Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm f/4-5.6 Lens

luv it
don't believe in everything you read--the picture tells the story-- I wanted a wide angle lens that I could add filters to--I had the Olympus 7 to 14mm and was not impressed so I decided to give this one a try and I love it.
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Good lens, borderline wide angle
the width is borderline wide angle. If you require real wide angle, distorted edges than this is not the correct lens. For wide angle lens used for indoor during travel this is the best lens. light and very responsive.
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I will call today to get an RMA
The zooming is sticky and grabs, especially when doing it slowly trying to frame a photo. Otherwise it is compact, light and sharp. I checked online and this appears to be an occasional known problem with this lens.
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Great little lens
While not as wide or fast as the other micro 4/3 options, this lens is sharp, compact, versatile, and relatively inexpensive. It is fast becoming one of my favorite lenses. It pairs extremely well with my OMD-EM5II.
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Grat Little Lens
Using on a Panasonic GH4, it's my backup 4K video camera and so far this lens covers my off the shoulder wide stuff perfectly! The little unlock to compress design is kind of meh for me, it's already small enough.
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Great wide angle
I am beginning to practice with photography and love the wide angle lens. It amazes me how much more I can get in the picture with this little lens! I have the EPL1 and the adapter in order to use this. Love it!
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works great with the GF1
I'm very happy with this small lens. The image quality is great and it fits in my pocket! Interestingly, is much quieter than the 20mm f/1.7 kit lens. The obvious downside is that is not very fast (f/4).
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Wow - Small and high quality!
This lens is small enough to take anywhere and good enough to take stellar photographs! Olympus Zuiko optics do not disappoint. I take this on vacations and trust it to get excellent images.
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I would buy the product again
I had never used a wide-angle underwater but I used this lens at a digital shootout and really like it and found it very easy to use. It worked well with my Olympus EP-L3 underwater set-up.
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OK, but I'm opting for the Panny 7-14
While I liked this lens, and perfer its range to the Panasonic 7-14, the corner softness and red/blue fringing caused me to send it back. I'll wait until I can afford the Panny wide zoom.
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Great for outdoor video (via ND filter)
Great for outdoor video on the GH2, because you can use ND filters. Dramatic results when using glidecam or steadicam outdoors in bright sunlight (with ND 4 stop filter attached).
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Good lens for price
There is quite a bit of distortion wide open at the edges as expected for a lens this compact and cheap. Very lightweight and compact and for the price, it is adequate.
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I really like iti
after reading the reviews I was leery about getting this lens but I like it--I was not happy with my 7 to 14mm so I decided to get this one. I am very happy with it.
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Swell little lens
Landscapes, closeups. Use it for Panasonic Lumix G1. Cheaper than Panny 7-14mm, tho not quite as wide. Suits my purposes. Would be nice with an included lens shade.
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My new default lens
I love this lens. The image quality is great and its perfect for landscape shots an for group photos. Its the lens I use by default when I am out and about
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Great lens
Used with a hacked Panasonic GH1 mostly for video. Super sharp and fast auto focus. Incredibly compact and lightweight. I just wish it were a bit faster.
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Nice little lens
The thing that makes it nice is it's compact size. Unfortunately to achieve that size it's pretty slow. Nice lens for landscapes.
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Super Lens!
This is a great lens. Lightweight wide angle zoom lens! Takes great sharp photos and videos. Use it almost like a prime lens.
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Lightweight lens
There is a Pro version of this lens, but I could not afford it. I bought this one instead and have been very happy with it.
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Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 9-18 f/4.6 Lens
Love it. Good for photos of a wonderful restaurant that will be posted on the Internet. The wide angle is great.
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Does the job
I have used this lens primarily for city scapes. It fits my Panansonic G1 nicely and has produced sharp pictures.
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Great lens for underwater
I have only gone out twice so far but have gotten great underwater close up shots! Love the zoom capability!
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Excellent Sharp Lens
This lens is an excellent sharp lens with a very wide focal length. I would recommend this lens.
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nice small compact lens--sharp
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