Panasonic Lumix DC-G9 Mirrorless Digital Camera Cine Kit

Impressed with features
Im a Nikon shooter and bought the Panasonic GX-85 on a whim. I was so pleased with it, I bought the G9. It also has been a pleasant surprise. Fast auto focus, face detection, great colors, sharp and video is excellent. The lens is sharp throughout the range and pairs with video very well. The only negatives so far is the shutter release has a hair trigger and manually setting the WB has been a must most of the time indoors. I have no regrets on my purchase.
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Nice Camera
The Panasonic G9 has some really nice features but I am disappointed that there are times when auto focus just wont lock on the subject. I experienced the same issue on the GX-8. Seems to occur during very bright light conditions with light-color backgrounds (reed grasses...). For me it occurs once every several thousand photos. This camera is still a great value. It has exceptional features and there is a large selection of quality glass available.
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Great upgrade from GX8
I have been using the Panasonic GX8 for two years. The new G9 is so much better. The auto focus is extremely fast and the stabilization allows me to hand hold shots with exposures longer than I could have imagined. The ergonomics are much better also. With the GX8 I often inadvertently hit a button on the back with my thumb; not with the G9. The body is larger and heavier than the GX8 but I can live with that. I am very happy that I upgraded.
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Absolutely Wonderful Camera
I'm not going to try and provide additional accolades to this fantastic camera. All the tech info, features and praise can easily be better obtained elsewhere. I'll just say that I've personally shot for decades. Long-time digital Nikon user and Panasonic Lumix user. Currently have Lumix GX-8, GH-5 and now the G9. I don't have a single negative thing to say and would instantly buy any one of my Lumix all over again. Love these cameras.
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The Best M43 Camera I've Owned
I've used the GX8, GX85, G85 and now the G9 and it's the best one yet! So good in fact, that I just picked up a second body for shooting events. Some folks seem to complain about noise at higher ISO values, but processing photos in DXO Photolab with prime denoise is like magic for higher iso shots. When you pair this body with some of the higher-end lenses from Panasonic and Olympus, the photos are absolutely stellar.
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Been waiting for this one!
I have been waiting for years for this camera ever since I migrated to MFT and specifically the Lumix system. I love the button placement, the menu system is easy to understand, the dials are intuitive and the ergonomics are perfect for my fat hands. I love the way this camera becomes transparent so I can concentrate on the art of photography rather than the mechanics!
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Amazing M4/3 Body
I've been a Nikon DSLR APS-C user for many years. This Pany G9 is excellent: feels great in the hand (nice grip), the image quality is really good (depending on the lens you use) and the colors are great too. For now, I'm having fun with the Pany 14 mm f2.5 and the Pany 20 mm f1.7. Feel confident to buy this camera, if it is your first mirrorless or M4/3.
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A beautiful camera in appearance and performance. I shoot with a lot of Legacy lenses and the image stabilization system is amazing for both Stills and video. The viewfinder is tack Sharp, which helps my legacy eyes focus my legacy lenses. All of which are reasons why I chose this camera over the Sony a7iii.As well as many in camera features.
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So far, so good!
I am still learning and breaking in my G9 but after just three weeks, I am so pleased with my purchase. The weight and location of controls/dials are ideal and what I was looking for in a mirrorless camera. I am extremely impressed with the touch screen response. I look forward to learning more about this camera and additional lens options.
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great piece of equipment
I switched from a GH4 and the difference in autofocus and low light performance is amazing. This is suited for the photographer in mind, I enjoy doing landscape, sports and wildlife and this baby did not disappoint. Still early in my ownership but the feelings are great already ! USed it for a wedding and performed great!
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Rating Error
I wrote a recent review on the G 9 and remarked at what a wonderful camera it is. Please understand the 2 star rating was a mistake that I could not correct on my iPad. This is a 5 star camera for sure in my opinion. The uploaded images are jpegs straight out of the camera and not edited at all.
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Im fairly new to photography with so much to learn but this camera makes me feel like its natural. It handles low light well for a MFT sensor and the video quality is great. I now own seven lenses and all are fairly priced. I cant wait for Panasonic to release the full frame next year!
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You cant beat the crop
The g9 may be the best wildlife camera to date. The price is perfect. 20fps is perfect an the 2X crop is a dream when shooting far. The actual image quality is beautiful. Great camera!! I bought as an purgarse to g7. I have full frame Sonys but just cant get away from micro 4/3s.
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G9 with 100-400
Bought expressly for bird photography. Very disappointed in the focus system particularly for Birds in Flight. This is the worst focus system ever for my bird photos. Shot every day for two weeks, using every focus area mode, etc. Terrible. Returning the system
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Great camera. Panasonic Lumix delivers more and more in every model they manufacture. The g9 is the perfect example of the perfect Micro 4/3ds camera. With the Leica/Panny lenses you have the best in photography...To me it just as good as a full frame and more.
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Fantastic EVF
The quality of the EVF makes transition from DSLR view finder easy. Ergonomics are out of this world. Buttons are really well positioned and the number of programmable buttons are outstanding. Only gripe is shutter release button is a little too sensitive.
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pretty decent in low light
I recently took a video of a Piano Performance. The Hall and the stage was poorly lit and in addition to that I wasnt allow to use lights, so I had to bump up the iso. I was pleasantly surprised, the G9 was much better under low light than my old GH4.
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Firmware 2.0 makes this camera as good as the GH5
I have and use the GH5, this G9 with new Firmware(2.0) update focuses faster then the GH5, the ergonomics are better and the G9 is a better hybrid camera for both still and video. The recent Holiday deal made the purchase a no-brainer.
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Fantastic Camera
This camera exceeds all my expectations. Focus is quick and accurate and range of features that are great. Photo was shot using the Panasonic Lumix G9 and the Laowa 7.5mm lens. Exposure was 20 seconds, f/2.0 and ISO 1600.
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Perfect Camera
I gave a number of Lumix cameras but the DC-G9 has become my favorite. It is a still shooters dream come true. All the buttons and dials are perfectly placed. I enjoy dong wildlife photography and it is the ideal camera.
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The G9 might just be the best one ever!!
I have been shooting for many years, about 71 !! I believe that the G9 may be the best I have ever used, and I have shot everything. However sometimes I wish the sensor was a tad bigger. :)
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Super Camera!
Great solid feel ... love this camera with the additional battery grip. Reminds me of the feel of a Nikon F5 which I loved. And of course the quality images are superb!
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Lumix G9 W accessory kit
Have used now for couple of months and liking it more , but lots of features to learn coming from Nikon for over 40 years. And as always great service from B&H.
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Great quality
I bought this body to update my four thirds kit. Great quality, easy to use and great ergonomics.
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