much nicer bokeh than the kit lens, CA seems slightly better than Leica version when full open, focus is fast and silent, but ag... Show More
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Great budget prime lens!!
Great prime lens for a great price. I was looking for a 25mm (nifty fifty) for my MU4/3 system and was waiting for this to come out. I did not want to compromise the DFD focusing speed and this lens delivers, and focus as fast as I can frame a scene. However, you can hear the shutter/focusing mechanism in a very quiet environment, but very faint. The construction is similar to the new pany 42.5mm f1.7. The texture is matte and nice to the touch b... Show More
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Very Nicen Great Lens
New released Lens, Very Great and Awesome lens. Works great on my BMPCC and G7. Pictures and Videos are Amazing!
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Superb prime lens
Extremely sharp, super fast wonderful all around lens with budget price. If you are looking for this lengths, may be this lens is the best option.
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