Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm f/4-5.6 Lens

Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm f/4-5.6 Lens



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Amazing small size, low weight, and high image quality.

May 9, 2017

I received yesterday the lens and I could not wait to try it on my Olympus Pen F camera. I was literally amazed by the small size, low weight and image quality when compared with my Nikon F3 HP, Nikon D7000 and my Sony A7R full frame lenses. Image quality, light weight and focal range are outstanding and ideal for any street photography outing. After the initial test, I will likely make this one of my standard lenses.

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Amazing small size, weight and high quality image.

May 9, 2017

I received yesterday the lens and I could not wait to try it on my Olympus Pen F camera. I was literally amazed by the small size, low weight and image quality when compared with my Nikon D7000 and my Sony A7R full frame lenses. Image quality, light weight and focal range are outstanding and ideal for any street photography outing. After the initial test, I will likely make this lens one of my standard lenses.

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Great size and weight

Oct 3, 2010

I wanted a wide angle lens for frequent interior architecture shots and was impressed by the write-ups I've read on this unit. Although the sharpness is OK I failed to find enough to warrant the price. I love the weight and size but don't like the plasticky feel of the lens or its aesthetic. At 14mm focal length, I could find little advantage of this lens over the wide end of my 14-140 Panasonic Zoom.

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Small and light

Nov 4, 2010

I use this lens for street shooting, architecture, interiors. The size and weight is amazing, I cannot think of any wide angle lenses that are even close to this for convenience. The collapsing barrel is something that some people hate. I appreciate the size benefits of collapsing it and it feels way more solid than the 14-42. Also AF is way faster..the 2 major complaints about the Olympus kit lens.

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Lumix Panasonic Camera issue with Olympus lens

Jul 24, 2018

Suddenly my Olympus 9-18 mm stopped working in my Lumix GX8 camera, sent all to Panasonic, no solution. Attempting to upgrade Olympus lens firmware on the 9-18 bmm lens to no avail, going in circles on that process. I'd avoid mixing lens with other camera brands, just about wrecked my vacation in Armenia, not worth the risk, luckily the combo died towards the end of the trip and I had 2 backups.

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M 9-18 wide angle zoom

Sep 14, 2012

Lens is pleasure to use on the EM-5. It is so small and light it now makes carrying my camera and lens tolerable. I have used it for about 2 weeks and so far I am happy with the image quality. Even wide open it is pretty sharp even at the edges, but I think my copy is sharpest around f11-f16. Only complaint is not with the lens but the fact Olympus does not supply a lens hood.

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Get the Big View from in Close

Jul 30, 2015

The M.Zuiko 9-18mm lens is light, compact, and easy to carry. I can have it with me when I need it. I did not think that I would use it as often yet it fits many more situations from landscape, interiors, to street shots. One of the great advantages is the ease of handling because of its size. You can change lenses without the fear of having it slip out of your hand.

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A great lens for hiking trips

Sep 9, 2015

Unlike most wide angle lenses, this one is small and light. The quality is great. One advantage of this system is that a f5.6 aperture gives a reasonable depth of field so you can actually use the lens wide open. I find myself carrying this lens along with the 45mm f1.8 prime for people shots and use as a moderate telephoto.

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Jan 25, 2017

The quality of the lens in awesome. It's a little odd having to unlock and extend the lens, but I can't argue with the images I capture. I would defininately recommend this lens to any one needing a wider angle of view. My G85 even reorts that the lens needs to be extended. Great work Olympus.

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Great so far

Oct 30, 2013

I just got this lens, use it on a GH3. Its is much smaller than I expected(not in a bad way) Micro 4/3 lenses and all small compared to larger Canon or Nikon lenses. Great for landscapes and action sports. I would reccomend buying an ND filter of some kind, it just enhances landscapes 10 fold

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Great things come in small packages!

Mar 29, 2011

The question for me was always do I get the Olympus or the Lumix wideangle lense. Having a Panasonic GH1 I was unsure whether there would be any issues using the Olympus lense. I'm happy to say there wasn't! This is a great little wideangle lense and i'd highly recommend it to anyone.

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Really Good

Aug 1, 2015

Great optical quality. Really good walk around wide angle lens. To its farthest zoom level is very usable and close to the perspective perceived by our eyes. An then, the wide side is impressive, great for architecture, museum, or just the wide angle effect! Compact, light well built.

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Soft and plasticity

Oct 23, 2015

Not sure how this lens gets good reviews. I've found it soft in the corners even when stopped down for landscapes. The dated, plastic design also does not inspire confidence. Olympus really needs to update this lens for those who don't wan to buy the higher ended Pro lens.

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Why Didn't I Replace This Lens Sooner

Dec 22, 2016

I purchased another copy of this lens in 2011 & had it for about a year when it was stolen when I lived in Uruguay. I love this lens! If you like wide angle lenses & have a micro 4/3 camera you will not be disappointed. I don't know why I waited so long to replace it.

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Just a little wider would've been great

Jul 11, 2013

The only reason I chose to keep the Lumix G Vario 1:4/7-14 over the M.Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm f/4.05-5.6 was because I needed to capture entire rooms and this lens just wasn't wide enough. But I loved how compact it was and it seemed every bit as sharp as the Lumix.

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Nice and wide without distorting.

Jul 5, 2010

I do a lot of garden photography for clients and this zoom wide angle to medium wide angle is excellent. At 9mm (18mm in 35mm equivalent) it gives a great span without distorting the sides (which happens if you get much wider). Feels solidly built and a joy to use.

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Fantastic Features in a Small Package

Jul 25, 2011

Since I purchase this I have shot about 100 pictures with it. It handles extremely well and the photos have been great. The lens is lightweight and with one other lens I can cover 9-150mm in just two lenses. For travel this is going to work beautifully.

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A great addition to my bag..

Jul 23, 2010

The addition of a wide angle zoom has greatly increased the type of shots I can take with my EP-2. The image quality and color has been great. The lock feature is handy sometimes and kind of a bother at other times, but I will probably get used to it.

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Really light and tiny

Jun 30, 2014

Used for landscapes and street shooting on an EM-1 and EPL-5. Sharp, light and very small. Collapsing it takes a bit of getting used to and it's not much good for low light unless you've got a tripod, but, for the price and size it's a terrific lens.

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Excellent Lens

Jul 18, 2014

Very good lens with just enough wide coverage. No noticeable fish eye effect. Have used it in several conditions (over bright sunlight; dim light) and performs just as expected. Also like the fact it can accommodate filters, which the Pannie cannot.

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Amazinly compact

Jan 8, 2014

I use this lens for landscapes. What is great is the compactness and lightness since I use it hiking. Since I began using the Mirrorless system (OMD M5) I have found that I can carry two lenses (14-150 mm and the 9-18 mm) to cover most situations.

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Excellent compact wide-angle

Apr 12, 2016

If I didn't already love the compactness of my Olympus Pen enough, this lens absolutely tops it. Amazing quality, and extremely wide angle. Brilliant for everything from indoor photography of small rooms to stunning landscapes and action shots.

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Most compact super wide angle lens ever

Mar 23, 2011

This lens provides the same field of view with the lenses with 12-24mm focal length on APS-C body, and its weight is only one third of those lenses. The collapsible design is brilliant. It is definitely one of the must-have lens for M43 user.

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Great little lens

Aug 13, 2015

Bought this as a smaller companion to the bulky Olympus 7-14mm f/2.8. While the OIympus offers a more robust body and a wider angle, this little lens can be taken anywhere without a second thought and it delivers great images.

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Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm f/4-5.6 Lens
$599 Used: $462.5 International shipping In Stock
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