Apple 27 iMac Pro with Retina 5K Display (Late 2017)

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Crackerjack computer!
Got the base model for a great price from B&H - its a day and night difference from using my two year old i7 27 iMac, which was the highest end one at the time I could buy - it would crank up the fan for any serious work, the iMac Pro barely breaks a sweat at video processing and Xcode compiles. So far so great!
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
The iMac Pro is a steal at $4,999. A similarly configured Lenovo workstation plus a 5K monitor is over $7,000. If you work with video, large datasets, modeling, and other demanding tasks, and you are short of cash, get a second job and buy an iMac Pro.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Great Machine
Beautiful screen and excellent speed. Still migrating files and completing setups, but very impressed so far. Of course, I'm coming from a Mac Pro 2010. However, right now it's everything I expected and hoped for. Better be for the price though.
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iMac Pro, the SPEED DEMON!
As a professional Graphic Designer, you need speed and reliability under pressure. The new iMac Pro checks all the boxes, allowing me to work more efficiently than ever before. If you can afford the investment, you will not be disappointed!
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So far so good.
So far this thing is amazing. It handles most everything we can throw at it, including some pretty effects-heavy 4K. The biggest issue so far is networking a connection fast enough to handle what this machine can process.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Worth every penny...
The new iMac Pro is worth it. It's fast with large I,age files and really smoke with video processing (DaVinci Resolve). Paired with the G-Shuttle TB3 RAID I purchased with it, it's a great system.
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iMac Pro replaced my 11 year old Dell XPS 700...
It take awhile to go from MS Vista to Apple OS X but I have completed the change-over. It's not difficult just time consuming to learn a new OS and get my old files copied over to the new system.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Love this mac
Coming from the trash can Mac to this machine has been a huge improvement... and to not have to wait 2-3 weeks for Apple to build and send it to me was a huge plus! Great customer service too.
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Super iMac!
Pleasure to use. Was a simple task to transfer all from my previous I-7 iMac and was up and running in an hour. Make quick work of videos. Hoping for ten years of service from this purchase.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Great computer
I got the 10 core and have had this around 2 weeks have my old apple 27" monitor working for duel setup. Runs as it should for the cost, I would expect nothing else then 5 stars.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Just what the Dr ordered!
I've been waiting for a more powerful iMac.... Wish granted! This machine is plenty fast for all of my Image work. Quick file management and retouching. And it looks great!!
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My first Mac, and it is a beaut
Excellent machine but they should have put ports on the front... had to add on a USB hub device for convenience. Have only had the mac for about two weeks but no complaints.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
It's pricey, but it really does the job. To be able to edit 4K footage without endless hiccups is a joy. The screen is great and the renders are fast. What's not to like?
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Dream Machine
Finally the iMac does everything you want it to: fast in everyday life, 4k video editing, picture manipulating and exporting. Haven't hit the limit yet
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
iMac Pro lives up to the hype
If you are a Mac user you will love this machine. I use Lightroom, Final Cut Pro x and Ableton Live 9. Replaced a 2011 27" i5 quad that still works.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Updated from a late 2009 iMac. This thing is a screamer. Very fast. Handles my large digital illustrations and videos with ease.
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Pricey But Fast Ram Upgrades aren't cheap!
Pricey Nice Fast machine. 800 for 32 gigs of ram Apple you should be ashamed! As usual B7H comes thru on customer service!
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Great product
Screen looks amazing and I like there is no tower. Takes up very small amount of room and amazingly fast processing power.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
Glad I bought the computer with B&H
I upgraded from 2012 iMac 27. such a big difference in all aspect of use. Great deal through B&H/AI. Very happy.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
This is fast and powerful, I just upgrade my 2013 Mac Pro to this IMac Pro and its amazing.
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Got to go to Heaven before I died.
Nothing to compare it to. Speechless. Blown away seems inadequate. Steve Jobs lives on.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video
$11,000 plus mistake
Don't buy one of these until Apple sorts out the bugs. I'd return mine if I could.
Reviewed on B&H Photo Video