Olympus Fisheye Body Cap 9mm f/8 Lens

Olympus Fisheye Body Cap 9mm f/8 Lens



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71 Reviews

Great Little Lens!!

Jan 5, 2020

You cant go wrong picking up this gem for less than one hundred bucks. It is extremely small and easy to use. Its fixed f8.0 aperitifs is perfect for daylight and provides outstanding color and clarity. If you have never played with a fisheye lens, this is for you

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A creative bargain.

Jul 11, 2019

For the price this little( manual )pancake is a great purchase; Weighs almost nothing, makes no space demands on your camera bag, and will do things that the others can't......all for a song.

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Value and Quality

Jun 27, 2019

Takes very usable fisheye perspective photos with minimal fuss. This is terrific value all around.

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Fun, useful, small and (maybe) sufficient

Apr 24, 2019

I bought this for a trip to Nepal where we will be visiting several small Buddhist temples. Initial impressions are good. The 140-degree angle of view gives what I would call a semi-fisheye effect, and especially if there are vertical elements near the edge of the frame you will get distortion. As many others have said, the f8 fixed aperture does limit you to reasonably good lighting, and you must check the focus lever regularly to ensure it hasn... Show More

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Olympus Fisheye Body Cap 9mm f/8 Lens

Jan 3, 2019

My first time using it, all of the footage was blurry! I then found out that there are actually two fixed focus settings to use. Its real easy to bump the focus into the wrong setting. I wish they would click in place. The lens is very light weight. I use mine on a ZCam E1 camera. I do think that this lens is a little over priced though!

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A fun wide angle lens

Nov 5, 2018

This lens is sharp in the center but soft in the corners. I find the infinity focus setting is not usable as all the picture is soft. Setting focus to the hyperfocal distance (the dot) gives the best results. For the money, it is a good lens to dabble in wide angle photography.

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nice little gadget

Oct 23, 2018

grest value at this price fun to use- not as powefull as a true fisheye but still lots of opportunity to experiment

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For what is is, it's great!

Oct 3, 2018

Loads of fun. Makes my Pen e-pl8 a selfie video cam. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, but it also is the cheapest lens I own.

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A Surprise

Sep 9, 2018

Lens much sharper than expected. I use it as my 'journal' lens on guided walking tours to copy exhibits and captions, record via video the guide's narration. Need to set exposure comp at minus .3 or even .7 because white buildings are easily over exposed since they occupy a small area and under read by the light meter.

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Small and Compact --- Fits in Your Pocket

Jul 2, 2018

This is an inexpensive, fun and compact lens. I use it for special situations such as tall buildings or inside photos where there is not enough room to use a longer focal length lens. So small it fits in your pocket. Of course, it is a fisheye lens, so objects in the image are curved ... but that can add both interest and impact to your photo.

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Good for a low cost

Jun 11, 2018

The lens is of good quality and the photographs taken give a great algal coverage that allows taking pictures at close range with a large focal length. No focal faults detected. It is useful but can ruin photographs if you do not pay attention to the lens's approach.

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Nice lens for the price

Apr 22, 2018

Inexpensive, surprisingly sharp, and opens a whole new vista to my photography. The only con I have is, due to the angle of view, I have to make doubly certain my fingers don't get into the shot. :-)

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Olympus Fisheye Body Cap 9mm f/8 Lens

Mar 7, 2018

After taking both daylight and long exposed shots, I found this to be a great lens. My long night shots showed the white and red streams of car lights really well, using my tripod. Buy this lens, you will enjoy using it. Jim, Charlotte, NC.

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Great entry level lens

Dec 27, 2017

If you've never owned a fisheye lens before, this is a great lens to start with. It's cheap but does a respectable job. Has a "zone focus" lever which seems to work fine given the large depth of field on this f:8 wide angle lens. Great for situations in which you normally can't back up enough to get everything in the picture that you would like (e.g. real estate pictures, caves, etc.)

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Great little lens!

Nov 23, 2017

This one surprised me. It allowed me to get pretty creative with composition. It's small enough to fit in a pocket. No complaints

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What a surprise!

Oct 30, 2017

Like others, I was delighted to find how sharp this lens is for what it is. Yes, it's an f8 but, for me, this is an outdoor daytime lens and with the wide angle, f8 is just fine. Given the negligible weight and interesting perspective, a great add to your kit!

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What a great goofy little thing

Aug 31, 2017

This lens performs almost 10x better than I was expecting it. As far as fish eyes come this is by far my favourite simply for size and price alone. Fantastic low-light and extremely sharp for just how cheap this little guy is. Would buy again 10/10

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I love this lens!

Aug 21, 2017

I switched camera brands and sold my Rokinon fisheye lens. I didn't use it very much so I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a fisheye for my new Olympus EM-1 II. Then I ran across this inexpensive Olympus lens, read some reviews, and bought it. I'm very pleased with it! It is not 180 degrees. But is that a bad thing? I think not. I always had my feet or this and that in the Rokinon photos and they were very difficult to de-fish. This lens is... Show More

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Ultrawide you can carry

Jul 24, 2017

I don't have a M43 body. Bought this for my Fuji X Pro 2. Plastic mount easily machined to fit into Fuji X mount from generic extension tube. Photos are very sharp. Much better than I expected since I am using it with a sensor larger than it was designed for. Despite small aperture handheld indoor photos are excellent.

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Jul 3, 2017

When I first go this lense I didn't realize it focused by the little lever on the bottom. I just thought it opened up the lense cover, so at first I was shooting with this focused to far and got very blurry photos. Ounce you realize you want to 99% push it to where it clicks a little. You get shockingly sharp photos. Optics are of what you might find on a high end smart phone. Great for the money.

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Okay for what it is

Mar 29, 2017

It's pretty cheaply made. Within the first day the plastic on the lens had be severely scratched up and looks pretty bad now. In case you didn't notice, the focus is a weird little switch which is also a lens cap. Not a bad fisheye option for the price but I'd honestly suggest just invest another $150 and get the Rokinon 7.5 f/3.5. This is pretty much a toy lens and at f/8.0, without lights, really only is an option outside in daylight.

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Above my expectation

Jan 13, 2017

This little thing is absolutely above my expectation. Pictures tell all! See more of my photos taken by it, go to: http://www.mygalleryonline.com/photo/SA_2016_Best.htm

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Great purchase 9mm Olympus Fisheye Body Cap Lens

Jan 11, 2017

Bought this for my wife to round out her capabilities on her aging G3 camera. What a lark. Took a trip to SF and drove around all day...other than a few user error shots where we had the settings wrong on focus, it did an admiral job of shooting sharp wide shots that added more fun than I have experienced in awhile with shooting. Combined with DXO as the raw processor to straigten the shots later resulted in stunning super wide shots with two dif... Show More

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Must be a good and simple addition to the system.

Dec 16, 2016

I am very happy to get this one. But i did not have a chance to test the cap/lens yet.

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Olympus Fisheye Body Cap 9mm f/8 Lens
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