Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm f/4 IS PRO Lens

The Ultimate Do-Everything 4/3 Lens
I came to 4/3 from 4/3, buying an E-M1 Mk2 as my first main 4/3 body (previously dabbled with the E-P1 and E-PL1) and the 12-100mm f/4 as my first 4/3 lens. I use the SHG ("super high grade") lenses from 4/3, as well as others that have been considered sharpest on the system (50mm f/2.0 and Leica D Summilux 25mm f/1.4), and the 12-100mm simply blew me away. The image quality even wide-open is stunning, and the in-lens stabilization combined with ... Show More
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Love This Lens
For me, this lens is the perfect combination of IQ, size, weight, and features. Yes, it's a bit on the pricey side, but I feel I got extremely good value for my hard earned cash. I just sold my Sony A7ii, with it's 24-70 f4 lens and 70-200 f4 lens, for about the same price as this lens and a GX8 body, and now I've got an all-in-one package that goes from 24-200mm (35mm equivalent) and is just a bit less weight than the A7ii and 24-70 combo. Yes, ... Show More
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Fabulous Lens
I bought this lens over a year ago specifically for travel. I have the set of zoom f2.8 PRO lenses for my Olympus OMD M-1 Mll but they are heavy and I wanted to reduce my carry by getting one pro zoom lens that would give me almost the same coverage. Despite the lens and camera's fantastic image stabilization capability I knew the f4 probably wouldn't be the best inside buildings and in the dimmer evenings so I also decided to carry the Pan Leica... Show More
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An Excellent All-Round Lens
The Olympus EM1 camera tempted me when it came out but the 12-40mm zoom didn't have the range I wanted and the 3-lens PRO setup pushed the total size and weight up near my Nikon DX gear. When the 12-100 and EM1-II came out I decided to give Olympus a try. I am extremely impressed with this lens (and the EM1-II). I have now shot more than 6000 images with virtually no disappointment. The few images that are marginal were caused by me moving the ca... Show More
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What a lens!
I purchased this lens primarily for motorcycle travel. I wanted one lens that could do it all while enjoying the hiways and byways of these great United States. The rugged build of all Olympus PRO lenses and it's resistance to water, dust and shocks make it ideal for this purpose. The compact nature of the M4/3 system allow me to easily fit camera and lens within a tank bag that I modified with some foam padding. Since it's arrival I haven't take... Show More
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Perfect Travel Lens
I typically don't buy lenses 'sight unseen' but felt comfortable doing it w/ this lens. My back still aches from a trip to South Africa, UK, France and Germany a couple of years ago where I lugged my Nikon D3s, Nikon 24-702.8 and Nikon 70-2002.8. That was one of the reasons I purchased an Oly E-M1 MkI (that and Nikon's laughable mirrorless entries). I have the Oly 12-40 Pro and Oly 40-150 Pro lenses for travel, but the 40-150 is a bit bulky while... Show More
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Good travel and everyday walk around lens
Bought this as a travel lens for my Olympus OMD M1 kit to reduce weight and volume. I just completed a trip to Scandinavia and Amsterdam and shot over 4000 images. I love the lens/camera stabilization system and occationally took hand-held shots down in the 1 to 1/2 sec range without too much issue when I didn't have time to change to my Leica 25mm f1.4 which was the only other lens I took. The overall image quality is on par with the other M.Zui... Show More
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Expensive but lightens the load.
After some wait, I finally got this lens (still waiting for the OM-D EM-1 Mark II) but used it with my EM-5 Mark II. I took it out to a nearby brick wall structure and shot at 12, 25, 50, & 100 mm at f/4, f/8, f/11, f/16 & f/22 and then examined the results on the screen on my MacBook Pro with a high definition screen. Sharpness looks excellent in this rough test over then entire range. Then went out to my favorite swamp for some landscapes and e... Show More
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According to LightRoom 85% of my photos are between 12-100mm
That got me thinking about the new 12-100 PRO from Olympus. I didn't NEED this lens yet, as my trusty Zuiko 12-60mm has long been my travel companion and shows no signs of quitting. Trouble is, I often want more than the 60mm provides on the long end. As a ONE lens solution it is, in a word, brilliant. PRO's: Focal range perfect for vast majority of shooting Build quality is exceptional Weather sealed Dual IS yields absurd stabilization on EM-1MK... Show More
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Not the smallest or lightest but superb quality all around
This definitely is the perfect all around and travel lens. Yes, it's a bit large and heavy for Micro Four Thirds standards, but it may as well be the only lens you take on a trip. I upgraded from the 14-150 mm f/4-5.6 II and definitely had to get used to more size and weight - but finally having 12 mm focal length (which is very important to me) is great. This and a fixed maximum aperture of f/4 as well as the incredible image stabilization is we... Show More
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Excellent Lens
I've been rationalizing my setup with the idea of reducing my bag full of glass to the minimum necessary to take on a trip anywhere without breaking either my back or my bank account. So now I have one body (Oly Pen F) and two lenses that give me a range of 24-420 mm). It's a little front heavy on my camera, but then it's a two handed setup anyway so no problem. So far, this 12-100 is proving to be a truly excellent piece of gear. It's built like... Show More
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If I had only one lens for travel with my PEN-F
I purchased this lens last year before a trip to Australia and New Zealand. I shot wide and tight, distance and close-up, day and night -- all with no tripod. I got excellent nighttime images, a few up to 2 seconds. This jewel proved to be worthy of all the praise, being the most versatile of all the micro 4/3 lenses I have owned. I use the 12-100mm on my Olympus PEN-F equipped with a JB Custom Designs third-party grip. With that arrangement, th... Show More
