Ultrasone Performance 840
A different sounding Ultrasone
I've listened to a few different Ultrasones from the HFI, PRO, and Signature lineups. Most have a house sound with varying emphasis on bass and treble, with pulled back mids. The performance series seems to be a different darker sound where bass is still emphasized, but mids are pulled forward without the usual bright sound. The resulting sound is more rounded out for vocal music, but less ideal for electronic and other genres that benefit from a... Show More
Reviewed on ThomannMusic.com
Bought this one after using 820 for more than 2 years. As the description says: apart from a glorious specey music scene that surrounds you, and all of the details, this pair is focused on bass - great if you're into any sort of electronic music - be it techno, psytrance, drum and bass or acid. Definitely worth the price!
Reviewed on ThomannMusic.com