Sony E PZ 18-105mm f/4 G OSS Lens

Stabilization to rival a Canon
I have used this lens for about 6 months on an a6500, nearly all for video handheld. I bought it for the purpose of a versatile, lightweight kit. I have found the OSS to be hit or miss across Sony lenses. Im used to Canons consistent and smooth IS on its lenses, but had not found a native E mount option with smooth stabilization until now. While shooting last week, I finally realized that this lens just felt like the IS I craved - the IS I was ... Show More
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Great one lens solution for a6xxx series
I was unsure if I wanted to carry a bigger lens (than the 16-50mm) but once I got it I was surprised it was not very heavy and not as large as I assumed it would be. The range is great for a single lens solution and I am pleased with the additional contrast that the 16-50mmm just does not have. The colors just pop more and it is on par with the 24-105 Canon when I used Canon gear propr. The build quality is very good and can carry this all day wi... Show More
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Great lens
I purchased this lens for my Sony a6400 and Im very impressed. There are countless reviews and YouTube videos covering this lens and I have found those reviews to be accurate. Fast and accurate focus and very sharp in the center, but a little soft in the corners. The lens is bigger than most for an crop body, but I have not found this to be an issue for me. I took the lens on a recent trip and this was the only lens I needed. Its very versatile f... Show More
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Favorite Crop Lens !!!
I have a few E lens for the A6500 but this is my favorite. The range is great (18-105), OSS works really well, the PZ function is really great for video and so is the constant f/4 ! Just when you think what else can i ask for .. this lens gives you all internal focus and zooming. So, nothing moves external to the lens body which i really love (just like the amazing 70-200 lens). The AF and zoom rings work well (albeit by-wire) and for stills, it ... Show More
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Beautiful Lens
I bought this lens in conjunction with my Sony a6300 and what an absolutely beautiful pairing. The lens is well constructed with mostly metal parts making it feel and look a lot more expensive than it is and for the price you really do get something special. Images are pin sharp. Amazing depth of field. Fantastic colours. For photos I used the manual zoom which is super smooth but am also able to use the remote on my Sony tripod when connected to... Show More
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Love this Lens! (18105 F4 G OSS)
Love this lens! I bought it to go with my A6000 and so far (a couple of months) I havent taken it off. The lens is so versatile and lightweight that I take it with me nearly everwhere I go. I love it for indoor portraits as well as landscape, beach shots, you name it! You really only need to consider all of the initials in the name G, OSS to realize that at this price point you are getting a bargain. I have had less PP work to do with this combo then I do with my A7r and 55mm F1.8! Most of the time photos taken in RAW are looking crisp and beautiful straight out of the camera!
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Decent Lens for the Money
I own a 5D Mark II as my primary camera and a a6300 as a secondary camera. As a Canon user, I've become accustomed to the quality of their L-series lenses. This Sony lens is pretty good, but it doesn't compare to a Canon lens costing twice as much, obviously. I have found it to be a good lens to use while on vacation, as it covers wide to telephoto really well. The bokeh it produces is pleasant to the eye too. It has definite positives, so it's a good purchase, as long as you understand the image quality isn't going to compare favorably against much more expensive lenses.
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Nice piece of glass!
This lens will probably be the work horse for my Sony a6300. AF is fast and precise. Lens may well be bigger than the a6300 body!? Does make handling the camera a whole lot nicer! Turning the Zoom ring is not like a Nikon lens zoom. Just different, but like the a6300, it's just a matter of getting use to the new feel of a different camera system! I like the zoom range, effective 24mm to 157.5mm, like the constant f4 across the range and the images are looking very good! So price point and image quality make this lens a definite keeper!!
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Based off of previews reviews
After reading many reviews and watching some YouTube reviews, this lens is exactly what I expected. Also want to give 5 stars to B&H, they are the best! I had a video shoot the day after I was shopping for this lens. Local photo shops did not have it and I knew I wanted it. I ordered it at 3pm. I got an email at 5pm saying it was shipped. Received it the next day around noon! (Only paid like $19 for shipping) very very pleased with that. Gave me plenty of time to check it out and balance it on my Ronin-M before my shoot that evening.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Based off of previews reviews
After reading many reviews and watching some YouTube reviews, this lens is exactly what I expected. Also want to give 5 stars to B&H, they are the best! I had a video shoot the day after I was shopping for this lens. Local photo shops did not have it and I knew I wanted it. I ordered it at 3pm. I got an email at 5pm saying it was shipped. Received it the next day around noon! (Only paid like $19 for shipping) very very pleased with that. Gave me plenty of time to check it out and balance it on my Ronin-M before my shoot that evening.
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Very nice multi-purpose lens
I bought this lens for my wife to use on her A6000. For the price the lens has worked very well and produces sharp clean images. Some distortion at the wide end as to be expected but nothing that cant be easily corrected in post. I have not used this lens for video applications so cannot comment there. The zoom and focus rings feel very nice and buttery smooth. Auto focus is quick and accurate I have compared this lens with the Zeiss 16-70 f/4 and the Zeiss is slightly better but for the cost in my opinion is not justified.
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Solid Zoom Lens from Sony
I use this lens on a Sony A6000 and I really like it. It auto focuses very fast and silent. I like the constant aperture; it's fast enough. I think the zoom range is good for my photography. Like all zooms, there are compromises and there are some good videos on youtube describing the advantages and disadvantages of this lens. Stopped down, it's sharp in center but the edges can be soft. But, I think it's a good lens to leave on the camera. I have read that it's good for video but I have only used it for still photography.
