Vivitar 650-1300mm f/8 Telephoto Zoom Lens for T-Mount (Black)

Pretty good lens for the price!
I bought this lens to go with my Canon 6D Mark2. The lens is heavy, so if you dont have a strong tripod or do a lot of hiking with photography, or may not be for you. Quality wise feels well built. You have to slide the lens to get your zoom, and it can be kinda tough to slide if you arent supporting the end. Also its manual focus, so that can be challenging. But when get the hang of how best to move and use the lens, it can take quite good pic... Show More
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Good for the price
I use this with a Canon Rebel T3i to take photos of the moon and long distance outdoor photography. Can't argue with the price.
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Buen enfoque
Es un lente ntido con capacidad de enfoque. Aunque no me molesta es bastante pesado y debe considerarse un soporte acoplado en el trpode para su uso, tengo un 420mm-800mm y ese an se puede manipular sin soporte en este caso no. La queja que vi en muchos comentarios se cumpli y la cremallera venia rota, nada que no se pueda arreglar con una buena costurera y cambiarlo.
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Returned it twice
Returned it the first time for an exchange because the zipper on the case was broken. Returned it for a second time because the finish on the lens was stained/robbed off. Overall thelens was very clumsy and difficult to use, even on a tripod. I was very disappointed.
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Disappointed after a second try.
The first time I received the lens it seemed to be in good condition. Unfortunately the zipper on the case was broken. When I called B&H they were very helpful and had me ship the entire lens and case for an exchange. It arrived when I was out of town. Now that I am back I got a chance to open it. This time the case is OK but the finish on the lower end of the lens barrel is faded. This is a big disappointment. Unfortunately I am getting ready to go out of town again. I wish I had never ordered this lens. It seems Viivitar's lenses have gone downhill.
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1300mm less the $200? It's what you should expect.
I purchased this lens as a novelty, not expecting much for less than $200. This lens is, essentially equivalent to attaching your camera to a cheap telescope. It arrived with a pouch case with a broken zipper I am unable to reaffix, rendering it somewhat useless with out safety pins. The lens cap does not fit when the mounting adaptor is attached. The lens, itself is about the size of a baseball bat, when fully extended, weighing a hefty 4.4 lbs.... Show More
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Una imagen dice ms que mil palabras. Anexo una foto del ocultamiento de Venus el lunes 7 de diciembre de 2015. As se vio desde Mexico DF. ISO 125 1/2000 seg DF = 650 mm Nikon D750
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Es un pequeo telescopio refractor
Compr este telefoto para acercamientos a la Luna, paisajes y aves. Lo quise probar llevndolo al extremo. Anexo fotos de la Luna y Jpiter. Pude tomar foto de la nebulosa de Orin M42 y del cometa Catalina.Lo que me gust es la facilidad de enfoque, aunque de noche es un poco ms complicado.La calidad de imagen es buena an para 1300mm.Requiere un buen tripi por su peso y para tenerlo estable.
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Very Good Value
I wanted to take more detailed pictures of the moon, and distant landscapes and critters. The included hood screws into the 95mm threads. This is a good starter lens, but do not expect the performance of something costing thousands of dollars. I like the padding in the nylon case, but the lens just barely fits inside of it. You will not be able to leave a T-Mount adapter on it. You will need a strong tripod to support the weight the 4 lb. lens an... Show More
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Good first long lens
Have only had this lens a short time but has great potential for wild life shots, don't have to be as stealthy. It is heavy as advertised but for the price is a good first really long lens.
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Moon shots
This is an inexpensive lens which I bought to take pictures of the moon plus other celestial objects. It can be used also for long terrestial shots whenever high quality imaging is not necessary. It is heavy and requires a sturdy support in order to get the best from it. It could also be fitted with an eyepiece and used as a telescope. I'm satisfied with it, still experimenting and enjoying it.
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Pleasantly Surprised
Pleasantly surpised with this product. As lenses go its stupidly cheap for what it is. I've brought and used a few lenses over the years and generally the cheap ones have been smokey around the edges like a wedding effect or the focus as been loose and or gritty. Not this baby. The focus while manual is smooth and precise and I have been able to take constantly good pictures. The zoom on the other hand is a bit annoying and takes some getting used to (You get what you pay for). Definitly needs a good tripod. I've been using a fluid head I use for video. Awesome.
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Just read the review
Ok, I know this is not a High quality lens to begin with so there are some things you should know before purchasing. First of all it is heavy. If your like me and you do a lot of walking this could be a problem. You have to bring a sturdy tripod, the lens (4.4 lbs., and the rest of your camera equipment that you like. The next issue I encountered is that you have to have good light but, big but, The sun has to be directly behind and above you for... Show More
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Meets the criteria!
I must say, for a lens with such magnificant range, it cannot be beaten for the price! It's worthy of it's use for photographing birds high up in trees and in mountain regions where it meets the demands of a high powered telephoto. Though it is fully manual with fixed F stop range, if you know your stuff, you will not be discouraged. It is somewhat cumbersome to handle without a tripod due to all metal construction. Have a ballhead strong enough ... Show More
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It is what it is
This lens performs exactly how you'd think a 1300mm fixed-aperture lens would perform. I'll be using it to make soft photos in bright light of things very far away - which is exactly what it does and what I purchased it for.
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good for the $ & dos'nt feel cheap
pretty good pics if you use your camera right we take alot of wildlife photos at refuges so the zoom come's in handy you realy need to watch your lighting when taking shots ..
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I had heard so many bad things about this lens that I was afraid to buy it. It is AWESOME! You must understand that 1) THESE ARE ZOOM LENSES, SO YOU CAN'T USE IT TO FOCUS ON THINGS UP CLOSE! 2)THE MAGNIFICATION IS REALLY HIGH, SO YOU NEED A REALLY GOOD TRIPOD! 3)WHEN YOU MAGNIFY THINGS, THE IMAGES ARE NEVER AS CLEAR DUE TO THE DIFRACTION OF THE LIGHTS THROUGH THE AIR, THAT IS EXPECTED. So, if you are looking for very nice magnification, this is the lens for you. I am adding comparative images so you can see how nice the zoom is.
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