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A Superb Lens
I was using 2 f2.8 lenses to cover the range from 12-100mm and was reading some reviews complaining about the weight and partial macro capability. With my Olympus 12-40mm f2.8 and Panasonic 35-100mm f2.8, the combined weight was 2 lbs. With this lens, the weight is only 1.2lbs. And on my Olympus Mark II, it seems well balanced. The image quality is superb with razor sharp images and vivid colors in the full range of Wide angle to Full telephoto a... Show More
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Exceptional-One of the Best & Most Useful Focal Lengths
This lens is the perfect mate for the E-M1 Mark II. The lens is beautifully built, has a solid feel and impeccable finish. At all zoom levels, found the images to be extremely sharp, with good contrast and color. Shoot only RAW, after post processing the results are most satisfying. Also, own the Olympus 12-40mm Pro F2.8, which is terrific lens but falls short in the focal length (24-80mm 35mm equivalent). This lens' range is 24-200mm (35mm equiv... Show More
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Great all-around lens
I have this lens paired with an OM-D EM-1 Mark II. Ive now taken a few thousand photos with it. Ive taken it traveling. Though I havent done any systematic testing of it, Im fairly picky, and I find it delightfully sharp at all focal lengths and apertures, though I tend to use it either wide open or close to it. The focal range is extremely versatile, with the result that I basically never use any other lenses on the camera. The in-lens stabiliza... Show More
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Sharpest Olympus/MFT lens to date!
Having used pro level Nikon optics in the past and recently switching to Olympus MFT, I was, at first rather skeptical about this lens due to the price point however when I purchased this lens started using it, I was extremely surprised with the output. The constant f/4 aperture, unmatched build quality and the versatile focal range makes this lens an excellent 'always on' lens. Regarding size and weight, I find this lens to be of extremely light... Show More
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A great lens for the Pocket 4K
I already have the 12-40 Pro and Lumix 35-100, but needed a single lens for an upcoming job where it would be difficult to change lenses. I was worried because the 12-100 is only F4, which in the real world means about T5.6. Also there were a few negative reviews on the still sites. However, the 12-100 is a near perfect match for the 4K. Because the cameras capable of excellent images at high ISOs, F4 isnt an issue. The lens focuses smoothly bot... Show More
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excellent MFT zoom
This is an outstanding wide to modest-tele zoom, providing the FF equivalent of 24mm to 200mm with a constant f4 aperture. IQ of the central area at f4 is excellent for all focal lengths. By simply sliding the focus ring forward slightly you can shift to MF with the camera also shifting to MF mode, providing instant focus-peaking on screen and through the viewfinder. The Near-focus limit @ 100mm is into near-macro range, good enough for larger in... Show More
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I bought the 12-100 f/4 locally just yesterday and it is rapidly becoming my favorite lens. It is clear, sharp, and the 12-100 range (24-200mm in 35mm format) covers most of my shooting requirements. The combined in lens stabilization and in body stabilization in my OM-D E-M5 Mk II is astonishing, allowing hand held shots at 100mm using 1/4 second or even less. I have tried test shots down to 1 second with acceptable results. The lens is large, l... Show More
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Great All-Around: The Swiss Army Knife of Lenses in my Bag
Having most of the Olympus Pro Lens lineup to use I was skeptical about the 12-100 until I started keeping it on the EM-1 full time as a forced trial. I used it a running and triathlon events for sports shooting and at outdoor concerts as well. At first I turned up my nose at the f4.0 versus the 12-40 f2.8 Pro but the coordination this lens has with the camera stabilization is outright shocking. You can shoot handheld photos not only in incredibl... Show More
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To early to tell
I got this lens with a new Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II . To upgrade to the current firmware I downloaded a program from Olympus and plugged in the camera with the 12-100 lens on. The program said that the camera and the lens had new firmware. I followed the instructions upgraded both the camera and the firmware for the lens. After I was finished the lens stopped working with the camera dead and the firmware was not listed on the program checking on... Show More
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Incredible Range
I am amazed at the focal range of this lens. I purchased it to shoot video, but it is my go-to lens for everything now. I shoot dance performances, mainly on a stage with stage lighting. I was concerned with the minimum f/4 aperture my footage would be less clear since it would require longer exposures. However, I haven't noticed any degradation. The footage looks great. I was also a bit concerned about distortion. Again, very pleased w... Show More
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Best Lens I have Ever Used!
The lens has surpassed anything I have used. I am using this lens on my Panasonic Lumix GH5 and I have found the speed fast enough for videography, the constant F4 is very nice as well... One way it surpass the Canon Pro zoom lens I have been using is that the lens zoom ring has enough resistance that it does not zoom automatically/by gravity when the lens is pointed directly down, my Canon 24-105 zooms in just by gravity when I am photographing ... Show More
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If I could only have one lens
... it would be this lens. The perfect companion to the E-M1mII. I own a lot of m4/3 and other lenses that can be adapted to m4/3. This is the first lens I have bought that overlaps other focal lengths, and it is totally worth it. Weather sealing, new image stabilization, fast and quiet autofocus, wide zoom range, constant aperture, light weight for it's capabilities. Some will be put off by the "slow" f/4, but with the low light and new IS o... Show More
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