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Even Good For Video
I have only used it few time so far but on the new Sony PXW-FS7 the SELP18105 works well. The only complaint most of us have is the fly by wire focus ring. Video shooters tend to not use AutoFocus so we need a mechanically connected focus ring. With the built in lens correction in the FS7, the SELP18105 is sharp and the controls on the handgrip work for zoom and Iris. Not the fault of the lens but the FS7 will only correct aberations up to 1080p. Don't forget to turn on lens correction as it is off by default in the FS7.
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So far so good performance
I have it for a few weeks and I really liked it. Why do I like it? 1. The convenience of the zoom. I have the wide angle 17mm, 35mm, 50mm, and 85mm. If I use the 17mm, it's too wide to reach. If I use the 50 or 85, it's too close. This one will give me the perfect flexibility. 2. The bokeh is very good at F4 so it would match with the 50 and 85mm. 3. The all-around lens. I can use it for everyday use and it can do either wide or long and everything in between. Maybe I sacrifice on quality but I can't tell. Happy owner.
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I wanted to like this lens
I really wanted to like this lens. It is compact, reasonably light, constant aperture of f4, does not extend the barrel with zooming. And even a good balance with my NEX 7. But in the end I had to send it back because of the excessive pincushion distortion. It went from bad to worst as I zoomed out. To their credit B&H refunded my money. If you are going to shoot only stills and want to go to the trouble of correcting lens distortion then you will be OK. But I shoot video about 50% of the time and the distortion was NG.
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Versatile and good value
I use it on an A6000, mainly in a small studio setting with external flash. Pictures are great, on par with the SEL35F18 @ f4. Portraits are sharp and the prints look awesome. When using the remote app from my iPhone, it's pretty cool to be able to control zoom and focus remotely!! Beware that this lens with the pop-up flash will produce a shadow. Use an external flash or point the pop-up flash upwards. Also, when the camera powers down, it resets the focal length to 18mm. Besides this minor things, its a great lens.
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Very good walk around travel lens!
I was finally able to give this lens a good, hard test run on a 4 day trip in Cuba. My initial impression was that the AF was fast but always seemed to be a little off. With the focus assist on the a6000 this turned out not to be an issue at all. The photos look very sharp, even the raw images look pretty dang good with no edits. Great color representation and my shots in darker museums even turned out surprisingly good. This looks like it's going to be a great travel lens for me and I'm happy with my purchase.
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great for travel
This is now my go-to lens for trips abroad. I use this lens on a a7Rii (sort of a waste, right?). It takes very good, though not great photos, has an excellent range and feels very light on the camera... and it takes decent video. It is a lens that I don't have to change during vacation and well priced for the benefits it provides. For domestic travel and at home, I still use the Zeiss Batis lenses, as they are incredible. Unfortunate that it is not full frame and is only F4, but you can't have everything.
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Great for Infrared Use
I use this lens with my Infrared 720nm converted Sony a6000. Many of Sony's lenses are prone to hot spots when shooting infrared, but I found this lens to be excellent for infrared use. At 24mm there were no issues with hot spots all the way through f11. Minor hotspotting begins to occur at f16 and above but it's easily corrected in post. At 105mm there are no hot spots through f8 and only minor hotspotting at f11. The lens is very sharp, particularly in the middle, but still very decent in the corners.
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Great Benefit/Cost Ratio
I have this lens paired with my backup Sony A6000. They work very well together giving me fast and accurate shots. The lens focuses quickly with virtually no hunting and allows me to quickly shoot wildlife. The only con is the zoom, which is electric and cannot be cranked quickly to get a quick zoomed in shot. The zoom also uses battery power. It is otherwise very accurate and sharp with only some pillow-cushioning zoomed out. Minimal chromatic aberrations. I like that it does not bellow when zoomed.
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Good Performance. Detached experience for video shooters.
This lens is a great package. The Focal length, image quality, build quality and price all make this a lens I highly recommend. But when you shoot video, at some point you'll need to focus manually, and that's where this lens gets caught with it's pants down. The focus-by-wire makes manually focusing a weird, detached, guessing game, where results are hard to anticipate or guarantee. That said, the auto-focus capability of this lens is great, and certainly in certain video shooting scenarios.
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Solid all around lens
I bought this to go with my A6000 and so far I'm very impressed. I have a 24-105 canon and wanted the same length but smaller and easier to travel with. The weight is great and the image quality is lovely but the build of it feels a little cheap and the electronic focus and zoom isn't really my cup of tea. Ideal for anyone wanting a step up from the kit lens but not wanting to spend out on a Zeiss. On a whole it's a great lens and I think it'll stay with me a little longer then expected.
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Not bad on 6300
This is good for videoography with apsc mirrorlers but not good for photography becuse slow zoom ring and when it sleep and wake up it start 18mm reset my last mm. under 85mm over tecnical detail is not good corner. Video cons 1- its long for gimbal . 2- minimum focus distance is not enough. 3-body material look like hq metal , but very soft for demage. Pros Foto NO Video 1-internal focus 2-zoom button is very quality ( not like kit lens ) 3-light and chepar we need 16-50or70 2.8 :)
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Surpriziingly good and useful
My need was for a small telephoto zoom walk-around lens with very good quality imaging. This lens meets those requirements and more. It is surprisingly sharp (I suppose I read too many luke-warm reviews beforehand) and, although not tiny the internal zoom and constant f/4 make it unobtrusive and easy to use. I bought it for use on an a6500 when it arrives but the stabilization would make it perfect also for an a6000. Maybe Sony has done some improvements in this lens since its intro.
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